New Mexico Audit Force

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5 months ago


I use to believe successful people were just lucky and had everything go easy for them.

Some told me of horrible betrayals, sicknesses, and failures, but as they explained them it was all matter of fact like this was just part of life.

People believe that everything will just come easy or the answers will just fall into your laps. Or someone else will fix the problems in your life.

Have you ever said any of the following:
"If only my spouse would..."
"If only my boss would..."
"If only my governor/president/congressman/councilman would..."

The reality is, blessings come to those who WORK THEIR A$$ OFF to achieve them.

Election Integrity like everything in life is like taking a sledge hammer to a small chisel on a large boulder.

Everyday you will whack that chisel with all your might and you won't see anything different. You will feel exhausted, but you have to keep wailing away.

Because just like life, there will be a moment you FINALLY HEAR CRAAACK! And that boulder will break!

5 months ago

Now put Christina's Bobb's report next to that loser Lee Zeldin speech I posted above and you tell me the establishment GOP has any interest in Election Integrity?

Oh I'm sorry...The GOP put up a website on a cheap GoDaddy site asking for volunteers and donations. So they are like SUPER SERIOUS NOW. 🙄

I'm assuming everyone who signs up there will get an automated email on how they should vote early and by mail along with a donation link.

I pray that Laura Trump can reform that organization, but till then we are going to build the alternative and hopefully meet the reformers in the middle of the battlefield.


The People's Audit - Kris Jurski

This is textbook example of how to backstab your base using the ol' Straw Man argument. Anyone remember Lee Zeldin contesting his stolen election in NY? Yeah, me neither. Let me paraphrase... We have to continue to cover up the cheat by encouraging mail…

9 months ago
New Mexico Audit Force
9 months ago
3 weeks before my scheduled Jan …

3 weeks before my scheduled Jan 6 trial, the FBI arrested my MAIN witness Philip Anderson - a young black man who was nearly killed on the steps of the Capitol from horrific Police BRUTALITY. They then canceled my October 10th 2023 trial, (for the 3rd time) and have not rescheduled it.

I have been indefinitely detained without trial and denied Due Process for over 1000 day in the DC Jail Gulag. Biden's Weaponized & Corrupt DOJ / FBI has engaged in witness tampering & intimidation in my Jan 6 case & is actively covering up the murder of Roseanne Boyland - who died holding Philip Anderson's hand in the dog pile you see above.

This is a video of me grabbing, by Gods grace, (in black leather jacket with a gasmask) Philip from the deadly Police caused dog pile. In a court sworn Affidavit Philip says "Jake Lang saved my life, if he wasn't at the Capitol I would have died"

This is the TRUTH about January 6 they DONT WANT YOU TO SEE!!

9 months ago


A hearing has been set for the RECALL petition against communist County Commissioner Katherine Bruch for Monday, December 11th, 2023, at 2:00 p.m., BERNALILLO Sandoval County Judicial Complex Courtroom C - 2013

If you live nearby, please attend to help show the judge that New Mexicans do not want captured politicians in office who violate their oaths and ignore the will of the people.

9 months, 1 week ago
BREAKING: The Arizona Attorney General has …

BREAKING: The Arizona Attorney General has indicted two Cochise County Supervisors for alleged election interference in the 2022 election. The County Supervisors delayed election certification because the election was clearly RIGGED

Why does the election certification exist if counties cannot delay certification to ensure the legitimacy of results? The Arizona 2022 election also had the closest statewide margin in the Attorney General race with massive evidence of fraud showing Abraham Hamadeh clearly won. There were also many lawsuits being filed to challenge the results, these two Cochise County heroes absolutely did the right thing.

This is what Marxists do when they gain control, they go after everyone who tried to stop them

9 months, 1 week ago

"Let My People Go" Test Screening Audience Reactions

9 months, 1 week ago

Poll: 56 Percent Of Voters Believe Cheating Is Likely To Happen In 2024 Election

Follow @gatewaypunditofficial

The Gateway Pundit

Poll: 56 Percent Of Voters Believe Cheating Is Likely To Happen In 2024 Election | The Gateway Pundit | by Alicia Powe

More than half of American voters expect the highly consequential 2024 presidential election to be marred with cheating and fraud and believe mail-in voting impedes election integrity, according to a recently conducted survey.

**Poll: 56 Percent Of Voters Believe Cheating Is Likely To Happen In 2024 Election**
9 months, 3 weeks ago
**LEGAL: Texas Sues Pfizer, Tris Pharma …

LEGAL: Texas Sues Pfizer, Tris Pharma for Endangering Children with ADHD Drug

The lawsuit alleges that both companies knowingly distributed a medication that failed to meet federal standards.

Attorney General Ken Paxton states, “Pfizer and Tris defrauded the state and endangered children,” referencing the knowingly substandard distribution of Quillivant XR.

The lawsuit uncovers a disturbing scenario in the pharmaceutical industry, where companies prioritized profit over children's safety.

This pivotal case puts Pfizer and Tris Pharma under scrutiny and could signal a shift towards greater accountability in the pharmaceutical sector.

Epoch Times Article


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