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Last updated 2 days, 2 hours ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 1 week, 4 days ago

🦴 Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

Last updated 3 days, 18 hours ago

10 months, 2 weeks ago
10 months, 2 weeks ago
11 months ago
1 year ago

In construction you can learn weaknesses. Workers are often lazy and will leave doors unlocked and keys available. Would be a shame if someone showed up at 3am and drove them all into the nearby lake 😈****

1 year ago
Think outside the box. Employees at …

Think outside the box. Employees at hardware stores are actively trained to report suspicious orders of small threaded pipes.. or you can buy packs of these online for your cheesy new dining room

1 year ago

It’s sad to realize how we as White People will feel guilty about abusing government handouts. For some reason, at every income bracket you see people raising families and will go as far as to financially struggle but still wont set down their pride to use the systems made to support them. You should be using every opportunity you can for food stamps, unemployment, disability checks, abuse food banks, church pantries etc. Just imagine that any support that isn’t going to you is going to support some nog breeding rings and their crack habits. Eat that shit up!

1 year ago

💰 Money making guide 💰
Step 1: Buy broken game console on Ebay, Facebook Marketplace etc
Step 2: Buy same product brand new on Amazon
Step 3: Return broken product and demand a refund, claim it came broken that way
Step 4: Sell brand new game console!
Step 5: Rinse and repeat! 🤑

1 year ago

Go to a grocery store with an outdoor section, fill up a cart with expensive clothes and ice cream and shit and just leave it out there lol

1 year ago

12 Books to Rule Them All - the first 12 books every White Nationalist should read, ~~in order~~.
Mein KampfThe Culture of Critique88 PreceptsA Squires TrialThe Doctrine of FascismFor My LegionariesThe Turner DiariesSiegeIndustrial Society and It’s FutureWar of the FleaWhite PowerThe Holy BibleActivismHow to Start & Train a Militia UnitWLM Activist ManualBlood & Honor FMThe Nest Leader's ManualMilitant AccelerationismCommunicationsHAM Radio for DummiesHow to Set Up a HAM RadioShortwave Radio HandbookBeating FBI SurveillanceModifying Your PhoneDefensePoor Man’s James BondHomemade Guns & AmmoModern Weapons CachingClose Quarters Combat TechniquesBasics of Pistol ShootingEsotericsRevolt Against the Modern WorldGermaniaOn WotanAdolph Hitler SpeechesThe Abolition of Interest SlaveryFiction1984Civil War TwoDay of the RopeHunterThe BrigadeThe Uprising - Colin JordanFitnessThe Wehrmacht Fitness ManualUS Navy SEALS WorkoutThe Gymless WorkoutBigger Leaner StrongerConvict ConditioningFood PreparationBest Trapping PracticesEdible Wild PlantsButchering a Big Game Carcass
Vegetable Garden EncyclopediaPreservingMedicalEmergency War SurgeryFirst Aid for SoldiersImprovised MedicineMedical HandbookWound Healing & ManagementPodcasts & AudiobooksDr. Pierce - 308 Broadcasts
Dr. Pierce - The Turner DiariesDr. Pierce - HunterMein KampfThis Time the World - George Lincoln RockwellRacial HistoryThe Myth of German VillainyGermany Must PerishMarch of TitansThe Passing of the Great RaceWhite CargoTacticalCombat SurvivalSAS Urban Survival HandbookThe Encyclopedia of War100 Deadly SkillsDirty FightingThe Jewish QuestionOn the Jews and Their LiesThe International JewJewish SupremacismJewish ExpulsionsJewish Ritual MurderIf you like what you see here, join us in the 14-Words chat, for more related content, and a community to discuss it with.

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Last updated 2 days, 2 hours ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 1 week, 4 days ago

🦴 Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

Last updated 3 days, 18 hours ago