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Last updated 4 days, 21 hours ago
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago
Big news from corrupt Gwinnett County, GA.
The county has illegally tossed 40,000 voter registration challenges, despite evidence of ineligibility and illegality.
Lisa Rutherford challenged decision from board of elections on grounds of voters being illegally registered at P.O. Boxes and succeeded.
There will now be a trial pursuant to this matter that hopefully will unearth other voter roll corruption that can be replicated elsewhere.
Follow the law.
Hat tip - Kim Brooks (source)
Updated a week ago by the EAC regarding election management guidelines.
State election policy spreadsheet.? From EAC.
Thanks to NY Citizens Audit for sharing this. Please keep it moving! ??
CoA Elections 101: Signature Verification: Theory vs. Reality ??
#coa #causeofamerica #elections101 #voting #election2020 #election2024 #elections2024
CoA Elections 101: Signature Verification: Theory vs. Reality
Welcome to video #28 in the “Elections 101" educational series from Cause of America. In this video, Col. Shawn Smith (National Security and Election Integrity Expert) explains the difference between
Garrett is right. Without Election Integrity, we have nothing. Hence my old treatise, “36 Chambers of Election Integrity”. Learn it. Know it. Live it.
Your Wake Up Call - Help Save Our Country, Share This Everywhere
As promised:
Spalding County, GA:
Commissioners push to defund electronic voting systems, removing $85,000 from the Election Boards# budget.
Tonight the board, in a 5-0 vote, gave its consent for the Spalding County Board of Elections to take whatever action they deem reasonably prudent to carry out open, fair and transparent elections, to include using paper ballots instead of the flawed machines.
The next Elections Board meeting will be held on this measure, July 11.
As promised:
Spalding County, GA:
Commissioners push to defund electronic voting systems, removing $85,000 from the Election Boards# budget.
Tonight the board, in a 5-0 vote, gave its consent for the Spalding County Board of Elections to take whatever action they deem reasonably prudent to carry out open, fair and transparent elections, to include using paper ballots instead of the flawed machines.
The next Elections Board meeting will be held on this measure, July 11.
?Alabama: Houston County Voting Official Removed Amid Cheating Allegations
?Houston County voter registrar Dorothy Robbins was removed from her position amid allegations of wrongdoings, according to Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen.
?“We simply will not allow someone who has operated in this manner to continue to serve as a member of the Board of Registrars,” Allen said. “We took the appropriate action in light of the circumstances.”
?Robbins was removed after committing the following violations:
- Processed voter registration forms without signatures from the voters
- Made registrants active who had been convicted of disqualifying felony convictions
- Issued photo identification to non-registered voters, including individuals who had committed disqualifying felonies
- Registered a voter at her home address who does not reside there
- Processed voter registration forms without the required sign-off of a second registrar
Houston County voting official removed amid cheating allegations
Houston County voter registrar Dorothy Robbins was removed from her position amid allegations of wrongdoings, according to Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen.
Community chat:
Last updated 4 days, 21 hours ago
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago