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Last updated 3 weeks, 3 days ago
Why Orthobros ruined my assumption of Converts
I should first preface that I am not against those who convert and join the Orthodox Church. I welcome it. I applaud it. I advocate it. Unfortunately my views on a lot of converts have been soiled by those who typically convert from protestantism. Many of these converts became nationalistic towards Orthodoxy, to which I am of course opposed to it as that is not what Orthodoxy is about. There is a saying amongst those born in Orthodoxy: Converts know about the faith, but we know how to live it.
Not long ago, I attended a church event which had a lot of converts present. Of course I was skeptical, but I talked to them nonetheless. I was surprised to learn that they were nothing like the Orthobros you see on twitter. They aren't combative, aren't radical, etc. They are regular people who just felt lost because the Western church gave them nothing. I ended up asking them what they converted from, and how they found out about Orthodoxy. It was all very wholesome and beautiful stories. A few of them were also openly against the Orthobros online, to which I naturally agreed with them on.
I'll share ones story. He was born and raised Protestant. His father was born Catholic, but became Protestant later on, which was how he was raised Protestant. He didn't like the power the papacy had. As years went on, he ended up losing his faith. After some bad times in his life, he came around to Catholicism and converted. After learning more about Protestantism, his faith at birth, he started to understand many of the reasons why Protestants reject the papacy. This eventually brought him to Orthodoxy. Learning that Orthodoxy also rejects the papacy, but holds many traditions that the Western Church changed throughout the years. He converted to Orthodoxy two years ago.
I'm writing this post because I, myself, am against Orthobros. Of course I am not going to stop promoting Orthodoxy, but not the way that these chronically online Orthodox do. I simply want people to understand that the Orthobros you see on twitter, reddit, telegram, etc, are not an accurate representation on converts.
Glory be to God ☦️
Why I support the police arresting and beating the “pro Palestine” fags:
It shows that all the years prior, they never actually felt the wrath of the system, until they started going against the Jews.
Fuck Palestine and Israel. It belongs to Christendom.
I should also state: I've been to Olympia. I've been to the original stadium that was used, and where the flame is lit. I love my people, my heritage, tradition, and history.
I don't like talking bad about any faith as I see it as going against White Unity. One thing I must make known, is the recent publication by the Olympic Council. I've seen many of our people, who are pagan, attack Christians because we were calling out the paganist values being promoted.
First things first: I am not a Christian Nationalist. Christian Nationalism is Civic Nationalism. It lacks an ethnic basis. I am a Nationalist. I am also a Christian.
The modern Olympics is a larp and a neutering of the ancient tradition. The Olympics was originally only for Ethnic Greeks. You must speak, read, look, and connect your genealogy to Greeks. Secondly, there was never a torch run. Thirdly, woman were never allowed. Fourthly, it were games entirely centered around various forms of combat. The modern Olympics ignores every single one of these points.
The Olympics was banned by Theodosius I in 343 AD. He is unarguably a great Roman Emperor. The Olympics wasn't reintroduced until the 1860s, with protest from many Greeks.
While one can attribute the modern Olympics to being removed from the original ancient paganist religion, the current publication is trying to reattribute the modern Olympics to paganism. Hellenism in Greece is a super minority. Out of the 8 million Greeks in Greece, only 8000 are said to be Hellenistics. To try and create the illusion that modern Greece isn't Christian, is false. Greece was founded by and for Christians.
I know this goes against my prior posts of not talking bad about religion. This however is concerning my people. My ethnic people, not my racial people. One must realize that I do not focus nor promote Christianity nor paganism to people who are not Greek. I want whats best for my people, just as you should want whats best for yours whether your English, Dutch, German, French, Welsh, etc. I am simply not in support of the modern Olympics, nor in support of reintroduction of paganism. If you don't agree with this post, that's fine. I will not however, remove this post or change my stance on this.
Shopping with the girl, and I feel like a foreigner in my own home…..
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Last updated 3 weeks, 3 days ago