Time of Transition (Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue)

Official Telegram of Bernhard Guenther (veilofreality.com ) and his wife Laura Matsue. This channel is for seekers of truth who are also interested in the necessary inner work we are here to do during these evolutionary times.
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6 months, 3 weeks ago

“Men are being constantly invaded by the hostiles [occult forces/entities], and there are great numbers of men who are partly or entirely under their influence. At the present moment, they are very active all over the earth.

The struggle between the psychic (soul) and the hostile forces goes on mostly behind the veil or, so far as it is on the surface, is not understood by the mind.

The apparent freedom and self-assertion of our personal being to which we are so profoundly attached conceal a most pitiable subjection to a thousand suggestions, impulsions, and forces.

Our ego, boasting of freedom, is at every moment the slave, toy, and puppet of countless beings, powers, forces, and influences in universal Nature. All life is the play of universal forces. The individual gives a personal form to these universal forces….

[The human being is] the living ground of a vast debate between a darkness of Ignorance out of which it emerges here and a light of Knowledge which is growing upwards towards an unforeseen termination.

The Forces which seek to move him, and among them the Forces of good and evil, present themselves as powers of universal Nature; but they seem to belong not only to the physical universe but to planes of Life and Mind beyond it.

But he can choose whether he shall respond or not to the action of a particular force. Only most people do not really choose – they indulge in the play of the forces.

It is only when one can make oneself free of them that one can be the true person and have a true life – but one can be free only by living in the Divine.”

– Sri Aurobindo

Learn more:"Sub-personalities, Invisible Forces, Spirit Attachments, And An Alternative Perspective On Mental Illness"

"Unveiling The Psyche: Sub-Personalities And Invisible Influences On The Mind"

"Holy Wars & Civil Wars – Polarization Is Increasing Worldwide (And What You Can Do About It)"

6 months, 3 weeks ago
We live in a society where …

We live in a society where pathology is normalized, and people are traumatized and gaslit. We all have developmental trauma to varying degrees that we need to heal, even if we have blocked it out due to our head-centric living. Working with trauma comes down to the basics: working with our triggers, staying embodied, and allowing ourselves to feel what comes up without forcing it.

To listen to this exclusive podcast, check the link below to sign up for our private membership section, where you will have access to over 130+ hours of uncensored podcasts where we dive much deeper and speak about topics that we can’t speak about on social media anymore.

1 month, 6 months, and 1 year memberships available. Cancel Anytime.


The clip above is from episode 57, part 2.


7 months ago

The aim and life’s true object during this Time of Transition [for the ones answering the call]:

“The pilgrimage of ascension and this descent for the labour of transformation must be inevitably a battle, a long war with ourselves and with opposing forces around us which, while it lasts, may well seem interminable.

For all our old obscure and ignorant nature will contend repeatedly and obstinately with the transforming Influence, supported in its lagging unwillingness or its stark resistance by most of the established forces of environing universal Nature; the powers and principalities and the ruling beings of the Ignorance will not easily give up their empire.

The battle and conquest and empire in the shape of a victorious conflict with the Powers of Darkness, an entire spiritual self-rule and mastery over inward and outward Nature, a conquest by Knowledge, Love and Divine Will over the domains of the Ignorance is life's true object.”

- Sri Aurobindo

9 months, 1 week ago
Creativity is very powerful and when …

Creativity is very powerful and when you step into your creative spirit, you counteract the transhumanistic AI agenda and timeline.

Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer. https://veilofreality.com/2024/02/22/organic-humans-vs-transhumanism-the-timeline-split-tcm-125-part-1


9 months, 1 week ago

I had a great chat with Jean-Claude (Beyond Mystic), going deeper into holding the tension of opposites, the necessary inner work for these times, and more.




TENSION OF OPPOSITES ***✅***SUBSCRIBE TO INSIDER ACCESS PASS: https://www.beyondmystic.net/ ***🔴***SAVE 15% with code IAP15: https://www.beyondmystic.net/product/annual-membership/ ***🔥***HOT SILVER DEALS: https://www.

I had a great chat with Jean-Claude (Beyond Mystic), going deeper into holding the tension of opposites, the necessary inner …
9 months, 2 weeks ago


Here are the main 11 lessons I've learned around abundance and cutting through my scarcity consciousness, shadow projections around money, and unconscious self-diminishing core beliefs that helped me thrive with purpose and meaning:

  1. Find your bliss [“purpose”] first and foremost [it is not just “one thing”]

  2. "Tell God your plans, and he will laugh at you," which means that while your conditioned ego-personality may want one thing, the Divine has other plans for you. God knows you better than you know yourself.

  3. There are many unconscious self-sabotaging programs and beliefs that keep you in a place of lack and scarcity due to trauma, shadow projections, childhood wounding, ancestral trauma, core beliefs in the family, etc. [Most of it is UNCONSCIOUS, and you are not aware of it]

  4. In order to find your soul’s purpose, you will have to face all your fears [tests and lessons], get out of your comfort zone, and activate the will [stop waiting and wasting time].

  5. You can’t always have what you “think” you want, nor is everything you think you want aligned with your soul's purpose. [Where do your desires come from?]

  6. To create abundance and make more money, you need to circulate, spend, and invest it, especially in yourself. This is the Universal Law of opening the flow.

  7. Scarcity consciousness is a Matrix program based on the victim/blame trap and corrupted religious/spiritual beliefs that have entrapped humans and kept them impoverished for thousands of years.

  8. There is nothing for “free” in the entire universe, and if you think there is and feel entitled to it without “payment,” the matrix has you. It is against the Natural Law of balance (giving/receiving).

[Nothing is truly "free," but that's the lie the socialist/Marxist globalists and WEF (World Economic Forum) try to sell you where "you'll own nothing and be happy" if you just give in to their agenda.]

  1. When you live from essence [your true Self], you are connected to all that is and don't experience any lack, which is true Abundance consciousness. This will also open the money flow.

  2. In order to tune into prosperity, attract wealth, and be infused with abundance energy, you need to activate your CREATIVE POTENTIAL - be CREATIVE in life. Create more than you consume!

  3. Being "rich" does not always equal abundance consciousness. Many "rich" people are acting from a deep, insecure place of scarcity consciousness and need to hoard and indulge in order to make themselves feel better about themselves [most of it is a trauma response based on deep-rooted unconscious toxic shame]

Bernhard Guenther

I explore these eleven points more in-depth in my latest online course, "How To Create Abundance In Alignment With Divine Will.", which includes over 100 video lessons and powerful practices and exercises.

Special Sale Until tomorrow, May 17th: 50% off

Learn more: https://veilofrealitycourses.thinkific.com/courses/how-to-create-abundance-in-alignment-with-divine-will

11 months, 1 week ago
Otherwise, as we mentioned before, humanity …

Otherwise, as we mentioned before, humanity may experience Atlantis 2.0, and we will have to start this cycle over.

Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer. https://veilofreality.com/2024/03/21/how-to-embody-your-soul-tcm-127-part-1

ENROLLMENT IS OPEN for Embodied Soul Awakening, Bernhard and Laura’s 14- week private online group program in psychological and spiritual work to embody your true self. Limited spots available.

Go to www.thetimeoftransition.com to learn more and apply.


11 months, 1 week ago
When we process our trauma, we …

When we process our trauma, we can become wounded healers for each other.

To listen to this exclusive podcast, check the link below to sign up for our private membership section, where you will have access to over 100+ hours of uncensored podcasts where we dive much deeper and speak about topics that we can’t speak about on social media anymore.

1 month, 6 months, and 1 year memberships available. Cancel Anytime.


The clip above is from episode 13, part 2.


11 months, 2 weeks ago

We are at a Turning Point for Humanity. Embodying your Authentic Self is more important than ever. New Video: https://www.instagram.com/p/C4jYuZBP85P/

11 months, 2 weeks ago
Addressing all negative thoughts with truth, …

Addressing all negative thoughts with truth, knowledge, and awareness is the best way to dispel them.

Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer. https://veilofreality.com/2023/09/05/debunking-10-popular-myths-about-spirituality-and-inner-work-tcm-115-part-1/

ENROLLMENT IS OPEN for Embodied Soul Awakening, Bernhard and Laura’s 14- week private online group program in psychological and spiritual work to embody your true self. Limited spots available.

Go to www.thetimeoftransition.com to learn more and apply.


We recommend to visit

Community chat: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_chat_2

Twitter: x.com/hamster_kombat

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HamsterKombat_Official

Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot
Game: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot/

Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago

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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

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