Eurasian Youth Union

The Eurasian Youth Union is a movement founded by a Russian philosopher A.G. Dugin in 2005.

We promote the ideas of traditionalism, anti-globalism and a multipolar world.

Here you can find the main ideas and news from Eurasia.
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1 year, 5 months ago
«**English liberalism is based on the …

«English liberalism is based on the following basic principles:

• Individualism;

• Empiricism;

• Civil Liberty;

• Sacred private property;

• Free trade;

• Representative (parliamentary) democracy;

• Transnational scale of the socio-political model;

• A minimal understanding of the State as a temporary institution, designed at a certain historical stage to ensure the security of citizens and compliance with established norms, as well as the dissemination of the principles of the Enlightenment to the widest possible masses;

• Education as Enlightenment, ie.  transformation of society and societies in a liberal way through a system of dissemination of knowledge organized according to the patterns of the liberal ideology itself;

• Progress;

• The West and specifically England are conceived as the vanguard of humanity, going ahead of other peoples and cultures in strictly one and the same universal direction.»

From Noomakhia.


1 year, 6 months ago
**Roger Bacon is considered one of …

Roger Bacon is considered one of the first thinkers in the West to take the path of experimental science and to systematically substantiate its methodology.

Bacon identified three types of knowledge:

• sensual, based on direct bodily experience;

• rational, connected with mathematical and logical procedures;

• mystical, resulting from inner illumination.

All three types of knowledge are achieved in different ways: the first - by the accumulation of life experience, observations and comparisons;
the second - mastering the skills of mathematical and logical operations;  the third is how the exception comes spontaneously and cannot be artificially provoked. In this he fully follows the Neoplatonic tradition. However, according to Bacon, the main form of English theology of knowledge is the observation of the external world and experiment, during which we obtain the maximum volume about the world, which we later systematize with the help of rational operations.

From Noomakhia.

1 year, 6 months ago
Eriugena distinguishes four naturae, "nature", corresponding …

Eriugena distinguishes four naturae, "nature", corresponding to the four fundamental points of his original metaphysics:

• natura creans et non creata (the creative uncreated beginning),

• natura creans et creata (creative creative principle),

• natura non creans et creata (non-creative created principle),

• natura non creans et non creata (non-creative, non-created beginning).

1 year, 6 months ago
France and Germany from the Middle …

France and Germany from the Middle Ages appeared to be two main poles of the dialectical becoming of European civilization, predetermining historical, political and cultural semantics of the most important processes in the history of Western Europe over the past one and a half thousand years. Studing the structure of French logos the author concludes that its main components are two basic figures (gestalt) - Singer-initiate Orpheus and semi-women semi-dragon fairy Melusine.

By gestalt of Melusine, according to the author, a paradigm of Modernity is totally described in its mythological and cultural roots. The book continues the series of works of the project «Noomahiya»>, studing the three Logoi (Apollo, Dionysus, Cybele) and their manifestations in the history of civilizations. This book developes themes of «Logos of Europes.

Summary of Noomakhia: The French Logos

1 year, 7 months ago

On the anniversary of the special military operation.


A.G. Dugin about modern Ukraine (+ eng subtitles)

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1 year, 8 months ago

“Multipolarity, a force to be reckoned with, an alliance that doth bring an end to war. A vision of tranquility and peace, a world where conflict is no more. Gone are the days of domination, where one power doth reign supreme. For multipolarity hath risen, to fulfill the world’s greatest dream. No longer shall one nation hold sway, with the power to bring about destruction and decay. Instead, balance is established, where multiple powers do maintain their sway.”


Edgar Allan Poe on the Blessing of Multipolarity

Multipolarity, a force to be reckoned with, an alliance that doth bring an end to war. A vision of tranquility and peace, a world where conflict is no more. Gone are the days of domination, where one power doth reign supreme. For multipolarity hath risen…

“Multipolarity, a force to be reckoned with, an alliance that doth bring an end to war. A vision of tranquility …
1 year, 8 months ago

? Natalia Melentyeva, mother of Daria Dugina (Platonova):

Daria Dugina's father dedicated his 24-volume series of works, Noomachia, to the study of the Logos of civilisations, the paradigms of human history. And Daria grew up with it, assimilating from an early age a taste for Tradition and vertical ontologies. Daria was born and raised in a family of philosophers of which she was and still is an organic and integral part. She is an eternal rising star of Russian thought. All the sharpest questions thrown up by toxic modernity and the post-modernity of the western twilight are answered by the great traditionalists of the 20th century: René Guénon, Julius Evola, Mircea Eliade, Ernst Jünger, Lucian Blaga, Emile Cioran, Louis Dumont, Georges Dumezil, Alain de Benoit and dozens of other refined thinkers.

He saw the traditionalists as those pioneers of Mind in 20th century history, who tried to understand the sinking of the ship of humanity as a transition from the spiritual paradigm of Tradition (Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance) to the materialistic, individualistic and anti-hierarchical paradigm of the Modern Age, and then to the eroding paradigm of the Modern Age that is the Postmodern Age.

My daughter, Daria Platonova Dugina, was deeply interested in all these topics. She dedicated articles, reports, texts, fragments of her unfinished dissertation to them. In the near future, I hope to publish a book with her philosophical and historical-philosophical texts (reports, articles, excerpts)....

Daria Dugina was in the vanguard of the war of wits, on the intellectual 'frontier', as she liked to say, in the space of the battles of paradigms, ideas, civilisations; she was a true knight of the intellectual front, a true 'philosopher-guardian', as Plato called philosophers, because they guarded the highest thing man has: his intellectual dignity, his right to freedom, to thought, to the protection of the highest human values, to access, by climbing the ladder of contemplation of the highest principles, the entire volume of what in Platonism is called Truth, Good, Justice, Beauty, Goodness.


Daria Dugina, Philosophy as Destiny

Life in today's world presupposes and even requires an enormous effort on our part, not only in worldly matters and outward movements. Above all, it requires an effort of the mind, of thought - a

***?*** Natalia Melentyeva, mother of Daria Dugina (Platonova):
1 year, 8 months ago
**Russian identity consists of two different …

Russian identity consists of two different poles — the state and the people.

The peculiarity of the Russians is that these poles are arranged in accordance with two completely different paradigms — connected with logos of Apollo and logos of Dionysus.

In the Russian state until the beginning of the era of modernization and westernization in the 18th century, the Apollo Logos undoubtedly prevailed. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of the Russian peasant population was a carrier of an alternative culture built on the principle of Logos of Dionysus.

The Russian dream was to unite these two Logos in the paradoxical project of the Kingdom of Earth, combining both — the immanent and transcendental horizons in the Russian union of Apollo and Dionysus.

©Aleksandr Dugin


1 year, 9 months ago
An absolute war

An absolute war

For the first time in history, Russia is fighting an absolute war. All previous wars were relative and prototypes, prefigurations of this one, which is the main one. Only this war is the final one, the last and irreversibly significant. It is clear that we do not yet understand it. What is happening is beyond the comprehension of even those involved in it, even those who started it. For the first time at the other end is absolute evil - not partial, not relative; it is not even the West, much less the ephemeral transient entity of so called "Ukraine", however hellish it may seem: it is something much deeper. This is humanity's last war. Only Russia, with a few others, has decisively taken the side of Truth, but has not understood how. It is for this historical moment that we, Russians, have been created. Regardless of how it ends, preparations for the Last Judgement are in full swing. The watershed is cutting across the planet: on this side or on the other. Humanity is torn apart. History is a movement from one to two. In the beginning there was only one Adam. In the end there are two: Adam and his black double.

Alexander Dugin

1 year, 9 months ago
Postmodern is a natural disaster sent …

Postmodern is a natural disaster sent down with only one purpose, to alienate a person from his ontological status, spiritual formation, integrity and Tradition.

The postmodernist arsenal contains exclusively non-conventional weapons, the main of which is the formation of simulacra.

Platonic shadows of objects are passed through the kaleidoscope of market omnipotence, replacing matter with the goods of liberal dictates.

The postmodern offers the essential substitution of the beginning for the post-beginning, ideas for utilitarian gain, faith in salvation at the service of an endless race.


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