Community chat:
Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
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💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks ago
"When you’re vibing with someone, that means you’re on the same frequency.
And when you’re on the same frequency, that means you’re communicating and exchanging energy without the need for words.
And that’s a beautiful thing."
~ Nieznany
Art | by @ dreammcollage
- IndianaQones
ᗷᏆᖇᗞ ᎢᖇᏆᗷᗴᔑ ᖇᏆᔑᏆᑎᏀ @BirdTribesRising
⭐️?⚜️Children of the Sun = 181 = The Holy Bloodline, the Polaris Star, the time traveler, set yourself free, the morning star, pure white light, somewhere in time, quantum energy, commandments of God, power of prayer, born the servant⚜️I am the dark phoenix, Trumps Q Army, state of emergency, national emergency⚜️?⭐️
A Drop in the Ocean
You were placed here. You were not an accident. A nearly infinite number of variables had to go perfectly right (and sometimes "wrong") for you to be here right now.
The same goes for everyone else...
The circumstances in your life which triggered you to wake up were not an accident. Painful, yes. Accident, no.
You were set upon this trajectory of truth seeking and soul healing before you can comprehend. The darkness you've already been through is exactly what has prepared you for this time in your life.
You have a gift to see the bullshit.
And contrary to popular opinion... it has never been your "job" to wake others up. You aren't responsible for anyone's awakening or anyone's healing but your own.
The more you seek Truth, the more responsibility you gain by natural consequence.
Responsibility to heal yourself. Responsibility to authentically share what you've learned.
You will unavoidably wake others up...because that is a side effect of you healing your heart. Not something you "do". Because you cannot control other people. Sometimes controlling the Self is a 24/7 gig.
The truth is that you don't have much say in what other people do or don't choose to believe in, think, say or do. But you do have direct control, authority and responsibility for what you choose to believe in, think or do.
The second you DO, a drop lands somewhere in the ocean and it ripples. It ripples out further than the eye can see and when the surface calms, all you can visibly see are the resting waters. However an energy moved through that water because of that drop and now that water holds information. You don't always get to know what happens to that information. Just like you rarely know all of the ramifications of every choice and action you take. But just the same... That drop has already assimilated into reality.
Maybe one day that ripple will reach a fish who wants to come over and see what's going on. It has a new found curiosity about the situation, even if it never saw the drop or the ripple.
A change has been set in motion which cannot be stopped.
When you wake up and start healing our own trauma responses, toxic behaviors and co-dependencies - you learn better ways of handling challenging situations and because of that, you are more intentional about what you do, naturally, because as you awaken you will integrate new lessons from old traumas. You start to innerstand your own cause and effect better.
So instead of pulling out the firehose anytime you smell smoke... You slow down your reactions and take time to choose what you do with what you are feeling.
As you learn and grow and DO, you are creating infinite ripples that are energizing all of the systems within your reach. That alone changes the energy in the atmosphere, creating opportunity.
Opportunity for change and transformation.
As you heal and step higher into yourSelf - as you become more clear on your intentions in this world, you give permission to those around you to do the same. And you should know by's not easy to wake up, and it does have to be a choice.
So we can say we are further up stream, that others are further behind us yet, and others have already found their way to the great waters.
But we must remember that the ripples behind us push us forward and the ripples ahead of us give direction.
It is all for us. All of us.
It may appear through our present perspective of now, that we are further behind or ahead when it really is all happening at the same time.
In the blink of an eye.
One drop in the ocean at a time.
- Ashley L. Zanella
Community chat:
Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks ago