Stephen Wells triggers everyone!

Racist, Sexist, Hetrosexualist, Christian, Climate Change and CoVid Denying, Anti Vax supporting, Democracy scorning, Whites loving, shit stirrer. A sanctuary for all the outcasts of clown world. Until the small hats ban it.
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1 year ago
Here’s some examples of why White …

Here’s some examples of why White people become far-right:

A 13 year old African accused of sexually assaulting a 28-year old White woman in a Melbourne park.

African girls physically assaulting a 14 year old autistic White girl in Altona.

African teens rob and murder 74-year old Vyleen White in Ipswich.

Africans take a White woman hostage before taking her car, a crime which occurred not far from where Vyleen White was murdered.

Indians have become the largest group of migrants coming into the country.

Politicians from the ALP/LNP/Greens and Teals celebrate non-Whites and browbeat any White achievements.

One Nation and the UAP fail to advocate for White Australians.

ASIO can’t name those that sold state secrets to foreign powers.

Jews demand the doxxing of anti-Semites and demand anti-doxxing laws when the shoe is on the other foot.

We know why Whites turn far-right and they know as well. They simply refuse to address the concerns of ordinary Australians.

1 year ago
Stephen Wells triggers everyone!
1 year ago
Help our friends in NZ shut …

Help our friends in NZ shut down this filth

This deranged tranny is attempting to travel across New Zealand spreading its vile rhetoric to preschool children

Massey University, Wellington  -
Call: +64 0800 468 542.

Call up and tell them what you think about them hosting this pedo groomer event

1 year ago

A man who’s time was now!This is largely the original John Tyndall speech and using his voice, I wrote a new finish, he would have given it if spoken today.
To view and share all my videos, join:

1 year ago

Planned Invasion

To view and share all my videos, join:

1 year ago

Just a general word of warning to you all. Fed posting risks getting you arrested. Any expression of frustration at the political system involving uprisings or use of force to remove the corrupt political class have resulted, many times in the past few years, of people having their homes raided in the middle of the night and being hauled off to jail with harsh sentences of five years plus.

I have just posted about Sam Melia in the UK getting two years jail for owning stickers that were LEGAL!

So do yourself a favour and don’t Fed post. I will give one polite warning then I will have to block you. Because I don’t want to give the bastards an excuse to jail me either, for failing to act to block “illegal activity” on my page. Trust me, they are looking for any excuse and will use any trumped up charge. I can also guarantee you that there are spies monitoring my page and the corrupt police themselves have often Fed posted to try and entrap people to agree with them and thus be guilty of a terrorism offence or some such bullshit.

Be smart. We’ve all become used to spouting our opinions on line, but nothing will be changed by keyboard warriors.

I do NOT advocate for violent revolution. I think such plans are doomed to fail and are what the establishment wants us to resort to.

Instead: tribe and train. Build networks men in the real world and meet up regularly, especially for physical exercise. Look for “normal” political activities you can get involved in with your group of friends and get involved in issues outside of while Nationalism. Stand for local Council. Oppose drag Queen Story Hour amd wind farms. Look for volunteer groups that you can be a part of and do some good in your local community. When people trust you on everything else they will be open to considering your views on white Nationalism. Be a good example to others and be PATIENT!

Remember, even Hitler decided he had made a mistake in strategy after the failed Putsch in 1923. He came to power Democratically. That doesn’t mean that the same opportunities to change the system will come to us, but whatever the mechanism for change, we are not in a position at this present time to cause any.

So don’t be stupid and take unnecessary risks with your freedom just because you are frustrated. Spouting off on my Telegram won’t change anything other than risk the police breaking down your door in the middle of the night.

1 year ago

Two things are important about this video clip. 1st: We are not evil for pointing this out. They are evil for saying what they are saying. 2nd They are deliberately lying about what the Bible actually says and what the passages they cite are referring to.

The Bible calls out as particularly evil those who blaspheme by attributing false claims to the word of God.

1 year ago

Arm chair critics who never do more than bitch and black pill on social media have been trying to claim that patriot front in the US was just a psyop for years. But if you want to change anything, then make the change. Get off your arse, get together with a couple of other blokes and begin. Tribe and train, Worship and pray.

1 year, 2 months ago

Merry Christmas everyone. Also have a Happy New Year

Taking a break to spend time with family for a couple of weeks. Back on Telegram on 8th January 2024.

Be nice to each other in the chat whilst I’m away and don’t click on any spammers that come on the page between now an then.

God bless you all, including the spies and trolls

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