Martine Unfiltered

Martine Unfiltered
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Last updated 3 weeks ago

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7 months, 3 weeks ago

Qur'ān chapter 4 verse 100 guarantees paradise to a Muslim who emigrates for the sake of's the full verse:

Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said:

وَمَن يُهَاجِرۡ فِي سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ يَجِدۡ فِي ٱلۡأَرۡضِ مُرَٰغَمًا كَثِيرًا وَسَعَةً ۚ وَمَن يَخۡرُجۡ مِنۢ بَيۡتِهِۦ مُهَاجِرًا إِلَى ٱللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِۦ ثُمَّ يُدۡرِكۡهُ ٱلۡمَوۡتُ فَقَدۡ وَقَعَ أَجۡرُهُۥ عَلَى ٱللَّهِ ۗ وَكَانَ ٱللَّهُ غَفُورًا رَّحِيمًا
"And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many [alternative] locations and abundance. And whoever leaves his home as an emigrant to Allah and His Messenger and then death overtakes him - his reward has already become incumbent upon Allah. And Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful."
(QS. An-Nisaa 4: Verse 100)

7 months, 3 weeks ago


7 months, 3 weeks ago

Here is the full document to the above.

8 months ago
Martine Unfiltered
8 months ago
Martine Unfiltered
8 months ago
Martine Unfiltered
8 months ago
Martine Unfiltered
8 months ago
One thing I appreciate about Mexico …

One thing I appreciate about Mexico is the VW Bugs on just about every block. Their conditions range from barely standing to works of art. This has to be the prettiest I've seen so far.

I won't ever drive an electric car. NEVER. Every bell and whistle is nothing but a trap and that'll be the day that I'll spend half a day juicing it up.

I love the simplicity of a gas car and my favorite part of driving is a manual transmission. As far as I'm concerned, the past had much more class when it came to cars. They certainly had a whole lot more creativity. The so-called innovations of today are nothing but a pain in the ass. Not to mention the expense to fix them. Yesterday's cars were sustainable for the people. That's why everybody had one. That's what we should think about when they're trying to sell us on their overpriced innovations that have the ability to lock us out.

8 months ago
"The U.S.-UAE Partnership for Accelerating Clean …

"The U.S.-UAE Partnership for Accelerating Clean Energy (PACE) is set to catalyze $100 billion in financing, investment, and other support and to deploy globally 100 gigawatts of clean energy by 2035 to advance the energy transition and maximize climate benefits.  
PACE’s ambitious plan is built upon four pillars: 1) Clean Energy Innovation, Deployment and Supply Chains, 2) Carbon and Methane Management, 3) Nuclear Energy, and 4) Industrial and Transport Decarbonization.",transition%20and%20maximize%20climate%20benefits.

8 months ago
If people think that the US …

If people think that the US isn't "all in" when it comes to meeting it's commitments to UN Agenda 2030, you would be entirely misinformed. Please note that this venture addressing the environmental impact of agriculture isn't just about growing food, it's about consuming food in a sustainable manner.

Not only are they participating in this venture, the U.S.-UAE have a Partnership to Accelerate Transition to Clean Energy (PACE) which came to fruition in 2022.

"In 2024, UAE and US partners are making significant progress to address the environmental impact of agriculture. Despite the fact that food production accounts for a third of the world’s emissions, climate action in this critical area often takes a back seat. The Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate (AIM4C), led by our two countries, is changing that by introducing more sustainable approaches to growing and consuming food."

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Last updated 3 weeks ago

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Last updated 6 months, 1 week ago

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Last updated 1 month ago