CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective

We are a rebel alliance—a decentralized network pledged to anonymous collective action—a breakout from the prisons of our age. We strive to reinvent our lives and our world according to the principles of self-determination and mutual aid.
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3 weeks, 4 days ago
This collection of reports from the …

This collection of reports from the UK offers a glimpse into the wave of far-right attacks sweeping the country and documents how police are targeting anti-fascists who seek to defend their communities.

3 weeks, 5 days ago
The wave of racist attacks taking …

The wave of racist attacks taking place around the UK is, in part, the consequence of right-wing billionaires acquiring control of social media. After Elon Musk bought Twitter, he reinstated the accounts of Tommy Robinson and many other fascists. One of Tommy Robinson's key henchmen posted the video that contributed to setting off this wave of attacks. Musk has continued to stoke the fires.

While liberals may respond by calling for more crackdowns on "extremism" on social media, such crackdowns would inevitably target the anti-fascists who represent the last line of defense against despotism. Instead, let's start by asking what it is that billionaires like Elon Musk stand to gain from scapegoating immigrants and promoting civil war, then consider what it will take to stop them.

1 month ago
Was ist Sicherheitskultur?

Was ist Sicherheitskultur?

Eine Sicherheitskultur ist eine Reihe von Angewohnheiten, die von einer Gruppe geteilt wird. Eine Sicherheitskultur ist so entworfen, dass sie für Menschen, die vom Staat verfolgt werden könnten, das Risiko senkt geschnappt zu werden.


1 month ago

A week and a half after we published this text, the Democrats finally compelled Joe Biden to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race. But our argument stands—not just because it took almost a month for Biden to withdraw, and not only because he simply passed the torch to Kamala Harris, who represents the same policies and the same ossified bureaucracy, but because all the problems we face remain as intractable as they were before he dropped out.

A real solution would not change who the Democratic candidate for president is—it would render it irrelevant.


Why Stop at Removing Biden?

Biden’s refusal to step aside is a microcosm of an entire civilization at an impasse.

A week and a half after we published this text, the Democrats finally compelled Joe Biden to withdraw from the …
1 month, 1 week ago
CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective
1 month, 1 week ago
After nine months of genocidal violence …

After nine months of genocidal violence in Gaza, Benjamin Netanyahu received a standing ovation from the United States congress as he described the slaughter of over 40,000 Palestinians as "a clash between barbarism and civilization" and promised US politicians that "our victory will be your victory."

Regardless of political affiliation, those who justify US support for the genocide in Gaza and identify with the militarized colonial project behind it are doing more to pave the way for fascism than Donald Trump or his supporters could ever do alone. By cheerleading these atrocities, they are normalizing the kind of bigotry and brutality that are essential to authoritarianism.

What is done to others today could be done to us tomorrow. Fighting for the lives of Palestinians is a way of fighting for freedom everywhere.

1 month, 1 week ago
From the text about the collective …

From the text about the collective defense against the J20 charges:

"Let us pause in awe at the stupefying hypocrisy of those who profess to believe in the 'rule of law.' How can it be that the prosecutor, the court bureaucracy, and two grand juries were permitted to terrorize two hundred defendants with multiple nonexistent felony charges for nearly a year? Surely, if anyone is still naïve enough to earnestly believe in the rule of law, they should consider those who are complicit in pressing nonexistent charges to be the number one threat to civil society. Prosecutors, police, and judges neither believe in nor uphold the rule of law any more than the most iconoclastic anarchist does. The difference is that anarchists are honest about this and propose an ethical alternative, whereas the professionals of the justice industry shamelessly pursue personal gain and little else."

1 month, 1 week ago
CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective
1 month, 1 week ago
Jennifer Kerkhoff, the prosecutor who attempted …

Jennifer Kerkhoff, the prosecutor who attempted to put over two hundred people in prison for decades for the supposed crime of wearing black on the day that Donald Trump became president, is now facing charges for some of the false statements, misrepresentations, and omissions she committed in the course of prosecuting them.

No justice ever comes from the criminal justice system. But whenever lawyers and judges set out to intensify the ways that the system is used to target ordinary people, we should do our utmost to ensure that they fail.

To learn more about the collective defense strategy that defeated the J20 charges:

3 months, 3 weeks ago
CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective
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