Information Equals an Informed Decision🗣

Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of Decision, for the LORD is near in the Valley of Decision. Joel 3:14

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Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

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Last updated 1 year ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago

7 months, 1 week ago
“The incredibly high rate of parasitic …

“The incredibly high rate of parasitic infection amongst the homosexual population explains why they are so sexually degenerate. Their behavior is being altered in much the same way as the rat's behavior is altered by toxoplasma Gondi in order to allow parasites to survive.

This would also explain why the media is freaking out about ivermectin. Ivermectin is potentially the most effective parasite removing drug available. An anecdotal case in my family gives me strong suspicion that ivermectin might actually be a cure for homosexuality. My cousin was a homosexual, until he was prescribed ivermectin for covid. After taking ivermectin, he filled a toilet bowl with intestinal worms. Shortly thereafter, he lost all attraction to men, and found women sexually attractive. He was repulsed by his previous nature.”

7 months, 1 week ago
7 months, 1 week ago

Is D. Trump Winnie The Pooh?!! Hear me out!!!

Don't over think this! Just leave Disney out of it momentarily. We will get back on them soon!

Instead for now ?Pay attention to:

Pay attention to Turkey. ??

Pay attention to Iraq. ??

Pay attention to Russia. ??

Pay attention to Saudi Arabia. ??

Pay Attention to Europe. ??


Because these are the countries that are doing the dirty work by subduing Israel. ??

Not Donald Trump!

D. Trump did his job when he offered Benjamin Netanyahu a peace deal. It was declined.

You have to understand Iraq is going to be the powerhouse next to America in the Middle East. Not Israel.


Because Israel does not control the trade routes required in order to have the contracts needed to have close diplomatic ties with other countries that share their views of conquests who will support them. That's why Benjamin Netanyahu came crying to US Congress for more money.

Everyone reading this need to look up the Iraqi Development Road Project. This is the momentum needed in order to pull off what B. Netanyahu is attempting to do in Gaza. But he can't. Because Saudi Arabia is in the process of recognizing them as a state.

Guess who is not coming out against this?

Donald Trump. You have not seen anything on D. Trump social media accounts denouncing this maneuver by Saudi Arabia who will ultimately defeat Israel.

Stop looking for D. Trump to verbally assault Israel.

Stop looking for D. Trump to say anything negative about Benjamin Netanyahu.

Stop looking for D. Trump to come out and denounce war against terrorism.

None of this is neccessary. This is why I kept referring to D. Trump as a honey pot. When there is a sting op- occurring the honey pot is placed to attract the bees away from the nest that is being removed.

You do not have to swat a single bee. While they are distracted with the honey you can peacefully remove the hive and get rid of all of them without using any spray. Especially if the queen is no longer there. (Easter egg) ?

The Monarch gone.

The Rothschilds trapped.

The Deep State in panic.

The media is useless.

The puppet masters removed.

The Normies are clueless.

The same goes for bitcoin and the CBDCs. D. Trump basically boasted about bitcoin all day today, ask yourself for what?

Yeppers, now you are catching on!

He's show them the that he has the Honey and that is is control of the honey pot! He draws all the bees away from the Hive and BOOM, the Hive gets removed.

Please, nothing is happening haphazardly in any regard. You are watching a controlled demolition in slow motion. That way as it is happening you can learn about all the agendas that were created to enslave you and be prepared to share that with others who are oblivious to everything you are reading here.

The WTO announcement already that the world is waiting on Iraq.
Not Israel.

They are a non-factor. Which is why they are being ignored and have no major trade deals on the level that Iraq has. No competition. Why do you think China removed Israel off of their largest map platform 24 hrs after the Belfour Declaration expired late October 31st last year?

So, I ask are you going to be continuously triggered or are you going to trust Father God and the Plan?

So, I ask are you going to be continued triggered or are you going to trust Father God and the Plan?

There are no plans for Israel in the future! The evil Nation State has already started ceasing to exist!

Bitcoin is also falling out all over the place!!! It is all coming down! Ariel partial source!

Thanks @SusanHutch

7 months, 2 weeks ago
7 months, 2 weeks ago
Information Equals an Informed Decision🗣
7 months, 2 weeks ago

?If Joe is dead,
?Kamala is unqualified by birth to be president,
?Mike Johnson becomes the temporary president by the constitution of the United States republic.

That's the order...

The 25th Amendment provides the framework for temporary transfers of power, but it does not establish a permanent succession plan.

Key Takeaways

The Speaker of the House becomes Acting President only when both the President and Vice President are unable to discharge their duties, as outlined in the 25th Amendment.

The Speaker’s tenure as Acting President is temporary, lasting until the President or Vice President is able to resume their duties or until a new President is inaugurated.

The Constitution does not explicitly state that the Speaker of the House becomes President in the event of a vacancy in both offices, but rather outlines the process for filling vacancies and providing temporary transfers of power.

7 months, 3 weeks ago
7 months, 3 weeks ago



(recently i erased a post of JD Vance and corruption connected to Skull & Bones society and association to U.S. corruption.
_ i erased this post on the consultation of HIGHLY
Retired U.S. Commander who is also hitting podcasts and he reached out to me giving me confirmation that JD VANCE is very important to coming future events.....)

JD VANCE is very important to having Trump capture several blue States
JD VANCE & VIVEK RAMASWAMY are going after BILL GATES and they are going to restore power to the Farmers of the United States!!!!!! > ( I told you long ago that Trump and Vivek were working together and even though Trump and Vivek had a small public debacle > i told you it was all for show and they world Unite.. And they did and Trump have you drops that Vivek is going to be working for him for a long time)
_NOW> VANCE AND VIVEK are going to go after The GLOBALIST and Bill Gates and recapture the Farm lands and insure protection for the Great American U.S. Farmers!


he knows where she the bodies are buried
( Means he knows the full corrupt system of the cabal operations from first hand perspective and has the Intel and Data and recipes>>> there is PANIC IN THE DNC AND RINO'S operations,//////

10 months ago
We recommend to visit

Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage:

MyGov COVID19 page :

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk:

Last updated 1 year ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago