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Intel slava is a Russian News aggregator who covers Conflicts/Geopolitics and urgent news from around the world.
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?Casues of secondary amenorrhea:
?Stopping the use of birth control
?Some birth control methods, such as Depo-Provera or certain types of intrauterine devices (IUDs)
?Poor nutrition
?Certain prescription drugs
?Extreme weight loss
?Ongoing illness
?Sudden weight gain or being very overweight (obesity)
?Hormonal imbalance due to polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
?Thyroid gland disorders
?Tumors on the ovaries or brain (rare)
?pituitary tumers sella syndrome
?premature ovarian failure
?Pure gonadal dysgensis
Enzyme inducers and contraceptive pill
A disrespectful but good #mnemonic to remember for enzyme inducers is:
✍ Whilst majority of GPs are absolutely fantastic, if a GP prescribes rifampicin and combined oral contraceptive pill without informing the woman of contraception failure, he may be called a Crap GP. A good GP would discuss the use of additional barrier methods, having progesterone only injections, insertion of intrauterine devices or use of increasing dose of oestrogen.
⛔ Carbamazepine
⛔ Rifampicin
⛔ Alcohol – chronic consumption
⛔ Phenytoin
⛔ Griseofulvin
⛔ Phenobarbital
⛔ sulfonylureas
للمزيد اشتركوا بالقناة من هنا ?
? لمحبين وعشاق وطلاب الجراحة والعمليات الجراحية هذه القناة ستنال اعجابكم ?
انضموا اليها ??
أفضل القنوات الطبية: تنشر الفيديوهات والملخصات والكتب والمحاضرات الصوتية والتطبيقات لكل التخصصات والمستويات وغير ذلك الكثير ...
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فيديوهات وكتب الجراحة
فيديوهات وكتب الباطنة
فيديوهات وكتب الأطفال
فيديوهات وكتب النسائيه والتوليد
محاضرات وملخصات طبية
فديوهات وكتب الزمالة الامريكيه
فيديوهات وكتب د نجيب الهندي
قناه استذكار المعلومات بإختصارات
قناة كل الفيديوهات الطبية
Antenatal steroids
1. Dose
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Consensus Panel and the ACOG recommends
A) dexamethansone 4 mg IM × every 12 hours, for 4 doses for all women in preterm labor between 24 and 34 weeks’ gestation.
B ) betamethansone 12 mg IM × 2 doses, 24 hours apart if more than 2 weeks had passed and the gestational age was less than 33 weeks.
# Corticosteroids are not recommended for use in pregnant women who are at more than 34 weeks’ gestation unless there is an indication of fetal lung immaturity.
facilitate fetal lung maturation by increasing production of fetal lung surfactant, thereby reducing the incidence and severity of RDS,Antenatal corticosteroid also decreases the incidence of intraventricular hemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis, and neonatal death
Important notes
A) The greatest reduction in RDS occurs when delivery can be delayed 24 hours up to 7 days after starting treatment.
B ) Betamethasone, however, might be the preferred agent because fewer IM injections are needed and because in meta analysis it was associated with a greater reduction in RDS compared with dexamethasone.
also in the reduction of periventricular leukomalacia, a finding associated with later risks for cerebral palsy.
? Implantation Defects ‼️
?Ectopic Pregnancy :
⚪️Implantation at site other than uterine body
⚪️Most commonly fallopian tube
⚪️Can be peritoneal or ovarian
⚪️Can very quickly become a life- threatening emergency
?Placenta Previa :
?Implantation in the lower uterine segment
?Can cause haemorrhage in pregnancy
?Requires C-Section delivery
?Incomplete Invasion :
⚫️Placental insufficiency
??? Puerperial Pyrexia
?A clinical sign that merits careful investigation.
? A temperature of 38 oC on any 2 occasion in the first 10 days after
delivery excluding the first 24 hr.
Urinary tract infection
Genital tract infection
Breast infection (mastitis, abscess)
Deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism
Respiratory infection
Other non-obstetrics causes
Surgical wounds e.g. C.S.
News and announcements of the library. No books here.
??Official Chinese channel:
Last updated 7 months ago
Intel slava is a Russian News aggregator who covers Conflicts/Geopolitics and urgent news from around the world.
For paid promotions and feedback contact us at: @CEOofBelarus
Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago
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