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🦋| Ᏼᴧᴀдᴇᴧᴇц -> @Gerasim_3
🦋| Ᏼыдᴀчᴀ ᴨᴩиɜᴏʙ -> https://t.me/+se3b_vMmUlExYmIy
🦋 | Пᴩᴀйᴄ нᴀ ᴩᴇᴋᴧᴀʍу -> @reklamsi

🦋| Ꮋᴀ ᴏᴛᴨиᴄᴋу ᴨᴏ ᴨᴏʙᴏду ᴨᴩиɜᴀ дᴀᴇᴛᴄя 10 ʍинуᴛ!
бᴏᴧьɯᴇ 3 ᴄᴏᴏ. нᴇ ʙыдᴀчᴀ.
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