Morecambe & Lancaster Freedom Fighters

Covering Morecambe, Lancaster and the surrounding area
What resistance/pushback is being applied, what 'can' be applied, in the local area and general significant.
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6 months, 1 week ago
Another one of these has appeared …

Another one of these has appeared in Morecambe's West End.

It has been spotted on the shore near the former Battery Hotel, the shore where all the grass is growing which they claim they can't remove.

Are they seriously expecting us to live like birds...

Birds eat insects and other grubs. Hmmm, well they are trying to encourage us to eat bugs...

6 months, 1 week ago
**Update: Apparently the large Boots in …

Update: Apparently the large Boots in Lancaster has only one human checkout. The rest have been replaced by automatic self checkouts. That's Lancaster, Lancashire, UK the Boots at St. Nic's Shopping Arcade.

They're trying to force people to accept it as normal by limiting the way we can pay via human contact. Making it difficult for people and forcing them to wait longer due to limited human operated tills. All to discourage a majority from using them and steering to use the automatics for the sake of convenience. But they are the ones creating the inconvenience in the first place.

Remember how the self checkouts will take your picture without your consent? Who knows where they're storing this information at. They might claim it isn't stored or used for negative purposes; but can you really trust people who create the inconvenience of lack of human operated tills to force you to use the self checkouts in the first place...

6 months, 2 weeks ago

Would anyone like to checkout Morecambe Morrisons and see if they've got anything like this installed?

Or any report on any Morecambe/Lancaster supermarkets shops with similar overeaching security and customer spying methods?


6 months, 2 weeks ago
**Let's Add a Few More Apartments …

Let's Add a Few More Apartments to an Already Heavily Built up and Deprived Area Shall We...
Rather than something providing jobs etc which would benefit the area.

Just because something is offered as a solution, doesn't mean it's the right or only solution

Isn't it odd how whoever owns it never seems to have any business sense to actually make it work as a business yet other locations manage perfectly OK. Perhaps this is intentional.

Regarding its decline due to events in the 1970s. They fail to mention in 1974 Morecambe lost its County Borough status, Lancaster City District Council took control which then deprived the resort of investment and proper tourist opportunities.

With the council constantly claiming how beneficial their Eden Project will be, how come they're reducing hotel accommodation sites like this one... Are they not expecting staying visitors???

6 months, 2 weeks ago

Coming to a Town/City near you.

No privacy, rights dictated to by the community. Pure Communism. Sounds good on the surface until you realise you'll be heavily restricted in what you can and can't do.

Also they'll be installed in commercial spaces so there'll be fewer and fewer opportunities for independent businesses to setup, though this is probably the intention. ???

6 months, 3 weeks ago

Raw milk suppliers in Lancashire

UK Raw milk supplier directory, covering unpasteurised dairies in UK and Ireland

6 months, 3 weeks ago

A Repository of links and information regarding the UN's Agenda 21 - Agenda for the 21st Century.
Including Rosa Koire's Research: Behind the Green Mask and other links/media

Learn the Wildlands Project, Hegelian Dialect, Delphi Technique, Smart Growth, Control, Transient Towns, Commutarianism etc.


Agenda 21

All about Agenda 21 - The Agenda for the 21st Century.

**A Repository of links and information regarding the UN's Agenda 21 - Agenda for the 21st Century.**
6 months, 3 weeks ago
**As part of Agenda 21 *(See …

As part of Agenda 21 (See Above Image) it is the intent to force people into using bikes whilst removing all car use. The latter will be done by various methods including:
- Removing parking areas and spaces.
Removal of parking as part of Eco Project

- Removing and restricting road areas for cars.
- Traffic calming to slow down vehicles and make it undesirable to drive.
- Taxes and Fines for Motorists using cameras under the guise of reducing emissions.

- Installing one way systems, blocking roads/short cuts and filtering all vehicles into one route thus causing traffic jams which can then be blamed on the motorist. They then use this to justify further restrictions and punishments against motor-vehicle users.

See what they've been doing to Lancaster over the years with regards to this last point.

6 months, 4 weeks ago

Derailing the Delphi Technique
How to make controlled public debates work in the public's favour and have a proper debate, rather than directed participants to an already predetermined outcome.


Derailing the Delphi Technique

On Oct 8, 2014, MTC held a meeting to discuss the Public Participation Plan for the next round of Plan Bay Area 2017. Their agenda was to force people to sit at tables. This is classic Delphi Technique to stifle dissent. When they tried to force people…

7 months ago

The slogan of UN Agenda 21, to protect the rights of future generations and all species against the potential crimes of the present, is both a smokescreen and a declaration of entitlement.

By standing on this high sounding premise the rights of the individual are called selfish and those who would fight for them slurred as immoral. The philosophy that by merely living and exhaling we pose a direct danger to the earth is self-destructive and truly damaging to those lands that we steward.

The Green Mask must be drawn back—far back from the personalities: the little dictators running trusts, foundations, planning departments, city and town councils, provinces and states, non-governmental foundations and the like.

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