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6 months, 2 weeks ago
???????? ?? ????زينو
6 months, 2 weeks ago


Selena ❤️❤️
karina ??
Nolan?? ..
martis. ??
kimmy ??
kaja ??
Hylos ??
Roger ??
lancelot ??
Balmond ??
Grock ??
moskov ??

??+ ??+ ?? ကြန်ဦးမယ်

Zay_ Dm @Kono_hamura_X_Haya



6 months, 3 weeks ago

ကဲ မပြောချင်ပေမယ့် နောက်ဆုံးအချိန်မလို့ပြောမယ် Xeno Disband ပါပီ 2017 လောက်ထဲက ဆိုတော့လူလဲပန်းနေပါပီ ခနခနနားခဲ့ပေမယ့် စိတ်ကပျင်းနေတာကြောင့်ရယ် ဘာမှလုပ်စရာမရှိလို့ရယ် Debating ကိုအပျော်လုပ်ဖို့ရယ်နားလိုက်ဘက်လိုက်လုပ်ခဲ့တယ် အဲ့တော့အခုကျနော်တဂယ်နားပါပီခမျာ ခင်ခဲ့တဲ့လူတေရော ကျနော်နဲ့ Debating တူတူလုပ်ခဲ့တဲ့လူတေရော ကွန်တေရောကျနော်ကိုယုံကြည်ခဲ့တဲ့အတွက် ဝမ်းသာပါတယ် အခုတော့နောက်ဆုံးခြေလှမ်းရောက်လာပီမလို့ Xeno Dis ပါပီခမျ အခုအာဏာကိုင်ထားတဲ့ Team4 ကိုလည်း Dis သွားမှာပါဗျ အဲ့တော့မုန်းနေတဲ့လူတေရော ချစ်ပေးတဲ့လူတေရော အားလုံးကိုကျေးဇူးတင်ပါတယ်လို့ပြောရင်း - XenoAlwaysOnTopزينو?


6 months, 3 weeks ago


6 months, 3 weeks ago


6 months, 3 weeks ago


7 months ago

Historical Topics

  1. Was the French Revolution more beneficial or harmful to France?

  2. Did Christopher Columbus's voyages have a more positive or negative impact on the New World?

  3. Was the Treaty of Versailles a fair resolution to World War I?

  4. Did the Industrial Revolution ultimately improve or worsen living conditions for the working class?

  5. Was the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki justified?

  6. Should the United States have entered World War II earlier?

  7. Was the American Revolution primarily about independence or economics?

  8. Did the Marshall Plan effectively rebuild Europe after World War II?

  9. Was the Cuban Missile Crisis a victory for the United States or the Soviet Union?

  10. Was the Cold War inevitable following World War II?

  11. Did the colonization of Africa have more positive or negative consequences?

  12. Should the United States have gotten involved in the Vietnam War?

  13. Was the Protestant Reformation a necessary movement for religious reform?

  14. Was the slave trade primarily driven by economic interests or racial prejudice?

  15. Did the Renaissance contribute more to cultural advancement or social upheaval?

  16. Should Julius Caesar be considered a hero or a tyrant?

  17. Was the Great Depression primarily caused by economic factors or government policies?

  18. Did the Treaty of Ghent effectively end the War of 1812?

  19. Was the American Civil War primarily about slavery or states' rights?

  20. Did Alexander the Great's conquests bring more harm or good to the world?

  21. Should the British Empire be remembered more for its achievements or its atrocities?

  22. Did the Renaissance mark a true rebirth of classical ideas or a departure from them?

  23. Was the partition of India in 1947 necessary for peace or a failure of diplomacy?

  24. Was the Russian Revolution of 1917 ultimately beneficial or detrimental to the Russian people?

  25. Did the League of Nations fail primarily due to structural flaws or lack of support from major powers?

  26. Was the Trail of Tears an inevitable consequence of westward expansion or an avoidable tragedy?

  27. Did the Treaty of Nanjing mark the beginning of China's "Century of Humiliation"?

  28. Should the United States have dropped the atomic bomb on Japan to end World War II?

  29. Was the Hundred Years' War more about territorial expansion or national identity?

  30. Did the Spanish Inquisition serve a legitimate purpose in maintaining order or was it a tool of religious persecution?

  31. Was the Mongol Empire a force for progress or destruction?

  32. Should the Roman Empire be remembered more for its achievements or its flaws?

  33. Was the Black Death a catalyst for positive social change or a period of devastation?

  34. Did the Enlightenment promote progress or lead to moral decline?

  35. Was the Spanish conquest of the Americas justified or unjustifiable?

  36. Should the United States have annexed Hawaii in the 19th century?

  37. Did the Great Fire of London have more positive or negative long-term effects on the city?

  38. Was the French Revolution more influential than the American Revolution?

  39. Should the Suez Canal have been constructed in the 19th century?

  40. Did the Berlin Conference of 1884 contribute to the colonization and exploitation of Africa or promote stability and development?

7 months ago

ကဲ Historical ထပ်တင်ပေးမယ်ညီကိုတို့ရေ

7 months ago

Theory topic

-Calculus ¹

-Engineering Collision ²

-Integration ³

-LaTeX ⁴

-Simple harmonic oscillator ⁵

- Introduction to logic ⁶

-Finite difference 3 Numerical ⁷

-Matrix inversion ⁸

-Motion ⁹

-Analysis ¹⁰

-Simulation and Black box ¹¹

-Ponzi scheme ¹²

-Derivative ¹³

-GeoGebra ¹⁴

-Oscillatory motion ¹⁵

-MARSTRUCT Conference ¹⁶

-Air resistance or Terminal velocity ¹⁷

-Electron ¹⁸

-Derivative ¹⁹

-Differentiations ²⁰

-Understanding Flight ²¹

-E = mc^2 ²²

-Multiple qubits ²³

-Visualizing qubits ²⁴

-Qubit Representation Theory ²⁵

-Quantum computer Theory ²⁶

-Binary Bits ²⁷

-Tensor product/outer product ²⁸

-Kinetic Theory of Gases ²⁹

-Revised ³⁰

-Ordinary Differential Equations ODEs ³¹

-Electrical Resonance ³²

-Harmonic Oscillator ³³

-European Space Agency ³⁴

-Infinite series ³⁵

-Ig Noble Prize ³⁶

-About energy density ³⁷

-Vectors ³⁸

-Newton’s Laws of motion ³⁹

-Post hoc fallacy ⁴⁰

-A Brief History of Atoms ⁴¹

-Cryptocurrency ⁴²

-Dimentional Motion Or Straight Line  Motion ⁴³

-Parallel And Perpendicular Component Of Acceleration ⁴⁴

-Proving that there are uncountable numbers between 2 numbers ⁴⁵

-Angular Momentum Conservation ⁴⁶

-Moment of lnertia ⁴⁷

-Potential Energy ⁴⁸

-How a star is born ⁴⁹

-Relation between Torque and Moment of Inertia ⁵⁰

-What is Heat? ⁵¹

-Circular Orbits of satellites ⁵²

-Understanding black holes through simple Newtonian mechanics ⁵³

-The Quantum Evolution ⁵⁴

-Blackbody Radiation ⁵⁵

-From Quantum Biosensory Neuroscience Anis, Spirit,To trouble ⁵⁶

-Brownian Motion or Brownian Movement ⁵⁷

-Nikola Tesla's wireless technology ⁵⁸

-3 temperature measurements ⁵⁹

-To note about the sign of speed ⁶⁰

-Mathematical Induction ⁶¹

-Friction ⁶²

-Limit value ⁶³

-A solution to the problem of simulating falling velocity ⁶⁴

-Pressure Volume Temperature Communication ⁶⁵

-Newton first law ⁶⁶

-Circular Motion ⁶⁷

-Brownian Motion or Brownian Movement ⁶⁸

-Walking is work done, so it doesn't happen ⁶⁹

-Gravitational Potential Energy ⁷⁰

-Archimedes Principle ⁷¹

-Pascal´s Law ⁷²

-Continuity Equation for Fluid Mechanics ⁷³

-Bernoulli's Equation ⁷⁴

-Perehelion Precession ⁷⁵

-Impulse-Momentum ⁷⁶

-Is it true that neutrinos travel faster than light?? ⁷⁷

-The Man on Immortal Numbers ⁷⁸

-Steam Engine ⁷⁹

-Magnetic storage material (or Inductor).⁸⁰

-Rutherford's gold foil experiment ⁸¹

-Nebulae ⁸²

-Aurora ⁸³

-Electromagmetic spectrums (EM)
Visible light ⁸⁴

-Mass weight and gravity ⁸⁵

-“Why is ½ in K = ½mv²? ⁸⁶

-Conservativism ⁸⁷

-Quantumn Black Body radiation ⁸⁸

-Exploring Energy ⁸⁹

-MBTI, Anneagram & Cognitive Functions ⁹⁰

-Time concept dimension & dilation ⁹¹

-Quantum Field Theory (QFT) & Higgs Field ⁹²

-Venturi effect ⁹³

-Pilot Fighter jet Gravity ⁹⁴

-Differential equation ⁹⁵

-distance Velocity speed ⁹⁶

-Circulation systems ⁹⁷

-Every change does not change ⁹⁸

-momentum ⁹⁹

-Albert Einstein's Nobel Prize ¹⁰⁰

-Why does magnetism occur? ¹⁰²

7 months ago

Theory Tp တင်ပေးမယ်ကွာ

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ကြော်ငြာထည့်သွင်းလိုပါက official account ??တခြားအကောင့်မသုံးပါ

Last updated 6 months ago

ဆက်သွယ်ရန် Admin Account ⬇️


Last updated 5 days, 23 hours ago