Lanterns of Tawheed

Spreading the Light Of Tawheed

🔸 They wish to extinguish the light of Allah, but Allah will perfect His Light, though the disbelievers detest it. 🔸


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11 months, 1 week ago

Insecurities Worth Having

In conversations about physical insecurities with sisters, one often gets annoyed with the over-analyzation sisters indulge in about their appearances and the level of complaining and ingratitude that’s displayed over Allāh’s blessings. But let’s be honest, there are some features that really are worthy of being insecure about. It’s important that we list them so that sisters can work on remedying the appearance of such ugliness! Some of the worst but most normalized ones:

  1. A nose that’s in everyone’s business, poking itself in places it’s not wanted nor supposed to be.

  2. A mouth that backbites and through which gossip spreads, that speaks obscenities and is constantly engaged in Qīl wa Qāl (ex: “so and so said and I heard such and such”)

  3. Eyes that remain shut throughout the entire night, and never awaken for Qiyām Al-Layl.

  4. Skin that isn’t cleansed often with Wudū, and that doesn’t touch the floor in prostration for both Fard and Nawāfil Salawāt.

  5. Fingers that aren’t used to keep count of Dhikr.

  6. Hands that harm and oppress others.

  7. Ears that eavesdrop and listen to that which they are forbidden to hear, such as music and backbiting.

  8. A figure that is displayed and distinguishable to those who are forbidden to see it.

  9. And a head that doesn’t lower with shyness in the presence of Non-Mahram men.

Let’s set the beauty standards straight, sisters. It’s about time Muslimāt start obsessing with the shortcomings in their Deen and Adab the way they do over their physical appearances. Imagine how much better the state of our graves and hereafter would be if we focused on polishing and perfecting the souls which will be judged before Allāh instead of the bodies that will decay and become one with the dust.

May Allāh سبحانه وتعالى forgive our shortcomings and grant us the ability to rectify our states.

— Shared from Al.Qawareer (Instagram)

11 months, 1 week ago

Transcribed: Women Visiting Graves | (08) Ramadān 1445 Q&A


Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril (حفظه الله تعالى)

11 months, 1 week ago

“We never saw our mothers complaining when they stood on their feet for hours preparing Iftār for the family or for the Masājid. We only ever saw them putting in their best effort and smiling when sitting at the table watching all the fasting people breaking their fast. They always went above and beyond, not just making the basic meals, but all sorts of appetizers and snacks to go with it. No complaints or nagging, because they prepared the food out of love for their families and with the intention of receiving the Ajr of feeding fasting people.

Most women of today’s generation have lost the feminine nature and desire to nurture their families, along with that, they lack in Taqwā, so they no longer seek the hereafter while performing their duties. They only exist to compare themselves to their menfolk and to complain about every inconvenience in their lives. How unfortunate will the children and husband of such women be! The children will no longer feel the love in their meals nor will the husband feel the gratitude for his earnings.

Sisters — especially those of you born and raised in the West — leave the Western nonsense and gender wars to the Kuffār and inherent the graciousness and generosity of your mothers when it comes to serving your family and husbands. Instead of complaining that you’re expected to cook & clean while fasting, praise Allāh سبحانه وتعالى for the great opportunity for Ajr that He has provided you with in this blessed month. If you truly understood how much reward was up for grabs, you would fight to be allowed to serve your family and the fasting people! We’re all in dire need of any reward we can get our hands on — let’s take the opportunities, not complain about them insha’Allah.”

— Shared (Al.Qawareer Instagram)

11 months, 1 week ago

One of the most intense fears that my heart harbors is that I die without having the entirety of the Qur’ān preserved in my chest.

I supplicate for my soul to not be separated from my body until I commit the entirety of Allāh’s Kalām to memory—so often that sometimes I consider that I perhaps Allāh سبحانه وتعالى is delaying my death till the very moment I complete my Hifdh.

I don’t care when I die, as long as it’s after I’ve embosomed the Qur’ān and at a moment when Allāh سبحانه وتعالى is pleased with me.

How would I be on that day if I watched the others recite and ascend into the heavens with each verse, while I stood below in lowness and humility? How could I expect any security on Yawm Al-Qiyāmah or have any hope without His Words that kept me secure and gave me hope in this worldly life?

I don’t want to live a life nor die a death where the Qur’ān remains separated from me, and indeed a death in such a state is worse then a life. For if I have life, I have the chance to commit it to memory, but if I die, there is no such chance after that.

اللهم اني اسالك حسن الخاتمة

11 months, 1 week ago

Transcribed: Listening to Kufr | (05) Ramadān 1445 Q&A


Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril (حفظه الله تعالى)

11 months, 2 weeks ago

When people see practicing, religious families, they tend to view a blessing that was handed on a gold platter. What many don’t see is the years of dark nights, of trials and hardship, that led to the commencement of such a blessing.

Such families often begin from a single person, who Allāh سبحانه وتعالى used as a catalyst to guide the rest — a person who suffered from alienation, mockery, pressure, force, hatred, threats, and rejection for many years, just like many brothers and sisters reading this today are facing. Then the numbers slowly grow, and the Haqq triumphs the falsehood as promised.

First you recruit a sibling, then another. Then a parent who brings the other on board. After that a cousin and an aunt or uncle. Then they all have families and children of their own and before you know it, you’re dead and buried in your grave but there’s a village of Muslims upon the correct ‘Aqeedah and Manhaj that you’re receiving the Ajr of. Perhaps one who you are a means to guide ends up even surpassing you in guidance and steadfastness! Surely, that’s a result worth all the heartbreak and rejection you faced in the journey.

What you’re facing today may be the early stages of a beautiful journey that will end with the outcome you desire. Guidance is in the hands of Allāh سبحانه وتعالى totally, but don’t lose heart. Stay steadfast on your principles and in your Da’wah to your family, it will pay off in the Ākhirah no doubt, and insha’Allāh very possibly in this life as well.

May Allāh سبحانه وتعالى grant us the ability to remain steadfast as we were commanded, to succeed in Da’wah to those we love, and be a means to guide them from the darknesses into the Light.

11 months, 2 weeks ago

Don’t forget to benefit from Shaykh Mūsā Jibrīl (حفظه الله)’s previous Ramadān series this Ramadān as well!

? Ramadān 1444

? Ramadān 1442

May Allāh سبحانه وتعالى protect and reward our Shuyūkh and their students for these beautiful Ramadān classics that they’ve provided us. May He protect Shaykh Mūsā and grant him a swift and total Shifā from his illness and a lengthy life full of good deeds. He has truly been a doctor for our hearts with these series, اللهم بارك له. Remember the Shaykhayn and their family in your heartfelt Du’ās this Ramadān, it’s the least that we owe them.

11 months, 2 weeks ago

Transcribed: The Ruling on Normalization Treaties | (01) Ramadān 1445 Q&A


Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril (حفظه الله تعالى)

11 months, 3 weeks ago
1 year, 1 month ago

? MUSLIM WOMEN & UNIVERSITY EDUCATION | Foreword by Shaykh Ahmad Jibrīl حفظه الله

?? PDF Link:

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