Tafsīr Benefits | فوائد تفسيرية

Sharing benefits from the reliable books of Tafsīr upon the methodology of the Salaf al-Sālih

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Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago

• قناة البصمات الخاصة ببوت فسنجون 💖

- قناة المطور : @KekoDev

- معرف البوت : @iizBot

- للتمويل : @kekoibot

إذا كنت تتعرض للابتزاز أو الإساءة من خلال قناة أو مجموعة تم تمويلها عبر قناة فسنجون، يمكنك الإبلاغ عن ذلك هنا: @Fscammerss

Last updated 1 month ago

نحنُ الاول في كل شيء اما غيرنا فلهم التالي •●

المالك ستيفن ~~> @AliAbbas95

Last updated 1 year, 9 months ago

10 months, 3 weeks ago

Surat al-Anbiya 103-104
Reciter: Shaykh Muhammad al-Luhaidan حفظه الله

al-Imam al-Baghawi رحمه الله said in his Tafsir:

"The greatest terror will not grieve them," Ibn ‘Abbas said: “The greatest terror is the last trumpet, as evidenced by Allah’s saying: "And the Day the horn is blown, so everyone in the heavens and on the earth is terrified," [An-Naml: 87]. al-Hasan said: “This is when the servant is ordered to the Fire.” Ibn Jurayj said: “This is when death is slaughtered and it is proclaimed, 'O people of Paradise, there is eternity with no death; and O people of the Fire, there is eternity with no death.' Said ibn Jubayr and al-Dahhak said: “It is when Hell envelops them, after Allah has taken out from it whom He wishes to take out.”

"And the angels will meet them," that is, the angels will receive them at the gates of Paradise, congratulating them, and they will say: "This is your day that you were promised."

1 year ago

al-Imam al-Si’di رحمه الله said in his tafsir about the story of Ayyub ‎ﷺ:

“Remember” in this Book full of reminders
“Our slave Ayyub” and mention him in the best terms, speaking highly of him, when harm befell him, but he bore it with patience and did not complain to anyone except his Lord, turning only to Him. “When he called upon his Lord” in supplication, complaining to Him and none other. He said: My Lord, “Verily the Shaytan has afflicted me with hardship and pain” that is, something very hard, tough and painful. The Shaytan had been given the power to harm him physically, so he blew on his skin until it was filled with sores, which then ruptured, making matters even worse; similarly, his family died and his wealth was destroyed.

It was said to him: “Strike [the ground] with your foot” that is, strike the ground with your foot so that there will flow from it a spring of water with which you may wash yourself and from which you may drink, and it will take away the harm and pain from you. He did that, and the harm left him, and Allah ﷻ healed him.

“And We restored his family to him” - it was said that Allah brought them back to life for him “And doubled their number” in this world, and Allah made him rich and bestowed upon him a great deal of wealth
“as a mercy from Us” to Our slave Ayyub, as he was patient and steadfast, so We granted him reward by Our mercy in this world and the hereafter. “and as a reminder to people of understanding” that is, so that people of understanding might remember the story of Ayyub and learn a lesson from it, and realise that whoever bears harm with patience, Allah ﷻ will reward him in this world and the hereafter, and will answer his supplication when he calls upon Him.

“We said to him And take a bundle of rushes in your hand and strike [your wife, once] with it, and do not break your oath”. The commentators said: When he was sick, he got angry with his wife for some reason, and swore that if Allah healed him, he would strike her one hundred times. But his wife was a righteous woman who treated him kindly, so when Allah healed him, He showed mercy to her and to him; therefore He told him to strike her once with a bundle of one hundred reeds, thus enabling him to fulfil his oath (without harming her or being unjust towards her).

“Truly We found him” namely Ayyub “to be patient and steadfast” that is, We tested him with great harm, and he bore it with patience for the sake of Allah
“a good and faithful slave” who reached the highest levels of servitude to Allah, at times of both ease and hardship
“who constantly turned [to Us]” that is, he often turned to Allah to help him reach his spiritual and worldly goals, and constantly remembered his Lord, called upon Him, loved Him and showed devotion to Him.

1 year, 2 months ago

al-Imam al-Si‘di رحمه الله said in his tafsir:

“Here Allah ﷻ tells us of the vastness of His dominion, and that He alone controls it at all times, and that “On the day when the Hour begins” and all creatures are gathered on the Day of Resurrection, the followers of falsehood will be the losers - those who came up with false arguments in an attempt to refute the truth thereby. Their deeds are invalid, because they are based on falsehood; thus they will become invalid on the Day of Resurrection, the day on which all facts will become clear and all false arguments will avail them nothing, and they will miss out on the reward and will receive a painful punishment.”

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Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago

• قناة البصمات الخاصة ببوت فسنجون 💖

- قناة المطور : @KekoDev

- معرف البوت : @iizBot

- للتمويل : @kekoibot

إذا كنت تتعرض للابتزاز أو الإساءة من خلال قناة أو مجموعة تم تمويلها عبر قناة فسنجون، يمكنك الإبلاغ عن ذلك هنا: @Fscammerss

Last updated 1 month ago

نحنُ الاول في كل شيء اما غيرنا فلهم التالي •●

المالك ستيفن ~~> @AliAbbas95

Last updated 1 year, 9 months ago