IT Park Jizzax

Chat: @jizzax_dastur

Instagram: @itpark_jizzax
Phone: +998990451199
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Воқеа ва ҳодисага гувоҳ бўлдингизми ?
бизга юборинг ? @Sunnatik_Uz

Everyday Interesting, Videos and Photos!

Реклама: +998999090909 @KDREKLAMA

?643092-сонли гувоҳнома асосида фаолият юритамиз

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

@Inlineuz - futbol bo'yicha yetakchi kanalga xush kelibsiz !

? Reklama xizmati: @Inline_reklama

? Murojaatlar uchun: @Inlineuz_bot

Last updated 3 months, 2 weeks ago

 «Eslating! Zero eslatma mo'minlarga manfaat yetkazur...»
(Zoriyot surasi 55-oyat)


Last updated 1 year, 7 months ago

3 Wochen, 4 Tage her
[#digest](?q=%23digest) [#event](?q=%23event)

#digest #event

👍 Upcoming events and key highlights of the week

📌 IV International Management Forum in Tashkent

Theme of the Forum: "Human. Culture. Growth."
A fresh perspective on unlocking human potential and managing talent through cultural transformation.

Date: January 30 to February 2
Location: InterContinental Tashkent

📌 Founders from Central Asia in StartX! Will You Be Next?

Partners of IT Park Uzbekistan - StartX, Nazarbayev University, SIT Foundation and Silkroad Innovation Hub, have launched a call for applications for founders from Central Asia to participate in the prestigious StartX Acceleration Program based at Stanford University.

Deadline: February 3

📌 Crowdsourcing Contest: Design a Logo and Merch for Creative Incubator

Creative Incubator invite all young creatives to the newly launched Crowdsourcing Platform in Uzbekistan! Participate in the first crowdsourcing contest and earn rewards!

Deadline for first round of submissions: 5 February 2025

📌Pitch Perfect: A Startup Roast & Refine Session by IT Park and Plug and Play Uzbekistan

Plug and Play Uzbekistan and IT Park Uzbekistan are teaming up to bring you a unique startup roasting event. This isn't your average pitch session – it's a chance to practice your pitch in a supportive yet challenging environment, get expert feedback from global leaders, and refine your presentation skills.

Date: February 5 at 18:00
Location: IT Park Mahtumkuli

📌 Uzbekistan Tech Conference in the UAE

We’re excited to invite IT and service-oriented companies to the Uzbekistan Tech Conference, where you can discover new possibilities for business growth, optimize costs, hire multilingual talents, and leverage Uzbekistan’s growing market. This is the event you don’t want to miss!

Date: February 13, 15:00
Location: Dubai

📌 Uzbekistan Offshore Outsourcing Conference

We are excited to invite you to the Offshore Outsourcing Conference — your gateway to exploring Uzbekistan as the emerging global IT hub offering world-class opportunities.

Date: February 26–27, 2025
Location: Conference Hall, Ministry of Digital Technologies

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3 Wochen, 4 Tage her
***👍*** **Hot Job Openings from IT …

👍 Hot Job Openings from IT Park Members

📌 Senior Backend Developer (Go Lang)

- Advanced Expertise in Golang
- System Architecture
- Database and Data Management
- Caching and Performance Optimization
- Cloud Infrastructure and Containerization
- CI/CD and Monitoring
- Security
- Technical Leadership
- Problem-Solving
- Mentorship and Communication

📩 Submit your CV via LinkedIn:

📌 HR Specialist

- Full-cycle HR documentation management
- Processing hiring, transfers, and terminations of employees, maintaining staffing schedules
- Preparing employment contracts, additional agreements, and liability agreements; maintaining employee personnel files; processing T2 forms
- Creating, managing, and maintaining vacation schedules; processing and recording orders for all types of employee leave
- Managing and storing work record books and inserts
- Preparing HR documentation for inspections by government authorities
- Developing job descriptions

📩 Send your CV via Telegram: @Alex_Hall

📌 Sales Department Manager (Export Focused)

- Strong understanding of agricultural products (especially fresh fruit, with a focus on cherries)
- Owns a personal vehicle
- Strong financial and accounting skills
- Proficiency in Russian (C1) and Uzbek
- Knowledge of English or Korean is an advantage

📩 To apply, fill out the form:

⚡️ Don’t miss the chance to grow your career and explore international opportunities!

📩Telegram 📱Facebook 📱 Instagram 📺Youtube 🌐 LinkedIn 🐦 X

4 Wochen, 1 Tag her
**IT Park tomonidan tashkil etilgan Local2Global …

IT Park tomonidan tashkil etilgan Local2Global dasturi bilan yangi bozorlarni zabt eting!

"APAC" mintaqasidagi eng rivojlangan texnologiya bozorlarida yangi imkoniyatlarni kashf qilib, biznesingizni yangi darajaga olib chiqing.

Local2Global, IT Park tomonidan qo‘llab-quvvatlash dasturi, 2025-yil aprel oyida Yaponiyaga va Koreyaga biznes safarlari uchun arizalarni qabul qilishni boshladi.

🇯🇵 Local2Global.Japan: Yaponiyada yangi hamkorliklar va biznes imkoniyatlarini rivojlantiring
Sana: 20–26 aprel

Dasturning asosiy jihatlari:

- IT Park konferensiyasida ishtirok etish
- Yapon kompaniyalari bilan B2B sessiyalarida ishtirok etib, biznesingizni taqdim etish
- Osaka'dagi yirik ko‘rgazmaga tashrif
- Tokio'dagi ko‘rgazmada maxsus stend bilan ishtirok etish

📌 Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish:

🇰🇷 Local2Global.Korea: Koreyada yangi biznes imkoniyatlari va mijozlarni toping
Sana: 22–27 aprel

Dasturning asosiy jihatlari:

- Seuldagi ko‘rgazmada maxsus stend bilan ishtirok etish
- Koreya kompaniyalari bilan B2B sessiyalarida biznesingizni taqdim etish

*📌 Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish:*

Qo‘shimcha qo‘llab-quvvatlash: Ushbu safarlar davomida hamkorlik o‘rnatgan rezidentlar safar xarajatlarining 50% gacha qoplanishiga ariza topshirish imkoniyatiga ega.

*🔥 Ariza topshirish muddati: 31-yanvar*

Joylar cheklangan—o‘z o‘rningizni kafolatlash uchun hoziroq ro‘yxatdan o‘ting! 🚀

📩Telegram 📱Facebook 📱 Instagram 📺Youtube 🌐 LinkedIn 🐦 X

3 Monate, 2 Wochen her

The regional ITES exports have grown almost 4 times, which is a clear sign for you to look for opening your outsourcing delivery centers in the regions of Uzbekistan!

Around 25 foreign companies open offices in Uzbekistan every month, so don't miss this opportunity to grow your business with us! Especially with the Zero Risk programme in the regions.

More at:

3 Monate, 2 Wochen her
***?*** **IDEATHON - Yosh dasturchular tanlovi**

? IDEATHON - Yosh dasturchular tanlovi

Tanlovda IT sohasiga oid startap goyalari mavjud bolgan 16-30 yosh oralig`idagi yoshlar ishtirok etishlari mumkin.

?Startap goyalar yonalishlari: - Talim, Sogliqni saqlash, Turizm, Transport va logistika, Tadbirkorlik, Ekologiya, Davlat xizmatlari, Robototexnika. Energetika, Qurilish sohasi, , Qishloq xo’jaligi, To’qimachilik va yengil sanoat.

?Tanlov natijalari bo’yicha gʼoliblarning roʼyxati asosida tantanali taqdirlash oʼtkaziladi hamda tanlov gʼoliblari tashkilotchilar tomonidan texnik qurilamalar bilan taqdirlanadi.

?Tanlov 6-dekabr kuni Jizzax shahrida bolib otadi va tanlov uchun ariza topshirish muddati 1-dekabr sanasigacha davom etadi.?

3 Monate, 2 Wochen her
We recommend to visit

Воқеа ва ҳодисага гувоҳ бўлдингизми ?
бизга юборинг ? @Sunnatik_Uz

Everyday Interesting, Videos and Photos!

Реклама: +998999090909 @KDREKLAMA

?643092-сонли гувоҳнома асосида фаолият юритамиз

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

@Inlineuz - futbol bo'yicha yetakchi kanalga xush kelibsiz !

? Reklama xizmati: @Inline_reklama

? Murojaatlar uchun: @Inlineuz_bot

Last updated 3 months, 2 weeks ago

 «Eslating! Zero eslatma mo'minlarga manfaat yetkazur...»
(Zoriyot surasi 55-oyat)


Last updated 1 year, 7 months ago