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2016. The American elite rubs its hands as it relishes the idea of defeating VVPutin, embraces promises to finance and arm Ukraine, calling on idiots to fight and die for the Deep State's wet dreams.
Empire. There was only one empire in the world in all of history. An empire to exist and be feared uses weapons and a crown, surrounds itself with slaves and sycophants, wears jewelry stolen from the people it oppresses, feels above everyone (the chosen ones), wears ridiculous scepter and costly ermine capes, rides in a golden carriage and has its enemies killed. An empire exercises total dominion, no matter the means.There was only one empire with these characteristics in the world. Feared, hated, made up of robbers, murderers, criminals of all kinds. All empires in history books are paper empires, they never existed, not even the recently invented Tatar (Tartaria) **empire. The previous glorious civilization was never an empire, it was just a gigantic gathering of provinces, of independent city-states. There were no kings there, much less emperors, dukes or princesses. There were only men of value. The braves. The extinct race.
The evil empire is doomed to fall.
© MR**
Languages. When interacting with other languages, it is easy to see how they resemble cakes from the same oven. Watching a film in Korean, I heard French verbs and a All right in Russian being a common part of the language. To my surprise, I managed to understand the meaning of a speech in Romanian, a language I had never heard before. Spanish is very easy, spoken Italian can be understood. French doesn't count because I've been reading and speaking it since I was a child. German is a little more difficult. The syntax of all languages is the same, grammar rules change. The same word, spelled similarly in two languages, sometimes has opposite meanings, different characters were created for languages that were intended to be inaccessible. One language has inverted accents, the other has no accent at all. In short, I wonder if one day a group of philologists sat down at the table to create Babel. In one fell swoop, they would divide the world more efficiently than any border. They shoot horses, don't they?
© MR
Zeus. I'm working on my video, so I bring you an excerpt from an essay written by me in October 2017. "The previous world was divided between twelve governors, the historical twelve Knights of the Round Table or Olympus Gods, and prospered alongside the more distant city-states and provinces, encompassing the entire world. It remained that way, vast and in harmony, until years ago, with the first cracks. The subversion would begin when parasites, financial agents in important positions, notaries and operators of vast sums of money, organized themselves in secret circles to corrupt, entice, kill and betray. They surrounded and seduced governments, infiltrated and recruited protectors, acted undercover as religious, confessors and advisors, immersed themselves in conspiracies, crimes of greed and internal struggles, attracted by the power, gold and vast riches of independent cities. They provided money with interest and developed the practice of usury, a crime prohibited in the old world."
© MR
Caserta, Naples. When was built the largest palace in the world located 35 km from the port of Naples, whose facilities made up a true city, housing the entire elite of Naples and Sicily, with military and administrative facilities, high command offices, troop barracks, library, opera hall, university, 40 monumental rooms richly decorated with frescoes, the entire set being fed by an aqueduct, self-sufficient in energy and food? Of course, we cannot seek any explanation from the nonexistent Italian architect Mario Gaetano Gioffredo, designated by history as the author of the first project, who even went blind after creating this marvel, the same case as the architect of the Red Square power station known as St Basil's Cathedral. I say that it was built not in the 18th century by the fictional House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies but when the Earth began to function. Naples was then the world's main port, defended by several nearby fortresses in Herculaneum and Pompeii. Guess the rest of the story ;))
© MR
Days of sorrow. When you start reading the news daily at the age of 13, it becomes clear how everything has deteriorated over the years. We were deceived. Backtracking has always been the parasites' plan, accompanied by tightening the screw. At the beginning of the century, Russia was violently destroyed by Westerners dressed up as Bolsheviks. Seventy years later, financially crushed by Western international financial agents. We will not forget, we will not forgive, Russia always repeats. Nothing will bring back the splendor of the past, the magnificent days when simple living was savored with intense contentment. Life was a joy, a jewel that sparkled. Now, our tormentors have grown old, they are erratic, making mistakes. Communism and socialism labeled democracy stinks all over the world. Only the blind cannot see. The sky will collapse on their astonished heads. New things will come. Time undoes everything, even the knots in the most diabolical plots. Parasites head for the tomb. It's their swan song.
© MR
Cause and effect. There is a lot of talk about historical untruths. Conspiracy theories related to non-existent events or people, historical idiosyncrasies and 1,350 ghost years are recurrent in my texts. However, I have never addressed an even more serious aspect that can profoundly impact our knowledge, our view of the world. Today I thought about writing a text on the phantom loves of Elizabeth I, the strange witch who would have faced the powerful Spanish Armada with the help of her favorite pirate, Sir Francis Drake. But something more urgent attracts me. I would like you to think about the concrete possibility that all the historical events that chronographically fill our spatial timeline, establishing references, possibilities, connections and conclusions, are just meaningless numbers thrown to the wind. Then we will see ourselves as tightrope walkers crossing space suddenly supported by the unsustainable lightness of the air ;))
© MR
The lighthouse at the End of the World. Jules Verne wrote an adventure novel with this title, published posthumously in 1905. The stratagem of calling something that was written by third parties and that needs to be added to the work of a certain character a posthumous work is very useful. The adventure would have been inspired by an isolated lighthouse that actually exists on Isla de los Estados, near Tierra del Fuego and Cape Horn. The book revolves around the futile attempts of some pirates to capture and destroy the lighthouse. Their intentions are thwarted. The lighthouse's heavy, bolted, reinforced steel door keep out intruders. The (British) pirates end up giving up and fleeing the scene. The lighthouse was built on a 36 meter high hill and the tower have 30 meters high. The headlight's carbon arc lamps were powered by a steam-powered magneto. The light that a lighthouse emits, through lamps and Fresnel lenses, is eternal. What prolongs the light of a lighthouse for eternity? Mercury, of course.
© MR
When you destroy a civilization, something needs to be put on the shelf for future generations. But you don't want to relive what you destroyed. You can't. So you invent it. All the inventions begin with science. As there is no studies on the subject yet, it needs to be produced little by little, hiring anonymous writers. They will write articles on geography, history, science and technology in the form of straight prose stories or compelling adventure tales, accessible to the general public. They will inaugurate a new genre, the romance of science, incorporating large amounts of information obtained from real past technologies, mixed with inventions, lies and distortions. Thus, through a careful work of filtering and collecting scraps of geological, geographical, hydrological, botanical, physical and astronomical knowledge, the great scientific framework would be born to narrate the history of the universe for foolish generations to come. Verne, Dumas, Victor Hugo, H.G. Wells participated in the plot.
© MR
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