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Russia – China Heading Towards Bilateral Barter Trade
Limiting the use of banking systems monitored by the United States, Russia and China may begin using barter trading schemes. The process may start as soon as this autumn with debut transactions being made in agri-commodities.
Maritime Gateway - South Asia’s Premier Shipping and Logistics News Portal - Maritime Gateway covers, analyses, comments on wide-ranging news on Ports, Shipping, Logistics that drive South Asian Maritime Industry
Russia – China heading towards bilateral barter trade - Maritime Gateway - South Asia’s Premier Shipping and Logistics News Portal
Bilateral payment delays were the top discussion priority during President Vladimir Putin’s visit to China in May and accordingly many alternatives have been brought up, such as using small, regional Chinese banks whose activities are harder for Washington…
Our new timeline
The divine process has begun and is unstoppable
Nowadays, transformation is actually a timetable of events and sequences of events called a timeline. Humanity is now on a timeline where something significant is about to happen; that is, important events are in this Universe Age, which can be described as a historical turning point.
Planet Earth is making its transition from 3D to 5D, many of the current incarnated souls on Earth are now also making their Ascension. It is the most important moment in the entire planetary or even universe history, but above all it is the greatest moment on Earth with the awakening of humanity. The old prophecies of Armageddon will not come true! We are going to see incredible times. However, there is still a major obstacle that undoubtedly concerns the fate of humanity itself; but at this moment, this is the most decisive moment for humanity on planet Earth. Two new well-defined timelines will determine the future: one will take part of humanity to the new 5D Earth; the other will take
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Gold Up +1.5%, Silver Up +3.0% •
Silver Price Chart
Act now to capitalize on this bullish momentum as gold and silver prices climb higher.
Bolster Your Portfolio with Gold and SilverBuy Gold And Silver
Japan’s stock markets hit an eight-month low on Friday, as they declined for two straight days after the Bank of Japan raised benchmark interest rates to their highest level since 2008.
Japan's stock rout shows a 'fundamental shift' is underway, Goldman Sachs' equity strategist says
On Friday itself, the Nikkei 225 and the Topix indexes saw their worst days since March 2020, falling more than 5%, according to Factset data.
Xi Jinping says BRICS just wants to save the global economy
China’s President Xi Jinping is out here saying that BRICS is going to change the global economy for the better. He believes this group is a stable force that’s just going to keep growing and help everyone out. For years now, the BRICS boys have been trying…
Daily Reflection
Freedom for the human race begins by freeing us from corrupt money
By Peter B. Meyer - 2 August, 2024
Debit and credit cards will become useless
The global financial system, organised around centrally managed, privately owned, fractional reserve fiat currencies, is a technical tool of the world's banking elite, which by design enslaves the public to inflation and the impossibility of repaying debt.
As the cabal loses ground, they will certainly grasp at any false flag straw and destroy whatever they can get their hands on. They will most likely resort to the greatest threat to human wealth yet known and yet not talked about - a massive cyber attack that will cripple the entire financial system. Just to have an argument to blame something else for the collapse of the financial bubble instead of blaming the money cartel.
If you keep most of your money in digital form, you need to take steps to protect yourself and your family before such an attack occurs.
The first step is to keep a substantial amount of cash in a safe, easily accessible place. A minimum of three months' living expenses is recommended. Store the cash in a safe at home, in a storage facility outside the banking circuit, or bury it in a waterproof container in your garden. But never discuss it with anyone else.
It may sound extreme, but think about it. If the financial system is compromised, all debit and credit cards will be useless. People will need to have enough cash on hand to pay for food, petrol and other daily necessities. Otherwise they will be in a vulnerable position.
Expect a total financial collapse. You will see some deflation, but it won't be deflation against the dollar or the euro. It will be deflation against gold.
That is, the value of everything will fall against gold.
Is there any hope of overcoming the banking cartels and the money changers without the end of life as we know it? Can humanity go from a totally corrupt economy to an honest one virtually overnight without suffering the total devaluation of everything so many have worked for?
It may seem unlikely, but there are openly powerful noble forces working behind the scenes to help us defeat the global cabal via QFS. Bringing honest money to the world as a replacement for fiat fraud system, ending financial plunder, and oppression under which people now live.
World peace should be possible. However, this cannot be achieved by passively observing world events; everyone must do what they can to ensure universal liberation this year.
After last nights satanic 33rd Olympic ceremony of worshiping a golden calf in the middle of the stage, a pale horse riding through Paris in front of the Eiffel Tower, God being mocked by them re-creating the Jesus and his disciples last supper with a bunch of woke men in drag sitting round a table along with a long bearded guy dressed as a smurf being revealed on a silver dinner platter, Children in tunnels, headless actors dressed in red with fire, Snoop dog wearing a Baphomet necklace. The list goes on…it was obvious that Christians are not welcome and are being attacked by Satanists. Last nights Ceremony showed the world they hate God and that this is a spiritual war between Good and Evil, Light vs Dark, God vs Satan. . For many people it was one of the most disturbing things ever seen on a mainstream broadcast. It was the worst opening ceremony in history. It made people uncomfortable and see for themselves how evil and satanic the woke west actually is. And last night they went all out.
Put on the full armor OF GOD, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.
The golden calf is a significant symbol in the Bible, representing idolatry and the abandonment of faith in God. The story of the golden calf is found in the Book of Exodus, specifically in Exodus 32. Here are the key points and the biblical meaning of the golden calf:
-Exodus 32:1-4: While Moses was on Mount Sinai receiving the Ten Commandments from God, the Israelites grew impatient and asked Aaron to make gods for them. Aaron collected gold from the people and fashioned it into a calf.
-Exodus 32:5-6: The people then proclaimed, “These are your gods, Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt,” and they offered sacrifices to the calf and celebrated with a feast.
There is absolutely up roar this morning across all social media around the world with people calling for the satanic Olympics to be boycotted over their opening ceremonies. It was in everyone’s face. As hard as it is we know that you can't tell the people the truth. You must show them.
This will be the last Olympics we are going to see. They even raised the Olympic flag upside down.
Babylon has fallen.
US Federal Reserve Hits $1 Trillion Dollars in Unrealized Losses
US national debt interest payments will surpass $1.14 trillion this year. That would constitute more than 76% of all collected income tax.
The increasing and unsustainable debt concerns only depreciate confidence in the US dollar. Moreover, it creates higher rates of inflation and erosion in the currency. Altogether, the ongoing debt issue only erodes the greenback if left unchecked. Where that becomes an even greater issue is when you factor in the opposition that the dollar is facing.
When the private company that prints every fiat dollar in the world hits this level of losses, it should tell you a lot about where we are in the takedown operation.
Weekend Newsletter - The Final Wakeup Call
????Twelve strands of DNA are being activated
• Severing 10 out of 12 strands of DNA cripples our abilities
• This essay is unique and a real eye opener.
• Save this information and spread the word ...
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??Twaalf DNA-strengen worden geactiveerd
• Het verbreken van 10 van de 12 DNA-strengen verlamt onze vermogens
• Dit essay is uniek en een echte eyeopener.
• Bewaar deze informatie en verspreid het bericht ...
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??Zwölf DNS-Stränge werden aktiviert
• Der Bruch von 10 der 12 DNA-Stränge verkrüppelt unsere Fähigkeiten
• Dieser Artikel ist einzigartig und ein echter Augenöffner.
• Bewahren Sie diese Information auf und geben Sie sie weiter ...
??Se activan doce cadenas de ADN.
• La rotura de diez de las doce hebras del ADN paraliza nuestras capacidades.
• Este artículo es único y nos abre los ojos.
• Conserve esta información y difúndala ...
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??Dodici filamenti di DNA sono in fase di attivazione
• La recisione di 10 dei 12 filamenti del DNA paralizza le nostre capacità
• Questo saggio è unico e apre gli occhi.
• Conservate queste informazioni e diffondetele ...
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??Douze brins d’ADN seront activés
• La rupture de 10 des 12 brins d’ADN paralyse nos capacités.
• Cet essai est unique et vous ouvre les yeux.
• Sauvegardez cette information et faites-la connaître ...
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Weekend Newsletter - The Final Wakeup Call
????Real history unlocked
Destruction of literature from antiquity
Human history is based on loose fragments. Why do we know nothing more about our past and its many found artefacts? Over the centuries, much of ...
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??De ware geschiedenis openbaard
Vernietiging van literatuur uit de oudheid
De menselijke geschiedenis is gebaseerd op losse fragmenten. Waarom weten we niets meer over ons verleden en de vele gevonden artefacten? Door de eeuwen heen is veel ...
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??Die wahre Geschichte kommt ans Licht
Zerstörung der antiken Literatur
Die Geschichte der Menschheit beruht auf losen Fragmenten. Warum wissen wir nicht mehr über unsere Vergangenheit und die vielen Fundstücke? Im Laufe der Jahrhunderte wurden viele ...
??La verdadera historia revelada
Destrucción de la literatura de la antigüedad
La historia de la humanidad se basa en fragmentos sueltos. ¿Por qué no sabemos nada más sobre nuestro pasado y los numerosos artefactos encontrados? A lo largo de los siglos, gran parte de ...
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??La storia reale sbloccata
Distruzione della letteratura dell’antichità
La storia dell’umanità si basa su frammenti sciolti. Perché non sappiamo più nulla del nostro passato e dei suoi numerosi reperti? Nel corso dei secoli, gran parte della ...
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??La véritable histoire révélée
Destruction de la littérature de l’Antiquité
L’histoire de l’humanité repose sur des fragments épars. Pourquoi ne savons-nous rien de plus sur notre passé et sur les nombreux artefacts découverts ? Au fil des siècles, une grande partie de ...
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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
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