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تبلیغات (پیام به جز تبلیغات = بلاک)
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
?? ? ??
Last updated 9 months, 3 weeks ago
Here are various phrases that can be utilized to convey percentages.
73%- nearly three quarters
51%- just over a half
49%- just under a half
32%- nearly a third
3%- a tiny fraction
50%- exactly a half
26%- roughly one quarter
49%- around a half
24%- almost a quarter
77%- approximately three quarters
70%- a large proportion
71%- a significant majority
15% a small minority
3%- an insignificant minority
Task Achievement vs. Task Response:
♨️ Task 1: Focuses on Task Achievement – how well you summarize and report the key features of the given data, following the instructions.
♨️ Task 2: Focuses on Task Response – how well you respond to the given question or topic.
A common mistake is treating Task 1 like Task 2, where candidates list all available information instead of summarizing and comparing key points, as required.
اینو حتما شروع کنید??
This is way better than Hamster ?
این بات از همستر هم بهتره
❌️پخش اول کتاب ها و جزوات کنکوری و نهایی❌️
تبلیغات (پیام به جز تبلیغات = بلاک)
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
?? ? ??
Last updated 9 months, 3 weeks ago