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5 months ago

Chemtrails are Not Contrails: Radiometric Evidence

5 months ago

A study that proves that what we see in the sky are not harmless ice-crystal contrails from aircraft engine exhaust-moisture ❗️

Chemtrails are Not Contrails: Radiometric Evidence
March 2020Journal of Geography Environment and Earth Science International


Aims: Concerted efforts are made to deceive the public into falsely believing the jet-emplaced tropospheric aerosol trails, called chemtrails by some, are harmless ice-crystal contrails from aircraft engine exhaust-moisture. Our objective is to use radiometric measurements in the range 250-300 nm to show that a typical chemtrail is not a contrail, and to generalize that finding with additional data. Methods: We utilized International Light Technologies ILT950UV Spectral Radiometer mounted on a Meade LXD55 auto guider telescope tripod and mount assembly. Results: Radiometric solar irradiance spectra data that included the transit of a typical tropospheric aerosol trail between radiometer-sensor and the solar disc showed significant absorption during the transit period. The during-transit absorption is wholly inconsistent with the almost negligible adsorption by ice, but is wholly consistent with absorption by aerosolize particulates, including coal fly ash. This result is consistent with other aerosol-trail physical phenomena observations. Conclusions: The public and the scientific community have been systematically deceived into falsely believing that the pervasive, jet-sprayed ‘chemtrails’ are harmless ice-crystal contrails. We have presented radiometric measurements which unambiguously prove the falsity of that characterization for one specific, but typical instance. We show in a more general framework that the physical manifestations of the aerial trails are inconsistent with ice-crystal contrails, but entirely consistent with aerosol particulate trails. We describe potential reasons for the deception, and cite the extremely adverse consequences of the aerial particulate spraying on human and environmental health. For the sake of life on Earth, the modification of the natural environment by aerial particulate spraying and other methodologies must immediately and permanently end.

Conclusions: The public and the scientific community have been systematically deceived into
falsely believing that the pervasive, jet-sprayed ‘chemtrails’ are harmless ice-crystal contrails. We
have presented radiometric measurements which unambiguously prove the falsity of that
characterization for one specific, but typical instance. We show in a more general framework that
the physical manifestations of the aerial trails are inconsistent with ice-crystal contrails, but entirely
consistent with aerosol particulate trails. We describe potential reasons for the deception, and cite
the extremely adverse consequences of the aerial particulate spraying on human and
environmental health. For the sake of life on Earth, the modification of the natural environment by
aerial particulate spraying and other methodologies must immediately and permanently end.

? PDF of this study

5 months, 1 week ago

IN THE RAW 54: A short talk about Weather Modification with Augustus Doricko

Could the government make a hurricane worse or alter its course?

Today’s episode is a very topical one indeed. I’m talking with the founder and CEO of Rainmaker, a weather-modification company, about the uses and abuses of weather-modification and geoengineering.

Could the government make a hurricane more violent or send it off course—say, for political purposes during a crucial election?

Tune in and find out as I ask the CEO of a weather-modification company some timely questions.


Listen to this one to learn how GeoEngineers think, and they can talk a good game if you ask me.

When asked if the two recent hurricanes were manipulated, he thinks not, but keeps an open mind...

And for all the conspiracy people about the Nexrads, ask yourself why the military is maintaining them? I find it strange and who knows how, IF, they have upgraded them. I would not count them out yet and like Tesla stated:

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla

This is my personal take on the moment.

8 months, 1 week ago

SolutionsWatch - The Corbett Report - Jul 10
# Banning Chemtrails


Today chemtrails researcher and author Peter Kirby joins us to discuss the growing movement to ban chemtrails, from the legislation that's been popping up in various states to criminalize geoengineering to the rising citizen-led initiative to Save Our Skies. We talk about this movement, what it says about growing public awareness of the issue, and what we can all do to help spread information about this important topic.


Is a good one overall and Jim Lee & Reinette Senum are also mentioned, but also Dane Wigington, that we know here is a fraud and is debunked, because he divert us from the real cause of those persistent contrails (aka chemtrails): & here:

Then Peter still says after +14 years of research that we are being sprayed, but here we know it is the fuel of ALL the planes in the sky:

There are around 120 000 flight all the time that we can see with those flight trackers. Well, in Jim Lee his chat in Telegram, there is also an awake meteorologist that knows his stuff and I will not go into details to much, because it is a little bit complicated, but everyone can ask it himself in Jim Lee his chat on Telegram

The fact is the temperature above needs to be around -40° to let us see those stripes. There are probes and programs for this and if the temp is to high (lesser then -40°) then we cannot see them like stripes, but they are there and all the time.

The fact of the matter is that they have gone to the One Fuel Concept in the mid-90s and they wanted one fuel for all. Before that, military did have their fuel, commercials its fuel and there where lesser airplanes in the sky. I have also here in this room an article from the 50s or so, where people where complaining of these consistent contrails (chemtrails) and this was in the neighborhood of a military base. The military did use much dirtier fuel because it costs less and it was faster. The fuel of the commercials was much cleaner, but when they did switched over to the One Fuel Concept, the fuel was 10times dirtier and so also aluminum, barium, etc. in the fuel. We have all this proof here in my room, because the best ones of my research I keep here. And this fact you can see here: and the same on Jim his site:

Contrails, Geoengineering, and the NATO Single Fuel Concept

So if Peter follows Jim Lee and Reinette, then I do not know that he still using ‘chemtrails’, Dane Wing, and airplanes are spraying. Do you feel how this sounds, whereby if we all did say the fuel is to dirty and that needs to change… see how this sounds?

Jim Lee is the one real expert on this topic, because most ‘experts’ still do not know the fact that it is the whole fuel of all the airplanes! And the airplane industry does not want to know that we know it is their fuel, therefore they created the ‘chemtrails conspiracy’ just like the Flat Earth, too divide us even more and to steer us away from this fact. Because this will cost them a whole lot of money because the fuel needs to do more processing steps for cleaning and it costs a lot more time. This will make in the beginning that that are much lesser flights possible and there will be lawsuits from here to Tonga.

This is my 2cents on this interview.

8 months, 3 weeks ago

This channel shows us this also and it is called Rapid Evaporation.

10 months, 2 weeks ago

And here are some genuine researchers that produce some Tesla effects:

Not direct related to geoengineering, but interesting.


10 months, 2 weeks ago

Also I go of the quote of Tesla for this:

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla.

And we have it here not about a few Nexrads, but a lot of working in tandem and it does not need to have so much energy bc we are not talking about the big HAARPS out there that are used to manipulate the ionosphere because clouds are not so for up. So who knows really how far the Nexrad tech really has evolved and I think that they would not put it all on the internet for us to see IF they use Nexrads to give some nudges here or there ?

10 months, 3 weeks ago


With the estimated projected values for the Star-
link megaconstellation alone (approximately one 1250 kg
satellite per hour re-entering), every second the space in-
dustry is adding approximately 2,000 times more conduc-
tive material than mass of the Van Allen Belts into the
ionosphere. It appears assumed by the space industry
that the magnetosphere and Van Allen Belts are inde-
structible, when in fact the nature of their composition
is delicate and billions of times less massive than the
conductive material being added to the magnetosphere
on a regular basis. Continued monitoring and analysis of
this artificial charged dust in comparison to the natural
charged dust is needed.
It is known that man-made chemicals can endanger the
atmosphere, and the megaconstellations are not just de-
positing dangerous chemicals, they are depositing huge
masses of conductive material. It is known that injecting
fossil fuels into the atmosphere, originally from below the
Earth’s crust, is risking the habitability of Earth. It ap-
pears likewise for injecting metals from the ground and
crust into the ionosphere. Using just estimates from Star-
link reentry masses, the Debye length of the ablation zone
may increase to over 17 meters if the planned reentry de-
molishment of 23 satellites per day occurs. This amount,
if globally spread and amplified by hundreds of other
planned and developing megaconstellations, would cause
perturbation to the magnetosphere because it would out-
compete the Debye length elsewhere in the nearby mag-
netosphere and magnetosheath. It may be the case that
satellites, reentry particulate, and conductive space de-
bris may cause further weakening and perturbations of
the magnetosphere.


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