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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
? I'm in total agreement !!
Remembrance Sunday is held in the United Kingdom as a day to commemorate the contribution of British and Commonwealth military and civilian servicemen and women in the two World Wars and later conflicts
It is held on the second Sunday in November (the Sunday nearest to 11 November, Armistice Day, the anniversary of the end of hostilities in World War I in 1918)
And we are going to see (hopefully) veterans demonstrate contempt toward's dictatorship they fought against
Alongside several thousands who never returned to home
? Enough said !!
? Tommy Robinson and Free Speech
- Host: Mario Nawfal
? To avoid Putin's insistence of opening or cracking down with 'apparent' usages by criminal networks Durov Russia for France
Since 2019 to date, the global economy, population and freedoms have been stamped on by megalomaniac sociopaths funding the self serving dumb fuc'ery of global MSM, Government's, Police forces and Judicial systems
To hold on to their tax funded gravy trains and avoid accountability - Everything is thrown at shutting down Social Media, Independent opinion and Free speech
Shara Law is already here, makes a 'Phobia' of an 'Ideology' an Act of Terrorism
The waving of the Union flag a criminal offence. But waving a Palestinian flag - A right to protest
Social Media IS real time from several independent sources and without the establishment BS and spin - We see this before the gullible and can point too the lies, disinformation and misinformation, the norm from MSM - Truth a criminal offence and excuse for narrative enforcement gangs to wear full riot kit and the pantomime of arrest
? Australian court rules in landmark case that asked 'what is a woman?' and yet says Tickle is a MAN to win a discrimination case against an All Women only app owner - Because the plaintiff is Transgender and is therefore their gender of 'Female' by choice must be respected
The ultimate in 'Misogyny' from some liberalised and intellectually sick deviant within the Judicial system
You could not make this BS up !
? An interesting article...
'The Scandal of how the Government Shut Down its Ethics Committee after it Tried to Intervene on the Vaccination of Children'
"We reveal that senior officials at the Department for Health and Social Care sidelined and then demobilised the Government’s committee of expert ethics advisors at the height of the pandemic and following a series of unwelcome challenges to the Government’s policy ambitions.
With a trail of evidence lifted from official published records, we document the brief life and premature demise of the Government’s expert group of moral and ethical advisors known as MEAG.
Two former members of MEAG agreed to be interviewed and quoted about what happened, provided they were not named.
UsForThem - the organisation we founded to raise awareness of the plight of children and young people in the pandemic approached almost all of the major UK daily and Sunday newspapers with this story.
Most of them acknowledged its significance.
Three were keen to publish articles. Two got as far as writing it up, and one proposed to run it on the front page. In each case though, the story was dropped at the last minute without a cogent explanation.
This is odd, because the paper trail for the entirety of this story is in public records and so is capable of full verification.
This is a significant public interest story which demands accountability.
Please read it and, if you agree with us, please share it. The fully referenced version of this story can be read in The Accountability Deficit, available now at Amazon and other book stores."
- Molly Kingsley, Arabella Skinner, Ben Kingsley
The Daily Sceptic
The Scandal of How the Government Shut Down its Ethics Committee After it Tried to Intervene on the Vaccination of Children – The…
The Government sidelined and then shut down its ethics committee after it tried to intervene on the vaccination of children, it has emerged in a scandal that raises serious questions about the Government's Covid response.
? This is worth reading just to get a sense of how confused is the medical profession, taught this illogical guff for decades
Medics as a group have proven themselves to be unreliable in numerous ways
What chance does the average member of the public have in getting accurate information about a disease state they have, with this training as backdrop ?
Sone think “monkey pox” is really “smallpox” which perhaps was never eradicated
I think it’s more likely the result of poisoning of some kind, potentially by prior injections with intentionally harmful materials
It’s not contagious because it’s not infective in nature. Keep at a healthy lifestyle and avoid “testing”. On no account agree to being injected with anything remotely claimed to be a “vaccine”
Sebastien’s Newsletter
Chickenpox, shingles, smallpox, monkeypox and friends
'Chickenpox', 'shingles', 'smallpox' and 'monkeypox' are all said to be different 'diseases' caused by different 'viruses'. But are they?
? Some legacy news that those potentially affected, may consider researching...
The98thmonkey’s Newsletter
Council Tax debts have now become unenforceable by Bailiffs
A new landmark high court ruling effectively prevents enforcement agents from seizing goods in connection with council tax and even entering anyone’s property
? If true, it would be in keeping the BS around net zero and the push chemistry set flavoured bug food
? A warning and potentially a statement of fact
Because even conversations between individuals regardless of where - Will p*ss off liberalised and intellectual retards enough to get the establishment involved
And the establishment will habitually embellish BS to justify an arrest
The narrative of Robinson, Tate, and Farage is a totally unequivocal example of no basis of fact, no basis of implied reality
But all three are openly face slanderous accusations and character assignation - By those responsible for where this country is heading
It's called projection as is lying by not mentioning is why all three are being targeted - Truth is a threat
But only 1 of the 3 is going to be arrested on return to the UK. Illegally as a habit, denied a human right of defence, no Jury so will be Convicted and imprisoned - Knowing the convictions will not stand (a Jury would not find a guilty charge from BS)
But now he is out of site
A man died for a slice of bacon, imprisonment was his death sentence
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago