Carbon Capture Shield

We are here to shift 1 Billion acres to Regenerative Stewardship by 2030 - reversing the environmental degradation, eliminating the need for poisons or fertilizers while increasing crop yield and nutrient density.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

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8 months, 2 weeks ago

We're thrilled to announce that we've secured international patent rights for Ecosystem Health-derived Digital Currency (EHDC) - a revolutionary new way to create value that rewards environmentally beneficial behaviors and promotes sustainable economic growth!

Imagine a world where the health of our ecosystems determines the value of our currency, and where individuals are incentivized to protect and regenerate our natural resources. This is the vision behind EHDC, and we're excited to share it with the world!

With EHDC, we're creating a decentralized, transparent, and sustainable economic model that prioritizes long-term ecosystem health over short-term gains. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and ecosystem health indicators, we're empowering individuals and communities to take control of their data and decision-making, and to contribute to a thriving natural world.

Join the Movement!

We're now seeking collaborators, supporters, and users who share our vision for a sustainable future. If you're passionate about:

- Environmental sustainability

- Decentralized technologies

- Economic innovation

- Social impact

Let's connect and explore how we can work together to bring EHDC to life!

Stay Tuned!

Follow us for updates on our journey, and get ready to be part of a revolutionary shift in the way we think about value, economy, and the environment.

#EHDC #SustainableEconomy #EnvironmentalStewardship #DecentralizedTechnologies #Innovation #SocialImpact #Collaboration #Sustainability



(PDF) Ecosystem Health-derived Digital Currency (EHDC)

PDF | Ecosystem Health-derived Digital Currency (EHDC) is a revolutionary digital currency that rewards environmentally beneficial behaviors by... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

We're thrilled to announce that we've secured international patent rights for Ecosystem Health-derived Digital Currency (EHDC) - a revolutionary new …
10 months, 2 weeks ago

Mexican government REJECTS GMO Corn - based on science!
This is monumental...

The U.S. government tried to force Mexico to use GMO Corn citing trade policies and "decades’ worth" of "rigorous, science-based" regulations in the USA...

Mexico submitted a 200-page response which stated "scientific evidence points to various negative effects on health, on native corn and on the environment, derived from the cultivation and consumption of GM corn.” (page 119)


? Mexico presents 13 pages of evidence that GM corn, especially Bt varieties, risks damaging human intestines and other organs

? Mexico's high corn consumption in tortillas amplifies risks from GM corn and glyphosate residues

⚠️ Mexico cites 74 studies linking glyphosate exposure to cancer and other health issues

? Mexico questions lax U.S. regulatory processes and outdated, biased studies claiming GM corn safety

Mexico conducted thorough risk assessments per trade agreement guidelines, citing 31-page scientific publication

? Mexico aims to protect native corn varieties and cultural heritage from GM contamination

⚖️ Mexico's GM corn restrictions are carefully designed as least trade-distorting measures

? Experts praise Mexico's science-based justification to set international standards


The Organic & Non-GMO Report

Mexico defends GM corn restrictions with science

By Timothy Wise An analysis of Mexico’s response to the U.S. in the USMCA dispute. Since Mexico imposed its restrictions on genetically modified (GM) corn in tortillas last February as precautionary measures to protect public health

**Mexican government REJECTS GMO Corn - based on science!**
10 months, 2 weeks ago

In our quest for Harmony, we delve into the origins of Western classical music in our latest piece: 'The Harmony of the Ages: Tracing Philosophical and Theoretical Foundations.' Unveiling the deep roots of Western music, from Pythagoras to Beethoven.

Music transcends mere entertainment, connecting us to cosmic harmonies and inner truths. Let's reclaim its soulful essence beyond mere consumerism.

Join us on a journey to reawaken our appreciation for its ability to harmonize our collective consciousness, resetting our perspective on the role of music in our lives.



(PDF) The Harmony of the Ages: Tracing the Philosophical and Theoretical Foundations of Western Classical Music

PDF | This study explores the evolution of Western classical music, from Pythagoras' "Harmony of the Spheres" to the emotional depth of the Romantic... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

In our quest for Harmony, we delve into the origins of Western classical music in our latest piece: 'The Harmony …
10 months, 3 weeks ago

This is where it all started - back in 2017!



Carbon Capture Shield

Here’s a video I made in 2017, laying out how Hemp carbon Batteries could change the world (we call them supercapacitors, which is more accurate). I accurately said this was a “billion dollar company” and now in 2024, a Wisconsin company has raised $1 billion…

10 months, 3 weeks ago


Someone has just raised almost $300,000 USD using my exact plan from 2018. They even used the shipping containers similar to my 2018 image with banks of batteries filling rows of shipping containers.

Here's their BRILLIANT product:

Here's my original image from 2018:

Here's a video I made in 2017 laying out this entire plan:




SorbiForce: Key Features & Technology

The Ultimate Sustainable Battery Solution. Step into the era of clean energy with SorbiForce, the world's pioneering green battery made from natural ingredients like carbon, water, and salt. Eliminate the need for metal mining and embrace a sustainable future…

11 months ago

We are living in troubled times, with conflict, division, and oppression seeming to permeate every corner of the globe. It's understandable that in the face of such darkness, many of us feel the urge to blame entire groups as enemies - whether that's specific nationalities, religious groups, or entire ethnic backgrounds.

However, giving in to this tribal mentality is precisely what those in power want. By pitting ordinary people against each other based on superficial differences, the true architects of oppression are able to maintain their stranglehold on society. If we are to have any hope of awakening humanity and creating a more just, peaceful world, we must resist the temptation to scapegoat and instead work to identify the real culprits.

The Chinese government (CCP) has undoubtedly committed horrific abuses, but the vast majority of Chinese citizens are simply fellow human beings trying to get by, no different from you or me. The same goes for Ukrainians, Russians, Christians, Jews, and every other group - there are extremist elements to be sure, but the rank-and-file members are not our enemies.

In fact, it's crucial that we find common ground with people of all backgrounds, for we are all facing the same fundamental challenges. Whether it's the unchecked power of global elites, the nefarious machinations of shadowy cabals, or the steady erosion of individual liberty, these are universal struggles that transcend ethnic, religious, or national boundaries.

By refusing to scapegoat and instead focusing a spotlight on the true architects of oppression, we stand a far better chance of awakening the masses and sparking real, lasting change. It won't be easy, as the forces arrayed against us are vast and well-entrenched. But if we can learn to see each other as fellow travelers on this arduous journey, rather than as enemies, then the light of a better world just might break through the darkness.

So let us be vigilant, but also open-hearted. Let us call out injustice wherever we see it, but direct our righteous anger at the true perpetrators, not innocent bystanders. And let us keep our eyes fixed on the horizon, where a more just, equitable, and compassionate society awaits - if only we have the courage to fight for it, together.

The Path Forward: Avoiding Tribal Thinking and Focusing on the True Architects of Oppression


1 year ago
Nutrient density in our foods has …

Nutrient density in our foods has tanked since 1914, with essentials like calcium, magnesium, and iron in veggies plummeting up to 90%. We’re eating 60% processed junk, stripping what’s left of vital nutrients. Cooking methods, soft drinks, and even the water we drink are robbing us of magnesium, thanks to practices that turn it into an unabsorbable form. Everyday habits and common meds only make the magnesium situation worse. Bottom line: Our modern lifestyle is a recipe for nutritional bankruptcy.


1 year, 1 month ago
I just found out my first …

I just found out my first film, The Hemp Road Trip, is available on Amazon Prime in the UK!

It must be the account I was locked out of back in 2019 - those cheeky devils never even notified me that they accepted my film - and who knows where any and all of the royalty payments are going... BUT, at least this film is getting seen!

If you or anyone you know is in the UK and has a Prime subscription, suggest they spend 55-minutes and enjoy that 2017 film that helped change US federal law!

We had to organize our own (US) national tour of screenings, as the film was rejected by every film festival we submitted to, and our bank accounts were frozen when we organized our own screenings - but they couldn't stop the TRUTH!


1 year, 1 month ago

?⚡️ Nature's electric dance: Flowers and bees in a silent symphony.

David Attenborough unveils the unseen. Flowers, charged with secrets, whisper through electricity as bees, nature's tiny spark plugs, bridge the circuit.

Watch the flower 'sing' a different tune as bees touch down and lift off.

It's not just pollen that jumps - it's nature's way of saying 'I've been visited.'

#ElectricPollination #NatureIsElectric


@CarbonCaptureShield - where science meets serendipity.

1 year, 2 months ago

This man is 100% accurate - if we can transform barren desert into a thriving metropolis such as Dubai (where they just held the COP28 climate talks), then we can turn the deserts back into lush farmland, forests, and savannahs. We clearly have the means, but we lack the will...


Listen to all that this man has to say, and take it to heart.
In time, what you learn will bubble over, and you'll begin educating others...

And THAT is when the tide truly shifts - when we step up and take responsibility for the world we want to create and live in.


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Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago