·• Where ideas are birthed
and dreamers frequent •·

× Corrupt Criminal ×
× Aching Addict ×
- - - - - - - ∞ - - - - - - -
× Honest Hippie ×
× Peaceful Poet ×

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Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago

1 Jahr, 5 Monate her

I'm going to throw a few poetry contests through DreamScape soon. Nothing too crazy–only one a month. Each one will have different rules and guidelines.

? This idea stems from a dream I have, where the people who live to create and express themselves can unite and engage with each other in a more personal and direct way. All of us with a common goal..

? There are so many passionate and expressive individuals writing on Telegram, and I think that a contest would be a fun way to step outside of our comfort zone, crawl out of that same old trench we've been wandering in, and challenge ourselves to trying something different.

? Who knows, it might be exactly what we need to get those creative oozes flowing and spark some renewed interest in experimentation. ?

? I chose this idea because I'd have fun doing it, so I figured maybe I'm not alone. ?‍♂

? Bot in profile is fixed ?

1 Jahr, 5 Monate her

*In the cage of our freedom,
We have crafted our chain.
We savoured the pleasure,
While feasting on pain.

We poisoned our bodies,
To feel alive in our mind.
We hoarded the money,
While we wasted our time.

We mapped out our morals,
But the lines have all blurred.
In the large book of life,
We were only one word.

On the canvas of chaos,
We sketch out our fate.
For we are all dreamers,
Sleep walking while awake.*

·• TreeThugger •·

#treethugger #paradox #poetry

1 Jahr, 5 Monate her

Father's Day is like Hanukkah - another holiday I don't celebrate - because I'm not a part of that religion.

·• TreeThugger •·

#quote #treethugger

1 Jahr, 6 Monate her

Fragile Nonetheless

So important our plans,
So unique our problems,
Yet we all burn
Under the same sun.

·• TreeThugger •·

#inevitable #treethugger

1 Jahr, 6 Monate her

*Hello everyone and thank you for joining me in this journey!

I hope these pieces can bring but a fraction of the comfort they have given me while writing them.

These words have helped me find a new path to my personal freedom through self-expression and have been my greatest relief during the past few months.

My main channel is here, where I post anything and everything to do with life, art and creativity:*

With love and respect.
·• TreeThugger •·


·• Waking Dreams Blog •·

·•°• ⟨W∆KINGD₹E∆MS⟩ •°•· ·• Finding Freedom In Words •· ·• Meditation Through Expression•·

*Hello everyone and thank you for joining me in this journey!
1 Jahr, 6 Monate her

Don't be fooled:
Your in prison too.
The only difference
Is that my bars aren't hidden.

·• TreeThugger •·

#prison #treethugger

1 Jahr, 7 Monate her

"Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will."
-Suzy Kassem


1 Jahr, 7 Monate her

If you asked me for advice on how to behave,
I wouldn't have a clue where to begin.
But, if I did offer you some wisdom,
I'd tell you to take my opinions lightly.

I am countless gallons of water wasted,
The release of heaven's constraint,
A free falling plunge of a waterfall,
Whose influence can etch a story of chaos
Upon Earth's most resilient, cold rock.

Let me ask you:
Does the rain apologize
For flooding a neighborhood,
Or for its rainbow placed in the sky?

Should it promise dry land
Or a stomach full of food,
When its very nature
Is to quench thirst?

·• TreeThugger •·

1 Jahr, 7 Monate her

·•°• Bloom •°•·

Every day blooms with new beginnings,
Pollinating life with possibilty.

To the uninitiated it may look like madness,
But with the right eye, you can see:
The sequence in the shuffle.
The manner in the mayhem.
The design in the disorder.

The worst thing we can do
Is nothing.
To deny our interests,
Restrain our passion.

So go forth - don't look back until it's over.
Worry about the mess you made later,
When the picture you envisioned is complete.

And when you color it in,
Be willing to slip outside the lines.
Color right off the page:
Onto your desk.
Your clothes.
Your skin.

Because boundaries can be dangerous.

Paddle out -
Past the shallow waters of comfortability,
And into the deep end,
Where the bottom can't be found.

If you need to close your eyes, you can.
Discover your fears were made of mists.

Now you can do anything.
Now you can focus.
Now you can bloom.

·• TreeThugger •·

#treethugger #inspire

1 Jahr, 7 Monate her

*I met a girl the other day.
She told me not to get attached,
And that one day she'd be gone.
I wanted to ask her: "Why?"
Why won't she let flowers grow?
But by then she had already left.

·• TreeThugger •·* #treethugger #dark #heart

We recommend to visit

Community chat: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_chat_2

Website: https://hamster.network

Twitter: x.com/hamster_kombat

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HamsterKombat_Official

Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot

Last updated 4 days, 21 hours ago

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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago