Data Driven SEO

My Goal is to Make SEO industry Data-Driven
10 months, 1 week ago

How to rank websites on .com (top level domains) in different GEO’s and compete with competitors using local domains?
After Google removed the feature in Search Console to add a country for domain, subdomain or folder it started to be a bit harder to rank websites faster in specific countries with TLDs.

Let's brainstorm here ways you can do it, so it can be helpful for everyone.

In my checklist it’s (from highest to lowest):
1. Local links (for example: .ch):
- Local Newspaper/media sites
- Local Directories, Listings
- Any local websites on local domains

2. Local Address (Google my Business + proper Schema setup on the website)
3. Local phone number
4. Foundational on-page:
- Html lang (for example: html lang="de-CH)
- Location in Title
- Location in Description
- Location in H1
- Location in text
- Text written by local copywriter or proofreader (for example: Swiss German)
- Location in Schema

5. Hrefs langs + linking (if it’s network with multiple GEO’s)
6. Using country keyword in the domain (for example: swiss + keyword .com)
7. Local IP address (local hosting provider with local IP - not sure it helps a lot, but still)
What else can you do to make the .com domain more relevant for specific GEO? Any thoughts?

11 months ago

Bringing Back Organic Traffic After Google’s Helpful Content Update
Or how we went From 0 to almost 200K in Monthly Organic Traffic on an iGaming Website

It’s not that hard to rank a new website to the top.

It’s way harder to stay in the top for main money keywords, your competitors will never leave you alone.

It’s way harder to recover a website that was a top website before and dropped because of Google’s Helpful Content Update.

I like SEO audits a lot, because it’s not only about the SEO basics, but identifying the real issues and fixing them.

Check out our case study for an iGaming website that:
- We ranked from 0 to 160K organic clicks per month
- Dropped after Helpful Content update
- Recovered in traffic

Now the website is about to hit 200K clicks of organic traffic per month.

Read full case study here: