Fawāid al-Shuway'ir

Translated benefits from Shaykh Abdul Salam al-Shuway'ir حفظه الله

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- لطلب تمويل القنوات : @xxx1x
- قناة التمويل : @nnnon
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- فريق الدعم - @TwSLBlackBot
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Last updated 1 week, 5 days ago

Last updated 6 months, 3 weeks ago


Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago

1 month ago
O Allah, You are the All-Knowing, …

O Allah, You are the All-Knowing, the All-Powerful. Protect the land of Syria and safeguard it from fragmentation and division.

O Allah, do not replace its people’s oppressor with another oppressor.

O Allah, whoever You grant authority over it, guide him, accept his repentance, make him upright, and make him a mercy to the people of Syria, one who establishes the religion and cooperates with the rulers of the Muslims upon goodness.

O Allah, grant authority to one who will protect their religion, their lives, their honour, and their wealth.

1 month, 1 week ago
1 month, 4 weeks ago

The Prophet ﷺ:

“Do not acquire knowledge to impress the scholars, nor to argue with the fools, and do not seek the best seat in the gatherings through it. Whoever does so, then to the Hellfire, to the Hellfire!”

[Sunan Ibn Mājah 254]
Grade: Sahih

3 months, 4 weeks ago

Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله:

"Friday prayer is one of the most important obligations in Islam, and one of the greatest gatherings of the Muslims. Gathering on Friday is more important and more obligatory than any other gathering apart from ‘Arafah. Whoever neglects it, Allāh will place a seal on his heart."

[Zaad Al-Ma’aad | Book 3, Pg. 31-32]

4 months, 1 week ago

Shaykh Abdus-Salam Al-Shuway’ir حفظه الله:

“All goodness is in the words of Allāh and the words of His Messenger, and no matter how much a person seeks goodness, knowledge, and guidance in anything other than them, they have then strayed from the straight path.

It was said to Umar ibn Abdul Aziz رضي الله عنه:

'Some people give admonitions with things other than the Qur'ān and Sunnah.' He said: 'Whoever is not admonished by the Qur'ān and Sunnah, may Allāh not grant him admonition.'”

[Benefits from the Explanation of Al-Wasiyyah as-Sughra]

4 months, 1 week ago

Shaykh Abdus-Salam Al-Shuway’ir حفظه الله:

"Test your faith with the Qur'ān. Whenever you find yourself drawn to the Qur'ān, it is a sign of goodness. But whenever you find yourself turning away from the Qur'ān, we ask Allāh, the Almighty, for safety, as this is a deficiency. A person should test themselves with the Qur'ān and be diligent with it. One of the amazing aspects of the Qur'ān is that if you leave it, it will leave you. If you stop reviewing it, it will slip away just as camels slip away from their tethers."

8 months, 4 weeks ago

Shaykh Abdus Salam al-Shuway'ir حفظه الله:

Everyone receives [different] provisions! One door is opened for him unlike other doors. And if everyone was to be the same then businesses would be ruined.

Even in knowledge, if everyone was specialised in hadith or Fiqh, no one would be different from the other. al-Sakhawi mentions from his Shaykh Ibn Hajar رحمهم الله that he said: “A man cannot combine between having his books be famous and having a righteous offspring”

[فوائد من شرح أخصر المختصرات]

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- اهلا بك في سورس بلاك .
- لطلب تمويل القنوات : @xxx1x
- قناة التمويل : @nnnon
- لطلب التمويل : @ossss
- فريق الدعم - @TwSLBlackBot
- انستا https://instagram.com/DS1

Last updated 1 week, 5 days ago

Last updated 6 months, 3 weeks ago


Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago