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Last updated 2 months ago
If you want to change the world, start with yourself.
You want to fix your nation, restore order and expel (((those in power))) in a colossal all-encompassing revolution, yet you can't manage to ask a girl out or get into the gym to lift 4 days a week.
Occasionally, someone will tell you something that just cuts to the core.
Back in late 2011/early 2012, my life was more or less in shambles. I had all kinds of personal AND professional drama going on, I was broke, I looked like shit, I was drinking constantly, I was fat, weak, ugly, poor, had no future and was generally miserable.
One night I was out at the bar and ran across a guy I knew from High School. He wasn't what I'd call a close friend, I always sort of thought he was dumb and pretty irritating, but we were reasonably friendly with each other back in school.
As I was moderately drunk at the point where I ran into him, we exchanged pleasantries and then somehow ended up on the subject of all my current problems and issues.
Then he was just quiet for a second, looked at me and said this, very plainly:
"Man. Sounds like your life isn't really turning out the way you hoped it would, huh?"
That statement has stayed with me to this day, and I have to say, his looking at me with an expression of pity on his face when he said it was a factor a few months later in late 2012 when I joined a gym and committed to not just getting my physique in order, but my entire life.
There's a certain "type" that I come across pretty often in these online circles.
He's young, "redpilled" and seems to be terminally online. He's up-to date with the latest e-drama, loves complaining about the sad state of the gaming industry and other entertainment media. He'll always make comments about various e-celebs being pathetic losers, etc.
Yet he himself is in a scenario where he's doing nothing.
He may have income, but he might not. Regardless, he doesn't go to the gym, his diet is fucking terrible, and he's very rarely outdoors. He will often bitch about his lack of a girlfriend, yet doesn't seem to realize that he, himself has absolutely nothing of value to offer a quality woman, and as such is seen as repulsive or simply invisible.
The way I see it, you can be into whatever you want, as long as you're prioritizing more important things.
You want to play video games? Play video games. But play them after you've lifted for the day and eaten your steak and eggs. You want to partake in e-drama? Go for it, but only if you're also doing the important things.
There's a certain hierarchy of priorities. Personally, this is what's on the top tier, above everything else:
-Taking care of family
-Being outdoors as often as I can
Everything else (including generating income) falls behind these priorities.
I don't have much hope for the type of young man I described at the beginning of this post, and this joke of a "movement" is absolutely flooded with these types. With these guys as our base, we quite simply do not have a future as a people.
Some of them will get their act together, but most of them won't.
The individuals who I have seen that show the most promise tend to do so quietly. They take notes, they develop good habits, and they come back a few months later, say "look at what I have achieved" and it's always astonishing. If they credit the information I have given them for helping them even in some small way, then WHAT I AM DOING HERE IS WORTHWHILE.
If you are reading this and you ARE the guy I described, know this:
It's never too late. You can turn things around. You can get off of the road to nowhere. I did it at 30 years old but I curse myself every day for not doing it when I was 25, 21, or 18. I genuinely hate my former self for not doing it sooner. If I could go back in time I would beat the absolute shit out of that guy for the suffering he caused me.
But all of this being said... your attitude MUST change.
Your lifestyle MUST change.
And you have to COMMIT.
And THEN you have to put in the work required to claw your way out of the hole. No one else can do it for you. And you have to do it every day. Every night. You have to WANT IT MORE THAN ANYTHING and be willing to suffer physical discomfort to make progress day in and day out.
We have some among us that are smart enough to see through endless waves of propaganda and social conditioning but can't even function at like... bottom of the barrel retard level in society.
And I'm no exception to this, really. I had a period of time in my twenties where I was basically just as bad, if not worse than any of these guys are, and I hadn't even figured out the JQ shit or even gotten within a country mile of it. I was still railing about George Bush and shit. I've even lapsed back into it from time to time since then. Just not giving a fuck. No job, no anything.
Is it just fundamental incompatibility with this shit show that we're living in? Inability to just take it up the ass and do what you're told by repulsive people who are a thousand times dumber and gayer than you? I mean I think that's it for me at least.
"Deep into a back and biceps session that morning, I learned that Joe Biden had apparently pooped his pants on live television. 'No matter' I thought to myself, returning to the EZ Curl bar"
Reaching the conclusion of another weekly 70+ hour fast this evening.
No food until Chest/Triceps and an hour of cardio.
Back on that fall 2022 grind.
As you can probably tell, I'm not at the stage of doing much in the way of major work to my gym. All of this has been done. It's as close to finished as you can really get, for the most part.
Rather, at this point, minor tweaks are taking place to fine tune the operation of the facility.
I have some other plans once we move into a house with a larger garage. The cardio area will be more permanent and accessible. I may add something like a rower. I'll likely install some mirrors in front of the squat rack as opposed to the current flags.
But this is all what I would consider to be relatively unimportant details, and unless I come across a bunch of Hammer Strength machines for 95% off, it's very unlikely that the setup I currently have will go through any major changes in the future.
IMO the best low-cost solution for dumbbells is a basic set of 1" handles (smooth or spin-lock) and some 1" plates from Walmart.
Right now I have enough to go up to 75 lbs with my dumbbells, but due to some Marketplace finds, I now have fixed dumbbells from 3-35 lbs in 5 lb increments. I'm working on finding fixed weights from 40-60 lbs, but this is not only more difficult to find on the used market, it's also a much more expensive proposition.
I much prefer the fixed weights. In terms of doing things like drop sets, it's a lot faster to just drop (for example) the 60's and pick up the 30's instead of spinning the plates off of your dumbbells and re-attaching the collars on both dumbbells. At that point you've basically lost the benefit of even doing a drop set in the first place.
This is sort of a minor problem though.
I recently ordered some smooth dumbbells and traditional clamps, same as I'm using on my barbell. This should not only be more secure than the spin-locks but also expediate the process of changing weights (which is a bit of a pain in the ass at the moment, if you've ever used spin-locks you get it). My wooden EZ Curl loading platform doubles as a quick-change rig for dumbbells, but even still, I'm hoping there's a better alternative to the spin-locks.
If I can streamline this process just a hair, I might simply abandon the search for heavier fixed weights and spend the money elsewhere. Right now it just comes down to being completely possible, just moderately annoying and time consuming.
I've brought "rock weights" up before. I've never used them, as I have the dumbbell situation covered, but for someone who doesn't have a bunch of money to spend on dumbbells, and the ability to mix up some concrete, these are a really great option.
The only REAL issue is that they're fixed at 40 and 60 lbs. I believe they have a kettlebell mold as well.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
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Last updated 2 months ago