Zoir Akramov | OFFICIAL

Zoir Akramov is:
•A great person in the making
•Once a learner, always a learner
•Not a football fan, but the number-one fan of CR7❤
•A WIUT student
•An IELTS 8.0 holder
•The founder of @SAEID_AL_HAZI_MChJ

•Darajangizga mos kursga yoziling: @Zoir_Akramov
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Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

12,975,749 @developer

Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.

Contact: @borz

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel

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Last updated 7 months ago

8 months, 1 week ago

Well, guys. Lately, I've been thinking about getting a break from posting stuff here on this channel. You're not getting any value anyway, are you? So, I've come to a decision. I won't be posting here until I'm serious about blogging. I know the sooner I take blogging seriously, the better. But for now, I will be working on myself. See you.

8 months, 1 week ago

As world population is increasing significantly year by year, existing oil and gas supplies are not enough anymore. It is, therefore, suggested that untouched areas be also explored for new oil and gas reserves. In my opinion, this suggestion is generally…

8 months, 1 week ago

As world population is increasing significantly year by year, existing oil and gas supplies are not enough anymore. It is, therefore, suggested that untouched areas be also explored for new oil and gas reserves. In my opinion, this suggestion is generally negative as it involves the risk of accelerated global environmental problems and high costs of transportation from remote areas.

Admittedly, the exploration of remote areas for oil and gas can play a significant role in addressing two main global problems. As the world is becoming overpopulated, economies are experiencing a shortage of essential resources for electricity production, with people struggling to heat their homes properly and propel their vehicles. If large oil and gas reserves were to be found as a result of exploration efforts, the increasing demand for these fuels could be satisfied. Not only would today's generation get to enjoy the new reserves, but it would also likely solve the supply problems for the next decade or so, allowing economies and industries around the world flourish.

New exploration campaigns and exploitation of remote areas can also create new employment opportunities, which can be another benefit of this idea. Since this sector of industry is highly manual, there would be an increased need for manpower to explore new areas, drill for the resources, extract them from the earth and ship them. All this can help remedy unemployment problems in many countries, while also improving certain industries such as shipping.

Despite the advantages of the exploitation of remote areas for oil and gas presented above, I argue that this initiative would prove harmful in a number of ways. Perhaps, the most important factor that should be considered is the environment. Such initiatives might require clearance of trees in untouched areas, contributing to acceleration in such green issues as deforestation and even desertification. As humans step into untouched areas and start destroying them for resources, natural habitats of a wide range of wild animals will also be at risk of destruction, leading to dramatic declines in the world of flora and fauna. This could, in turn, affect the problem of global warming as rainforests are cut down. In short, the exploitation of remote areas alone could drastically alter the ecosystem.

Besides environmental issues stemming from such campaigns, transportation costs should also be taken into consideration. The exploration and exploitation of remote areas would require the use of advanced, more durable transport such as huge ships and special trucks, which would increase transportation expenses to a substantial extent to ship the resources between continents. Alternatively, this amount of money could be better spent on producing alternative fuels that do not harm the environment but satisfy the growing demand of the global population.

In conclusion, while there are obvious advantages to exploiting unexplored corners of the world for gas and oil, I am of the opinion that this activity would be highly disadvantageous if put into use. It could accelerate global environmental issues and involve enormous shipping costs, which could be better used on alternative fuel production instead.

1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 4 months ago

3-qismini bunday formatda topa olmadim. Mana bu kanalda bor ekan, lekin jo'natib bo'lmas ekan. Netflix dasturidan ko'rishingizni maslahat beraman yoki bu linkdagiga online subtitrlar qo'shib tomosha qilishingiz mumkin:


1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 4 months ago

?NEXTFLIX (free version)

Movies aren't just for entertainment, after all. They also give you a cultural education that enriches your language comprehension.

• Movies also expose you to a more natural form of the language with authentic vocabulary and slang, and they teach you to connect words with associated body language.

P.S. dasturdan qanday foydalanish kerakligi to'g'risidagi instruksiyalarni "comments" qismiga tashlab qo'yaman. Beckham deb izlasangiz, kinosi chiqadi Netflixda.


1 year, 4 months ago

Beckham (2023) ?

Oxirgi paytlar anchadan beri kinolar tomosha qilmay qo'ydim. Birinchidan, menga hech narsa bermaydi ular (shuni tushunib yetdim); ikkinchidan, hammasi ham deyarli bir xil. Kinolardan ko'nglim ayniydigan bo'lib qolganman ?.

Lekin, yaqindagina futbol tarixida mashhur va afsonaviy sanalgan Angliyalik David Beckhamning oddiy angliyalikdan qanday qilib mashhurlikka ko'tarilgani haqida hayotiy hujjatli film tayyorlashibdi Netflix studiyasi ?. Hozircha 2 ta qismini ko'rdim, jami 4 tagina qismi bor ekan. Taassurotlar ajoyib, har qanday kinodan ming chandon yaxshiroq. Inspirational . Motivational ⚡️. Fantastic ?.

Netflix bepul dasturida subtitrlarini qo'shib ko'rishingiz mumkin. Netflix dasturini yuklab oling, quyida yuborib qo'yaman. ?

Video shaklida ham yuboraman seriyalarni. Online subtitrlar qo'shib tomosha qilishingiz mumkin. Enjoy the weekend ?, thank me later ?


1 year, 4 months ago

Bugun man qarindoshimni to'yidaman. Tan olishim kerak, to'ylardan ham zerikibman... Allaqachon yeprovalashib ketgandek dunyoqarashim... Yoki qandaydir tuyg'u ichimda yo'qolyotganmikin (odamiylik deydimi, bilmasam to'g'ri so'z yodimga kelmadi). Ichimda har…

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Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

12,975,749 @developer

Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.

Contact: @borz

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel

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Last updated 7 months ago