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4 months, 3 weeks ago
***??******⚡️******☦️***: A priest in Lvov has …

??⚡️☦️: A priest in Lvov has been struck with paint.

The behavior of a democratic people which share Western values.


7 months ago
**Paganism, gods and goddesses aside, is …

Paganism, gods and goddesses aside, is the most LGBTQ-affirming faith in the US
“When the Supreme Court was hearing the Obergefell v. Hodges case that eventually made marriage equality a reality across the nation, pagans held rituals on the high court’s steps in DC.

Led by Firefly House, a local witchcraft community, these public rites called forth the “spirit of justice and revolution” and attracted pagans from around the country.

In a recent political profile study, Kathleen Marchetti, an associate professor of political science at Dickinson College, reported that likely 93% of American pagans agree with policies supporting LGBTQ rights, a larger share than the 69% of non-pagans who do.

7 months ago

? Disinfo Alert! ? What the Patriarch Really Said:

"I don't read Turkish, but thankfully I could understand the original Russian. So, here's the deal: Languages don't line up perfectly. He's not saying nobody persecuted them; he's saying they weren't completely destroyed. He's using the perfective verb, which implies completion... So he's not saying nobody tried to eradicate them or nobody harmed them. He's saying nobody completely destroyed them."

— Michael Lenaburg, Translator and Linguist ?

8 months ago
Russians Don't Identify as "European" and …

Russians Don't Identify as "European" and for good reason

8 months, 1 week ago
**The Fruits of White Supremacy are …

The Fruits of White Supremacy are Homosexuality and TransgenderismKeep in mind that 95% of Telegram users are men. Racist white men are basically closeted gays and trannies. Peak Americanism.


Would you rather be:Whom would you rather date?

8 months, 2 weeks ago

Making Russian Children - Alexander Dugin (2023)

Since we have established ourselves as a sovereign civilization, we need to change the dominant discourse. What everyone was afraid or embarrassed to say before (what the West will think about us, the world community…) must now be stated clearly and openly.

So, let’s say: we need to urgently begin the revival of the Russian people.

That’s exactly how it is. Otherwise, any manipulations with labor migrants – even the friendliest ones – will only inflame the situation and increase instability. Migrants are not the solution to the demographic problem of the disappearance of the Russian people. This is an axiom. Therefore, the solution lies elsewhere.

The main points are as follows:

Give birth to Russians

Any form of restriction on abortion is good here. But the issue is not biological, but social, cultural, ideological. For birth we need a man and a woman, even more precisely (according to Aristotle) a father and a mother (the father gives the creature a form, and the mother supplies matter, nurturing the form). This means that a family is needed. Russians give birth to Russians in Russian families. Russian father, Russian mother, Russian children. And in the background as a foundation—Russian ancestors. This is not a biological production; it is a spiritual sacrament—the creation of the people. Therefore, the birth of a Russian child should receive a special status of a national feat. From the fact of Russian birth, we pass to the Russian family.

Russian family and Russian upbringing

It’s not about ethnic identity; it’s about cultural code. A family is Russian when it thinks of itself as part of the Russian people, shares its traditional values, considers Russian history as its history, accepts Russian life and its conditions. The status of a Russian family is not about blood and phenotype, but about self-consciousness. The Russian family means many things at the same time. This notion has yet to be revealed more fully. Russians brought up only in a Russian family. The family forms the structure of personality. It is not enough to give birth to a Russian, it is necessary to bring up a Russian Russian. Russian upbringing is the business of Russian families.

Russian society

If a Russian child is to be born and brought up, it is necessary to provide a suitable society for him—such a society must be Russian. In it everything is Russian—education, professions, way of life, social structure, patriotic spirit—Russian attitude to sex, to work, to old age and to death. Russian society should be built on Russian traditional values. If a Russian is born and brought up in a Russophobic liberal-cosmopolitan society, it will lead to tragedy—both for him and for society. For a Russian to feel natural in the world, this world must be a Russian world.

Settlement of cities. There is an iron sociological law in the sphere of demography: in big cities people give birth less than in small cities, and in small cities less than in the suburbs, in the countryside or in villages. That is why we want more Russians; we need to move from cities to villages. Everyone should be given land on the most favorable terms, the opportunity to build houses (preferably one-story houses—so closer to the Russian land!—but they can be large, for more children), loans (can be irrevocable, if there are a lot of children, or people have accomplished feats, or are just talented), gas and light. Russian demography will jump.

Russian culture

In order for Russians to create Russian families, give birth to Russian children, bring them up as Russians and send them to live in a beautiful and just (because justice is our most important traditional value!) society, the culture of our society must be Russian (and not whatever and certainly not as it is now). Culture is the most important, even the main factor that defines society. It is the air and it is the meaning.


9 months, 2 weeks ago
*Protestantism, by rejecting celibacy and actual …

*Protestantism, by rejecting celibacy and actual asceticism in general, as well as its representatives, the saints, has become a blunted, or rather broken-off Christianity, lacking the pinnacle: it runs out into nothing.... Protestantism, by eliminating asceticism and its central point, the merit of celibacy, has actually already abandoned the innermost core of Christianity and is to that extent to be regarded as apostasy from it. This has become evident in our days in the gradual transition of Christianity into the flat rationalism, this modern Pelagianism, which in the end boils down to a doctrine of a loving father who made the world, and who, if one only submits to his will in certain respects, will also provide for an even much prettier world afterward (the only complaint about which is that it has such a fatal entrance).

This may be a good religion for comfortable, married, and enlightened Protestant pastors: but it is not Christianity.*

— Arthur Schopenhauer, Parerga and Paralipomena: Part II

9 months, 2 weeks ago

The Aryans Never Came to India?
| Examining the Out of India Theory

by Harry Sahota

A presentation that explores the latest discoveries and evidences from the Vedas to decode the Aryan Invasion Theory


00:00 War Clips

00:18 Intro

00:49 What Is Aryan Invasion Theory

02:10 DNA Analysis

02:55 Out Of India Theory

03:38 Archaeological Evidence

04:12 Evidence From Vedas

05:20 Linguistic Evidence

06:20 Literal Evidence

07:22 Mythological Evidence

08:41 Conclusion


Spoked Wheels were already in the Indus Valley in Ancient TimesRegenesis Out of Mahabharat Theory

OUT OF INDIA: Worldwide Holocene Seafaring Migrations Out of the Indus ValleyAryan Theories: Setting the Record StraightCollection of Info on the Aryan Invasion TheoryThe Out of India Theory Keeps Rising

The Secret History of the Persians:
Origins of Ginger and Blonde Peoples

9 months, 3 weeks ago
Deception Detective
9 months, 3 weeks ago
**Nation State Apologists' Criticisms of the …

Nation State Apologists' Criticisms of the "Civilization State" Concept Prove that they are all Liberals Promoting Secular Humanist Supremacy

"British journalist Gideon Rachman argued in a 2019 article that the concept of a 'civilization state' is at odds with modern conceptions of universal human rights and common democratic standards, and is inherently exclusive to minority groups who do not share the feature(s) that define a particular civilization state (for example, they may have a different religion)."


What this proves is that the nation state is inorganic and is used as a means to maintain a Secular Humanist liberal democratic rules based order.


America was Founded as an anti-Christian Social OrderSeparation of Church and State: Secularism is Anti-Christian

On the Ontological Difference Between Medieval Europe and the Atlanticist WestThe Modern World: White and Western

The White Man's Burden: The Faustian Eschatology of the Modern World They Gave Us Modernism

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