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Last updated 1 week, 6 days ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 6 months ago

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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 4 weeks ago

1 month, 2 weeks ago

"This third one is coming up, is much greater... this time someone is going to find a way to start messing with the moon and stars, and the last thing that he would invent would be a huge house that would be floating way up in the sky somewhere, carrying people and things. When that is fulfilled, then the old man says, then you better start learning how to live on this earth... how to survive, because the earthquake may hit certain areas very strongly, knock everything down - or there may be a severe famine coming along, or the flood, or storm and lightning. Everything starts hitting us very strongly, because Nature is going to be very active from here." - Thomas Banyacya, Two Paths (1972)

Videotaped in 1972 by Dean and Dudley Evenson at the first United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden.

1 month, 2 weeks ago
Busy skies over the past two …

Busy skies over the past two weeks.What might the increased risk to aircraft be during periods of heightened bolide activity? Watch for possible false flags and narratives to cover the effects of what may be part of a natural phenomenon.

[1] Stories are all from @TheWatchers_
[2] There seems to be a noticeable uptick in bolide activity. Are we approaching a Taurid stream encounter? [photo mine]

1 month, 2 weeks ago
“So again, as on the First …

“So again, as on the First World, Sótuknang called on the Ant People to open up their underground world for the chosen people. When they were safely underground, Sótuknang commanded the twins, Pöqánghoya and Palöngawhoya, to leave their posts at the north and south ends of the world’s axis, where they were stationed to keep the earth properly rotating.

The twins had hardly abandoned their stations when the world, with no one to control it, teetered off balance, spun around crazily, then rolled over twice. Mountains plunged into seas with a great splash, seas and lakes sloshed over the land; and as the world spun through cold and lifeless space it froze into solid ice.” - The Book of Hopi, Frank Waters (1963)

3 months, 3 weeks ago
pole shift discussion starts around 1h30m

pole shift discussion starts around 1h30m

3 months, 4 weeks ago

“When the fated day of deluge comes, after what fashion will the earth for the most part be over whelmed by the waves? Will it be by the strength of Ocean and the rise of the outer sea against us? Or will the rain descend uninterruptedly, and will summer be cut out of the year while persistent winter bursts its clouds and pours down endless masses of water? Or will earth herself open new reservoirs and shed forth rivers more abundantly? Or will a single cause be insufficient to produce such a catastrophe, and all the methods conspire together, the rains descending and the river floods rising, and the seas hurrying in hot haste from their place all agencies in concert bent upon the one aim, the destruction of the human race? The last is the truth.” – Seneca (65 AD)

3 months, 4 weeks ago
4 months ago
Harmonic convergence chart updated as the …

Harmonic convergence chart updated as the database approaches 300 entries.

4 months ago
[***The Problem of Jericho***](

The Problem of Jericho
“The biblical narrative and the archaeological finds at Jericho point to the same pattern of events. The archaeological evidence implies a plague, followed shortly by earthquake activity and the total destruction of the city by burning. The biblical narrative gives the same sequence a plague in the Jericho region, followed not long after by what may readily be interpreted as at least two instances of seismic activity (the first stopping the Jordan, the second destroying the city walls), followed by conquest of the city and its eventual destruction by fire.”

4 months, 1 week ago
Over the past several months [@junhoBTC]( …

Over the past several months @junhoBTC has been compiling and maintaining an impressive git repository of ECDO-related material and research. "This repo is intended to be a thoughtbank for brainstorming the ECDO thesis, created by @EthicalSkeptic , and all things related to it." I encourage others to clone, explore and utilise this material in their own work (and follow @junhoBTC on X!)

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Last updated 1 week, 6 days ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat

Last updated 6 months ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 4 weeks ago