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We officially have both Saturn + Neptune Retrograde in Pisces! The energy is very weird right now as these two are creating waves of chaos within the consciousness. There is a feeling right now of being untethered or completely unsure of what is going on in your own personal lives and the world. Many symptoms are also happening as part of the Light Body Integration. My best guidance right now is to change things up. If something is not working for you right now physically, emotionally or mentally, do something completely different. The more we switch things up and change our version of "normal" the more the energy seems to move from my experience. If something is working for you, stick with it. We are essentially being urged to be the calm within the chaos, the eye of ths storm as the oceans of collective consciousness are quite literally and figuratively going through storms.
Mercury has entered Leo today and it is just in time ! This will help us renew our sense of confidence and optimism through this tumultuous energy. We were drowning a bit with all of that cancer energy and pisces energy ? We are also aligned with the Sirius stargate at the moment and anticipating huge incoming streams of energy throughout 4th of July and the 7/7 Portal .. ill do more updates on this soon
love you all
Happy July loves ?�?
We had quite the shift overnight as Mercury and Venus moved into Cancer, and the Moon moved into Scorpio⌠today is a very watery day and many may be feeling the sudden emotional shift from all of the previous air.
I also wanted to share something that came to me yesterday as well about this upcoming Cancer season.. I personally have always struggled with Cancer Season as it opposes 4 of my natal Capricorn placements and for the last 15 years, we have had Pluto in Capricorn creating harsh oppositions during Cancer Season every year.
In essence, our full emotional releases and that deep sense of emotional security that Cancer craves has been denied to us for 15 years. This was for a higher purpose of course, but this Cancer season will be the first without a Pluto opposition ! We can anticipate, maybe for the first time, finding that sense of deep emotional fulfillment and heart opening.
Of course the cosmos are providing us with two full moons in Capricorn during this season as well for balance but it will be interesting to see how we all feel during this month. Love to all the Cancer and Capricorn placements ?
Mercury is finally direct today @ 15 Degrees Aries exactly conjunct the North Node Aries! Aries is such a fast moving sign and even with Mercury being retrograde for most of April, it felt like events were unfolding at lightening speed. It will be interesting to see how things speed up now that its direct. With the conjunction to the North Node in Aries it feels like messages, downloads and sudden epiphanies can come through today on where we are headed, and what direction our soul is calling us to.
The theme for the next few years will be wholly centered around our own empowerment and going for our dreams despite our fears and past experiences.
hows everyone feeling today ?
Happy Taurus Season ???
The Sun is now opening the Taurus Stargate while Jupiter + Uranus prepare to conjunct exactly tomorrow evening (EST). The Sun will be in a direct square with Pluto in Aquarius the next few days, creating some tension between these two fixed signs. When something is no longer working we must be willing to change it.
Pluto is now in Gene Key 41 which carries the shadow of fantasy. Richard Rudd described this shadow as dreaming of a better life or a better world, but never taking action towards it. We get stuck in our hopes and wishes, without ever fully jumping into them. The siddhi of 41 is Emanation and represents the embodiment of the emanation of the prime source , the mother, the womb, where all things are created from.
Today we also have Venus, Mercury + Chiron are all conjunct in Aries bringing up core feminine wounds around being assertive, empowering of the self and standing in your personal truth of who you are and your purpose.
The conjunction tomorrow will be occurring in Gene Key 23: the gate of splitting apart. This shows us the duality between the shadow of complexity and the higher of simplicity.
We will keep an eye on all domains of Taurus over the next week to see how this conjunction plays out (real estate, land, food, financial systems, worthiness, value and stability)
The next few days we have almost a vortex of energy energy going on... We are currently in the window of the Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction which is very potent.. the last occurrence of these two in Taurus was 1941, at the height of WW2 and the Great Depression. What i am feeling this time around, is we are in a completely new timeline of sorts. We are no longer repeating the past. Since the Total Solar Eclipse along with Mercury retrograde in Aries, its given us a clean slate. We no longer have to repeat the same experiences or loops, by finally seeing where we were refusing to take action, to do something different, to take accountability, to choose love over fear, we now get to create the New Earth. The old timelines of disaster and apocalyptic events do not need to occur in order for us to awaken and evolve, that is the outdated Atlantean timeline that is dissolving from our cellular memory. We no longer need to rely on external things in order to create our dreams.
Within this vortex of energy we have the Sun preparing to open the Taurus Stargate on 4/19, while Mercury + Venus conjunct in Aries. Mars and Saturn are holding it down in Pisces, cutting through any illusions that are preventing us from seeing what is so clearly right in front of us, and to have the courage and fearlessness to take action upon it.
On 4/20 this instant manifestation event will occur at 21 degrees Taurus. Its time to very clearly visualize and state what you wish to see manifest into reality, and to start creating it. Our powers of co-creation are really coming online, and I feel like Humanity is remembering who they really are.
love you all
The aftermath of the Pisces Stargate Opening along with the North Node and Chiron Conjunction in Aries, is bringing a deep cellular healing. Hard to explain in words but I know everyone is feeling it. Trust the process ?? lots of âPTSDâ clearing from the collective consciousness right now
"We as a collective Humanity have been preparing for takeoff since November of 2023. On the 11/11 Portal of 2023, the Crystalline Timeline aka the Ascension Timeline was fully activated and anchored on Planet Earth. We can imagine this as the runway that was being built and had to be stabalized through the planetary grids as well as through our human vessels. We completed the stabalizing of the Crystalline Timeline on 12/21/23.
Beginning in January of 2024, we were "preparing for takeoff." The call went out for all remaining beings within Humanity who were and are ready for the Planetary Ascension to begin boarding. All who heard this call came with their boarding passes and boarded flight 999 on the Ascension Airways.
For the rest of this month and through March, we will still have all planets in direct motion (which we have had since January). This is the ALL SYSTEMS GO energy that we are feeling, as we are now immersed in the Accelerated Ascension Events of 2024. Once we hit April, there will be a choice point for Humanity as to the Ascension Events for the remainder of the year, and April will be a pivotal turning point on this journey during the Total Solar Eclipse on 4/8.
What is fascinating about the next 6 weeks is that we are moving from a Stellium (3+ Planets) in Aquarius, into a stellium in Pisces (Mercury, Sun, Venus, Mars, Saturn + Neptune), and then into a stellium in Aries (Sun, Mercury, Chiron + North Node). These three archetypes will be the focus points for Humanity:
Aquarius: Truth, Evolution, Collective Consciousness
Pisces: The Divine, Surrender, Empathy, Forgiveness
Aries: Sovereignty, Inspired Action, Courage
Now the inner planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus + Mars) provide us with personal experiences, changes in perspective and individual healing. The outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune + Pluto) provide us with collective experiences and evolutionary catalysts. Let's take a look at the astrological energy of these planets over the next 6 weeks, as well as their Gene Key associations."
Full Article:
The Daily Disclosure
Oracle Report 2-20-24: Turbulent Takeoff
By: Archeia Aurora We as a collective Humanity have been preparing for takeoff since November of 2023. On the 11/11 Portal of 2023, the Crystalline Timeline aka the Ascension Timeline was fully activated and anchored on Planet Earth. We can imagine this asâŚ
Okay fam we officially took off, we are now in midair and in flight to the new paradigm. We have the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars + Pluto in Aquarius with the Moon in Gemini, another air sign.
Air is about change, and what I love about air is that itâs not attached. It has an objective Birds Eye view to everything and transcends the physical and emotional realm.
I anticipate things to get weird this weeekend just before the Sun opens the Pisces Stargate on Sunday. By next week, we will have a stellium in Pisces + Aquarius, the two final signs of the zodiac.
What we can imagine, think about, visualize and intend, will now be able to bleed into the material realm.
If youâre having migraines or severe head pressure, thatâs normal right now. Solar flares seems to be continuing non stop as we had another X flare early this morning.
For those joining the angel chip activation on Sunday Iâll see you then ?
Happy Love Day fam ?
Kind of weird vibes today to be honest. We now have the Moon in Taurus in a very uncomfortable square to both Pluto + Mars in Aquarius. Normally, the Moon in Taurus is a feel good, warm and cuddly kind of vibe, but today it is not. The Moon is also approaching a conjunction with Jupiter later this evening, almost expanding our discomfort. Our comfort zones have been ripped away, and weâre feeling almost raw as the safety nets are no longer there. Itâs hard to find centeredness.
We also have Mercury in Aquarius in a tense square to Uranus in Taurus, challenging every thought system we have. Reality is not as it seems, in fact nothing is as it seems. Itâs as if Humanity has suddenly had cold water thrown on their faces and I feel collectively we are facing the raw and uncomfortable truth of what is going on.
Venus is sitting at the 27th degree of Capricorn, and sheâs not having a lot of fun to be honest ? the feminine energy feels a bit stifled right now as she absorbs Capricorns new archetype, and she is ready to take flight and join the other planets in Aquarius this Friday.
A download I got last night I wanted to share quickly.. Plutoâs new archetype is that of the activator, although he is still on the mission of bringing darkness to light. Each planet that has now passed through the Aquarian Gates has been escorted by Pluto at 0 degrees. Pluto is literally leading these planets from the underworld/old world, to the new. The Sun is now an activator of the Stargates, and the Aquarian Stargate was the first to open on January 20th. This released the Aquarian codes of evolution, unity, truth and authenticity.
The Sun will enter Pisces on February 18th, opening the Pisces Stargate. This will unleash powerful healing codes directly from Source. Pisces is the ultimate spiritual healer, and brings us pure Source energy. This is the day we will begin our Angel Chip Activation, and anchoring in these healing codes.
Each Stargate we pass through until the end of the year will deliver more and more codes to activate our God DNA. The Ascension has been massively accelerated.
Prepare for take off ?
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