Last updated 1 month ago
سيرافقك قلبي إلى اخر العمر
- لطلب تمويل تواصل ← : @ooooow
- قناة التمويلات : @xxxxzz
Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
✅الحل النموذجي
✅موضوع المضارع التام بسيط
✅موضوع مضارع تام مستمر
✅موضوع ماضي تام
✅موضوع ضمائر الوصل
خامسًا:موضوع ضمائر الوصل
Relative clauses
{وزاريات اسئله النوع الأول }
1_The story which pleased many writers won the first prize.
2_My uncle Ali ,whose is 80 ,still ride
3_The car which he bought has last month has broken down
4_salwa, who speaks three languages, wants to be an interpreter
5_The person who stole the money must be punished
6_The star Restaurant has a lovely garden where you can have a meal on summer evenings
7_The Tigris hotel has a fabulous pool which opened two months ago
8_The book which has the information l wanted was missing
9_The lady who I spoke on the phone told me to call back later
10_The University hostel , where I stayed for four years, was Comfortable
11_The hotel a swimming pool than is very big
12_A: The garage which I always go to for repairs was closed today
B: The garage where I always go for repairs was closed today
13_My grandmother ,who is ninety years old ,sill remember her child hood
14_Bashir, who passed his driving test last week, is going to buy a car very soon
15_My uncle ,whose is 70 ,still rides a bike
16_My friend Adam , who loves fishing, caught three huge fish yesterday
17_ They've knocked down the restaurant where we had a meal last year
unit 5?
رابعًا: الماضي التام past perfect
(اسئله على شكل منطوق سؤال)
1_Had lost
2_Had locked
3_Had spoken
4_Had started
5_Had organized
(اسئله عل شكل اختيارات )
1_خطأ مطبعي القوس راح يصير
(changed/had changed )
الاختيار: had changed
4_hadn't locked
حل وزاريات الانواع الأخرى من موضوع [المضارع التام البسيط]
1_Have you booked a hotel yet?
2_Have you ever slept under the stars in desert?
3_my sister hasn’t been to college for three days because of a cold
4_Have you bought any maps of Landon or guidebooks yet?
5_you have ever ridden an elephant?
6_The teacher hasn’t known the class for a long time
7_l haven’t packed my suitcase yet
8_l have covered ten chapters so for
9_I have never held a scorpion
10_my self has never touched a snake
11_l have just finished it
12_l have already asked him
13_l have just had one
14_fadia hasn’t spoken to me since her sister’s wedding
15_He has never been there
16_What time did they go to bad last night?
17_Has salwa’s family moved house yet?
18_Adam came back from Beirut yesterday
19_We all went to the park last weekend
20_what time did you come yesterday?
21_l bought him a new mobile phone last week and has already lost it
22_l woke up really late this morning and l was late for school
23_you look nice.Have you changed your hairstyle
24_salwa hasn’t spoken to me since her sister's wedding
25_we have known them since July
unit 5
موضوع المضارع التام البسيط
present perfect simple
صفحه (1 )من ال [unit5]
النوع الاول ابو الاختيارات ?
8_Have you ever?
✅الحل النموذجي
✅موضوع التعريف
✅موضوع الندم
✅موضوع السؤال المنقول
✅موضوع if الشرطية
unit 6
النوع الثاني ترتيب الجمل ص 1-2
1)These Coins are used in Egypt.
2)The bill will be Paid tomorrow.
3)The bank was robbed Yesterday.
4)The bank is being renovated.
5)My wallet was stolen last weeks.
6)The trees were cut down by the Previous owner.
7)when was the mail delivered?
8)A new restaurant was opened last month.
9)The stairs have been repaired to avoid accident.
10)The windows are being replaced next week.
unit 3
الموضوع الرابع/ if الشرطية _ ص 4, ص 5,
ص 6
1) Doesn't apply.
3) logs on.
4)Don't lend.
5) Will take.
6) lf you are offered aplacce at carnegie university, Will you accept it?
7)Will get.
8)Will be.
9)Doesn't leave.
10) Wants.
13) Needs.
15) see.
- الاسئلة الخاصة بالحالة الثانية: ص 5
1) Could.
2) Played.
3) Won.
4) Would be / or could be / or might be.
5) Wore.
6)Would join / or could join / or might join.
7) Had.
8)would learn / said .
10) Found.
11) Would be / or could be / or might be.
12) wouldn't marry / or couldn't marry/ or mightn't marry.
13) could.
14) Would buy / or could buy / or might buy.
15) Had.
16) Won.
17) Would be.
18) said.
الأختيارات /
- had
- wore ( الاختيار الثاني خطا مطبعي)
- played.
الحالة الشرطية الثالثة:-
1) Had seen.
2) Hadn't had.
3) Had come.
4) Hadn't got.
5) Had had.
6) Had come.
7) Had worn.
8) would have become.
9) had worn.
10) hadn't had.
unit 3
موضوع السؤال المنقول ص 3 + ص4
حول النوع الاول أبو ال do:-
1)I asked Saad how he started his business.
2) He asked me if l still liked the job.
3) The dentist asked me how often I cleaned my teeth.
4)The hairdresser asked me how short l
wanted my hair.
النوع الثاني أبو ال did:-
1)Latifa asked Zaha When she had decided to be an architect.
2) I asked her where she had lost her purse.
3) He asked me how I had felt on my first solo fight.
4) I asked her when she had lost her bag.
النوع الثالث ابو الحلوات:-
1) she asked me if l would be able to come to her party.
2) He asked me how long I had been waiting for Samir.
3) He asked if I had ever had a scary experience when flying.
4) I asked me how long the training had been.
5)Adam asked me What I was doing on Friday afternoon.
6) I asked Layla if she would be able to come to my party.
7) She asked me if she could borrow some money.
8) He asked me what my favorite route wes.
9)he asked me what lwas doing.
10)The shop assistant asked me if the rad jacket was ok for me.
11) l asked where she had been.
12)She asked me where I was from .
13) The football coach asked me if I would be free to play in the match on Saturday
14)Layla asked me what l was doing on friday afternoon.
15)My English teacher asked me why lhadn't answered all questions.
16) He asked me how long lhad been a pilot.
17)He asked me what my favorite route wes.
18)My mother asked me when I was going to get out of bed.
unit 3
الموضوع الثاني الندم ص ١+ ص٢+ ص ٣
1) l wish I hadn't eaten three bars of chocolate.
2)If only they had trained every day.
3)I wish I had followed the rules.
4)If only I hadn't fallen oven during race.
5) -l wish she had remembered their address.
6)If only I hadn't spent all my money at the weekend.
7)If only lhad been at home.
8)l wish lhad woken up early.
9) If only lhadnt parked illegally.
10)if only he hadn't driven though the red light.
11)if only he hadn't exceeded the speed limit.
12) If only I hadn't team hadn't lost the match on Saturday.
13)if only she had remembered their address.
14) if only they hadn't lost the match.
15) If only I hadn't bought these shoes last week.
16) If only I hadn't drunk so much coffee.
17) If only I had gone to the park with my friends.
18)If only I hadn't been rude to my brother.
19) l wish I had gone to the park with my friends.
20) I wish I hadn't eaten so much chocolate.
21) I wish I hadn't gone to bed so late yesterday.
22) lf only had trained every day.
23) l wish l hadn't fallen oven during race.
24) lf only lhadn't left my camera at faten's house.
25) l wish lhadn't missed my flight.
26) if only she hadn't lost their address.
27) lf only lhad revised for my Geography exam.
28) l wish lhadn't eaten three bars of chocolate.
29) l wish lhadn't spent all my money at the weekend.
30) if only l had locked the car.
31) if only lhadn
t lost my phone.
32) I wish I had locked the car
33) lf only lhad brought my camera.
34) I wish I hadn’t painted the hose blue.
35) eaten.
Last updated 1 month ago
سيرافقك قلبي إلى اخر العمر
- لطلب تمويل تواصل ← : @ooooow
- قناة التمويلات : @xxxxzz
Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago