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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
What is a Nautical Mile?
The origins of the nautical mile trace back to ancient seafaring civilizations, where mariners relied on celestial observations and instruments like astrolabe, magnetic compass, chip logs and sextant to navigate vast expanses of open water. Measuring angles to/with the stars/Sun/Moon along the celestial sky dome (above the flat earth plane) was a basic navigation technique used to determine the position of ships at sea. Latitude was measured using an angle with Polaris and a chronometer was used to determine longitude.
So a Nautical Mile (also called a "minute-mile") is a distance travelled by a ship at sea in one arc minute when measured along the 180° celestial sky dome around us. One nautical mile corresponds to one minute of latitude (and one degree is 60 minutes or 60 nautical miles) and it has absolutely nothing to do with the globe Earth or it's circumference.
Initially, Spanish, French, Dutch and British navigators measured different values of the nautical mile, but at the International Hydrographic Conference in 1929 it was fixed to 1852 metres.
1 Nautical Mile = 1.15 Statute Miles = 1852 Meters
Nautical miles are used at sea and in the air because both sailors and airmen use degrees of latitude and longitude as their position coordinates and they need to use flat paper charts (or the 2D electronic equivalent). The big point about using nautical miles (and their corresponding speed unit, knots) is to make chart reading quicker. Charts have the Latitude and Longitude grid printed on them. The grid spacing that equals one minute of latitude also equals one nautical mile.
What is a Nautical Mile?
Cooperation between different nations for space missions like the ISS, Preparation for planetary defence against doomsday situations like worldwide pandemics, nuclear war, alien invasion, asteroid impacts, giant intercontinental tsunamis or a sudden ice age due to climate change...One theme is common throughout all of this fear programming and that is, they all are elaborate hoaxes concocted by the NWO conspirators to establish a one world government.
Developed in 1960s, the INS (Inertial Navigation Systems) was a collection of extremely precise accelerometers and gyroscopes, used to calculate and display an object’s position, speed and direction relative to a known starting point. eg. Once an aircraft's or submarine’s INS is calibrated to a known reference point, it can “dead reckon” the target accurately from that point forward. The earlier INS did not take into account the curvature of the Earth and pilots could still navigate using this basic navigation system.
An aircraft autopilot adjusts cruising altitude (pitch angle) only to account for changes in weight (due to fuel burning or dumping) and atmospheric wind pressure conditions, but never for the curvature of the imaginary globe.
The Cult of Scientism
In his 2013 TEDx talk (which has since been removed by TED), Rupert Sheldrake challenged 10 dogmas of modern science and revealed how scientists fudge the results of their experiments. They created constants like the speed of light (c) and the gravitational constant (G) based on consensus and not following scientific inquiry. This G was first measured by Henry Cavendish who named his experiment "Weighing the Earth"!
The irony of today's peer reviewed science is that, they admit (in yet another peer reviewed paper) that the peer review process is flawed and based on a belief system. ?
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
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ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago