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11 months ago

Lo que sigue es la traducción de un comentario del Dr. Mike Yeadon a este artículo
(15 de febrero 2024)

Enlace directo a su comentario en inglés:

*Siento mucho tener que escribir esto.

Es muy deprimente.

Este artículo mantiene la falsedad de que ha habido una pandemia.

No puedo creer que quienes participan en esta conversación desconozcan los análisis epidemiológicos del profesor Denis Rancourt, en los que demuestra que no hay ni hubo pandemia ni emergencia alguna de salud pública.

Todo es un engaño.

El artículo no denuncia para nada el espantoso engaño del virus global, y cada uno de nosotros debe llegar a sus propias conclusiones sobre los motivos de quienes no denuncian este engaño.

"Tratamiento temprano", como concepto, está bien para cualquier enfermedad, pero aquí se utiliza para reforzar el engaño de que hubo una nueva enfermedad.

Está claro que no era necesaria ninguna intervención en la sociedad. La falsa pandemia, cuya existencia este artículo pretende sostener, tenía como objetivos causar daño y destrucción en la sociedad, en la economía y en las personas.

Nunca fueron necesarios los confinamientos, ni las máscaras, ni el cierre de empresas, ni las restricciones fronterizas, ni el control digital de los "pasaportes vacunales". Es más: tales medidas nunca son apropiadas. Por dos razones.

En primer lugar, técnicamente no funcionan de ninguna manera, aún en el caso de que la narrativa subyacente fuera verdad, y no lo es.

En segundo lugar, ¿quiénes son esas personas que se han adjudicado a sí mismas la tarea de determinar qué nivel de riesgo estás dispuesto a aceptar a cambio de una existencia libre?

Piensa: el objetivo del miedo y de las restricciones que precedieron a la absurda pretensión de preparar una "vacuna" en 11 meses, ese objetivo no era otro sino clavar una aguja en cada brazo.

He pasado más de 30 años en investigación y desarrollo de fármacos, trabajando con equipos de diseño para obtener características específicas, buscando eficacia y evitando riesgos de seguridad. También soy toxicólogo mecanicista con formación académica.

Por ello, pienso que deberían creerme cuando les digo que estas inyecciones innecesarias fueron diseñadas explícita e intencionadamente para lesionar, dañar, matar y reducir la fertilidad de los supervivientes.

Esto no es una conjetura mía, o una corazonada. Estoy absolutamente seguro de ello. Lo juro por mi vida. He presentado declaraciones juradas técnicamente detalladas a este efecto. Es un delito grave mentir a sabiendas al testificar ante un tribunal debidamente constituido.

Piensa: el propósito de la falsificación y la propaganda de grado militar, verdaderamente terrible, y el miedo provocado por las operaciones psicológicas, fue en última instancia para llegar a este intenso y totalitario control digital sobre cada uno de nosotros. Para coaccionarte y forzarte a aceptar sustancias deliberadamente tóxicas.

Me gustaría no tener que pensar así, pero creo que esa pandemia totalmente falsa no fue todavía el ataque completo, al cual aún tendremos que enfrentarnos. Podríamos verlo como la primera parte de muchos ataques que se perpetrarán contra la humanidad, con Occidente como objetivo principal inicialmente.

No creo que los perpetradores tuvieran intención de tomar el poder, quitarse los guantes e ir a por todas sin tapujos en ese primer momento. Probablemente calcularon que la resistencia sería demasiado fuerte.

Pero después de haber leído mi post aquí, y comprobado cómo me posiciono en esto, supongo que ustedes no creerán que los perpetradores se han rendido ¿verdad?*

sigue -->

11 months ago


Iván Illich define la medicina actual como el monopolio radical de los expertos: tecnócratas como los que más, desde los ministros de salud y los gerifaltes de las multinacionales farmacéuticas y biotecnológicas, pasando por parte del personal de clínicas y hospitales (como los médicos comprados por los visitadores de las farmacéuticas, sin pensamiento crítico o sin vocación). Illich aborda también temas como al diagnóstico y el estigma. Y analiza, desde la antropología social, cómo percibimos y significamos el dolor o la muerte en nuestra cultura.

11 months, 1 week ago

"I think that the role of feelings has been so romanticized and so lionized as a virtue that we say words like let me tell you my truth, right, what they really mean is my perspective, so this can be valid if understood from perspective... so let's say you have a victim of sexual assault and someone says i want you on the show today so you can speak your truth, what they mean is, tell your story, but what the culture has now transformed that into is that i can tell my truth in terms of how I feel sexually, how I feel in a gender sense, how I feel in a religious sense, and because it's quote-unquote my truth, it becomes sacralized, it becomes sacrosanct."

Quoting from Abdu Murray in The Humble Skeptic podcast episode 44, 'Follow the Evidence', published 20.2.24

1 year, 1 month ago

The Hofman Wobble - Wikipedia and historical memory

1 year, 1 month ago

So that was H. G. Well's 1936 wish for a kind of wikipedia with a virtuous religious appeal but also with the ability to be tough when needed and "fight savagely" at night like a "prowling beast"

We may wonder how it compares with the actual current wikipedia?

There happens to be a fictional piece in this months Harper's detailing the activities of a Wikipedia editor who is handsomely paid by an obscure organization, and works feverishly with his multiple identities.

Here is a sample:

It became clear to me that editors with extensive user pages, long histories of edits, lots of “community service” (fixing broken links and other errors) had much more authority in the discussions, were less likely to have their edits reverted. So I started building up an identity and edit history for MormonCricket, who I decided would have little in common with me (this is a fake version of the fake identities I actually made in the real version of the project I’m fictionalizing). He was sixty-five years old, “a Libertarian in politics and otherwise in the service of the Lord,” as I put it on his user page. I (who wasn’t me) made a thousand edits related to fly-fishing, just moving information from a fly-fishing website onto Wikipedia. I cleaned up the “Miracle of the gulls” page (“On June 9, 1848, legions of gulls came to the rescue of the pioneer farmers, devouring what are now known as ‘Mormon crickets,’ saving crops from certain destruction.”) And so on. And on. This meant when other editors looked at my edits, they were unlikely to suspect “progressive reframing.”

But why be singular? I also had a user page as an Oakland Institute New Media Fellow. (I suspected Hofmann et al. would be freaked out by my false identities so I needed a real one.) I had privileges at the Cal Library so I went there to work as another user (GoGiants, an avid sports fan, doing the community right by improving comma usage in baseball-related entries). I wanted one identity per IP address in case administrators were watching (they were). So I was building another identity at the laundromat (I was a furniture restorer named Alan Ipson with an interest in military history) and another on the Wi-Fi at Roma café (MarathonerSteve). My identities, for all their differences, respected one another, found common ground. I considered myself a digital Pessoa influenced by Gramsci. So when, for example, I wanted to move the “Criticism of Invasion” section from deep within the main “Iraq War” entry to the very beginning, I could easily handle a talk page disagreement with ProudMarine [...]*

This is how the author describes his work in a consultation with ChatGPT at the end of his story:

I’ve written a short story—or a kind of fictional essay (it’s based on a real project of mine but all the facts have been altered)—about a young man’s efforts to manipulate Wikipedia for the good (so he thinks) through the construction of multiple online identities. This guy tries to use his influence to prominently display important facts on the encyclopedia and to counter right-wing frames that are deeply ingrained in the culture. And to counter the mainstream corporate media. The young man is also a poet and novelist. And my story uses Mormon crickets as a kind of figure for mass information and his wobbly grasp of the relationship between language and the world to which it refers. Can you write me a little coda, like seven paragraphs? Because you represent the end of Wikipedia, I want to give you the last word.[...]

1 year, 1 month ago

H. G. Wells - The Idea of a World Encyclopedia (1936)

1 year, 1 month ago

La prièreGeorges Brassens

Par le petit garçon qui meurt près de sa mère
Tandis que des enfants s'amusent au parterre;
Et par l'oiseau blessé qui ne sait pas comment
Son aile tout à coup s'ensanglante et descend
Par la soif et la faim et le délire ardent:
Je vous salue, Marie.

Par les gosses battus par l'ivrogne qui rentre,
Par l'âne qui reçoit des coups de pied au ventre
Et par l'humiliation de l'innocent châtié,
Par la vierge vendue qu'on a déshabillée,
Par le fils dont la mère a été insultée:
Je vous salue, Marie.

Par la vieille qui, trébuchant sous trop de poids,
S'écrie: "Mon Dieu!" Par le malheureux dont les bras
Ne purent s'appuyer sur une amour humaine
Comme la Croix du Fils sur Simon de Cyrène;
Par le cheval tombé sous le chariot qu'il traîne:
Je vous salue, Marie.

Par les quatre horizons qui crucifient le Monde,
Par tous ceux dont la chair se déchire ou succombe,
Par ceux qui sont sans pieds, par ceux qui sont sans mains,
Par le malade que l'on opère et qui geint
Et par le juste mis au rang des assassins:
Je vous salue, Marie.

Par la mère apprenant que son fils est guéri,
Par l'oiseau rappelant l'oiseau tombé du nid,
Par l'herbe qui a soif et recueille l'ondée,
Par le baiser perdu par l'amour redonné,
Et par le mendiant retrouvant sa monnaie:
Je vous salue, Marie.

1 year, 1 month ago

Georges Brassens – La prière

Paroles ⬇️

1 year, 1 month ago

'Well, the "Hymn to the Sun" by St. Francis is the greatest poetical document of the Middle Ages. I think it's much greater, certainly, than the "Nibelungenlied," but I think it is also greater than Dante's Divine Comedy. It's very short. It is really an enlargement of the 146th Psalm.

In the 146th Psalm, all the creatures praise the Lord. The sun and the moon, and the stars, and the fields, and the animals of the field, and man himself.

Now the only change, the little change that St. Francis made was that he appealed or addressed these creatures as his own brother and sisters and says, "My sister the moon, my brother the sun, praise ye the Lord."
And you see at that moment man has become the equals of all the other creatures, but not in your way, of Darwinism, where you step down to the creatures who cannot speak. But Francis in the true method has lifted up these beings to his own degree of articulatedness.'


'Well, gentlemen, a free man says that his heart speaks much louder and better than all science. And as I said, St. Francis has put down this law in this translation of the Psalms that the sun must be treated as our brother, and the moon as our sister.

That doesn't mean that you have to treat yourself as a horse, or as a pig, or as a cow. It's the other way around.

Well, that's not the whole story.

The story is that this Catholic publisher made the translation, or put it out, bibliographically very well done, nicely bound. And he wanted to make a profit. But he didn't care any more for the translation and the terrible thing is he could rely on an uneducated public that did no longer know Italian or Latin, we have the hymn in Italian and in Latin as well.

So the English translation said, "Our Mother earth, we praise the Lord." "Our Mother earth" is good paganism. That's the Greek, or the Roman. In antiquity the heathen said that the earth was a goddess and was the mother. I looked up the text once more and said, "Am I totally blind? This can never have been written by a Franciscan monk, by a saint of the Catholic Church, by the creator of the spirit of the Middle Ages" and true enough.

The real text of St. Francis says, and perhaps you take this down, as a seal under the barbarism of this moment in American history. The real text runs: " Our sister, the Mother earth, praise the Lord." Our sister. He kept the motherly quality for all the creatures which the earth had, for anybody who's sensitive. But he was very careful to say that we are the equals of this mother. And so he said, "Our sister, the Mother earth."

You see what miraculous this paradox is? And how he protected the human soul?

Now gentlemen, a translator who cuts out the creation of one thousand and five hundred years of martyrs, and crucifixions, and persecutions by omitting this one word should be spanked. He certainly should be laughed out of court. There certainly shouldn't be a publisher who dares to publish this as a translation.

But gentlemen, that's by and large the translation you read today.'

Quoting from the 25th lecture (of 25 lectures) in the recorded lecture series titled 'Universal History' by Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy (1888-1973) at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire in 1954.
Audio recording and transcription

Quotes above can be found in pages 896-899 in the carefully compiled trancriptions of all 25 lectures (pdf shared in the comments).

Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy Fund

Lecture 25 - Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy Fund

1 year, 1 month ago

Yes. *Certain features of your life are no longer possible, because you are educated. And education means pre-determination, filling you with certain concepts which you can never forget. Like your belief in nature, your belief in science, your belief in the division of mind and body.

You have learned so many false doctrines already in your life that at best, you can get rid of them at your thirtieth -- at your seventieth birthday and be declared healthy at that time.*


Miscellaneous Illuminations

"Today I would like to give you the vision in terms of what has to be done of the third thousand years of our era. How long they may last, we do not know. Thousand years, it stands here for future. It doesn't matter whether you give it five hundred years…

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