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hi i split stuff and host GOs! yumyum

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Last updated 2 months ago

코인왕 SNS https://linktr.ee/block_ck

Twitter l https://twitter.com/Blockchain_CK
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1:1문의 : @xsizex / E-mail : xsizex@naver.com

◇ Community Building & Management

개설일 : 2019.12

Last updated 1 week ago

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Last updated 1 week, 6 days ago

1 month, 3 weeks ago

for each batch of items that are settled, i will be striking them out in the list. this list is everything i can find, but some may have slipped through the cracks. if you've noticed any orders not accounted for in the list, or if there are any questions relating to upcoming/delayed items, please email them to < soupyrefund@gmail.com >. if emailing about specifics please do let me know which buyer/group order your enquiry is relating to!

i'm opting to sort through email as i get comparatively more access to my laptop than my phone, and it'll ensure your dms won't be buried by the other chats i have on telegram as i might end up checking it rarely (depending on my phone access that week. i understand it is a lot more troublesome so it isn't necessary, i will still try my best to reply to as many dms as i can, but do bump me if i end up missing your message for over 2 weeks, as there's a chance it's gotten buried.

the emails (and dms) will be looked through and replied to over the weekend (friday to sunday), and any edits to the list or clarifications will be given by the week's sunday latest.

once again thank you for reading up to here, and for your patience with me as i settle everything as best as i can.

1 month, 3 weeks ago

hi! my deepest apologies for the long silence on my end, i was hospitalised during this entire period due to an emergency and given very limited phone/internet access. i can't say i'm fully back as my internet access is still limited but i am finally able to start working on refunds. again, it'll be progressing slowly as everything i am paying out of my own pocket, i truly apologise if it'll take me a while to fully refund everyone affected.

i know i said i would proceed with some group orders, but as my health prospects are not optimistic i cannot guarantee i can sort complicated orders, so some will be cancelled and i will not be able to proceed with billing or finalising them. i also know i offered to re-source, but my current circumstances have made this avenue impossible to fulfil, and i sincerely apologise for it.

the refunds will be done in batches according to group order, so if you're affected by 2 or more GOs that are settled in different batches, you'll be receiving 2 different refund messages from me. i am unable to compile and refund everything together, this system is so i don't miss out on anyone.

1 month, 3 weeks ago

cancelled and unbilled gos:
- #miku16anniv
- #animatefair
- #birthdaykeychain
- #birthdayepick**
- #birthdaysks
- #prsksanrio

items i'll be refunding for:
#leonisekaifuwa / #mmjsekaifuwa / #vbssekaifuwa /#dashosekaifuwas
#soupybox / #shelbybox
#sanrio02 / #sanriomunyu
#2point5annisks (and rectangle badges below, along with #rectangles)
https://t.me/soupynoodly/6510 - another vocal album (vbs)

items that will be settled upon release
- #cpstore7 (delayed ~2 weeks, shipping issues)
- #cpstore6 (applied for shipping, otw to sg)
- #luka14annivkuji (arrived)
- #cpstore8 (potentially delayed, tbc)
- #rellaartbook
- #prskzzt2

3 months, 2 weeks ago

hi everyone! this is very long overdue, and i understand that a lot of you are anxious about your items. i apologise that i wasn't able to give clear or timely updates about the orders, and this message serves as a way for me to both explain what is happening…

3 months, 2 weeks ago

mailing has been delayed, and will continue to be, so if anyone would like to swap to meetups, please do let me know and i will immediately refund for the mailing fee. i will not be opening any more orders (with sanrio and zozotown 2 being my last), and once everything is settled (late 2024, if the second release for zzt2 isn't delayed), the channel will be deleted.

thank you to everyone who had supported the channel, from it's creation in 2022 til now. i am very grateful for the friends and memories i have made during this period, and i deeply apologise once again that this has happened.

3 months, 2 weeks ago

hi everyone! this is very long overdue, and i understand that a lot of you are anxious about your items. i apologise that i wasn't able to give clear or timely updates about the orders, and this message serves as a way for me to both explain what is happening and also let you guys know what i'll be doing to hopefully try and fix what has happened.

firstly, again, i apologise for such a long delay, along with how long this update took. it's not an excuse, but i myself wasn't able to get the full picture of what was truly happening on the other side until two weeks or so ago, and what happened has pretty severely affected my family, as well as my own mental and physical health. i won't hide behind that as an excuse though, i understand i have made my own mistakes throughout the process as well, and i sincerely apologise for all the stress i have caused.

in the beginning, from last year, i opted to change my addresses in jp sites to my own home address there instead of my proxy, as there were plans for me to move back for school then. however, i was not healthy enough to fly, and that plan was scrapped. i initially decided to keep it as is, since i believed my family would be able to help me consolidate and ship everything out. with this same line of thought, when my original jp proxy faced issues with international mail, we compromised by having her ship domestically to my home instead. i didn't take into account that they could have been busy with their own plans, and this led to a lot of back and forth with them being unable to return to help me despite promises (as the family home was in a pretty rural area). i was hesitant to pressure them as they would have been doing this for me as a favour, but i understand now that this choice of mine to be passive was wrong, as it caused a lot of things to snowball in the end.

the family home is usually occupied by my elderly grandparents, who'd offered to help me, but in this period my grandmother was experiencing severe health issues, so the both of them were staying in the city for her to seek treatment. my family wanted to send everything out in jan, but the sudden earthquake heavily affected their livelihood (to the point where even now, they are struggling), so things were delayed again. two weeks ago, my grandparents returned home instead to try to help me settle and ship everything out. and a few days after that, a fire broke out, which tragically took their lives. my home was also burnt down, along with almost anything flammable in it, which means all of the group order items that were there were also all damaged beyond repair. i can't go into additional detail as there are some legal matters behind the scenes, but this is the current situation as far as i know.

i didn't mean to go silent for so long with no response, but i had to suddenly cope with loss on a scale i hadn't ever experienced, and my mental health took a serious plunge. i won't go into detail, but i did have to be hospitalised, and i am still currently not allowed to be alone. i have no other way to express how i feel about this besides to apologise for being unable to fulfil so many orders, especially for limited items. i am not writing any of this to gain sympathy, but simply as an explanation for what has been happening.

i will of course try to re-source for anything i can (at no additional cost), but the option for a full refund will also be possible if chosen. i will be trying my best to sort through all the affected orders in batches, and will send a personal update to the buyers for each group order so we can discuss refunds or re-sourcing. this will be done in batches so that i am able to handle everything properly. a list for the tags of affected orders will be updated here as soon as i can.

i apologise in advance, because it will take me a while, up to a few months, to re-source and also refund (as it will almost entirely be coming out of my own pocket), and i sincerely seek your understanding during this period.

5 months ago
ty jol for the photo and …

ty jol for the photo and the gacha 😭🙏

$3 ea
prio to clear

cmt to claim

5 months, 1 week ago

honestly i fell for it the first 2 times i received that msg also so don't be silly like me 🫠🙏

5 months, 1 week ago
eat soup drink noodles
5 months, 1 week ago
eat soup drink noodles
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Last updated 2 months ago

코인왕 SNS https://linktr.ee/block_ck

Twitter l https://twitter.com/Blockchain_CK
Channel l https://t.me/Coin_AirdropKing/
Group l https://t.me/Coin_Airdrop_King/

1:1문의 : @xsizex / E-mail : xsizex@naver.com

◇ Community Building & Management

개설일 : 2019.12

Last updated 1 week ago

Ici, ce sont les jeux PS, PS2, PSP, PS3, PS Vita, PS4, PC, Xbox, Android, Nintendo Et jeux Rétros.
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Last updated 1 week, 6 days ago