Theology & Geopolitics

Posts pertaining to Islamic Intellectual History, Theology, Philosophy, Geopolitics, Economics, Globalism, the Occult, Hikmah based Medicine, and other related fields- We are Orthodox Sunni Muslims [Ashari/Maturidi/Sufi]
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Last updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago

5 months, 3 weeks ago

Anti Israel Protests As the protests against Israel go on across college campuses in the USA, more people are waking up to the fact that Palestine is not the only land under Zionist Jewish occupation. “The United States of Israel” is trending on Twitter.…

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THIS WAS A STAGED MEDIA SET-UP - DESIGNED TO MAKE THE PALESTINIAN PROTESTS LOOK ILLEGITIMATE This ‘internet personality’ aka “Crackhead Barney” was deployed on Piers Morgan to do a job. Job done.

5 months, 3 weeks ago

Anti Israel Protests

As the protests against Israel go on across college campuses in the USA, more people are waking up to the fact that Palestine is not the only land under Zionist Jewish occupation.
“The United States of Israel” is trending on Twitter.

This is all great news. The only word of caution one must take heed of is that many of the protests going on in America can be linked back to Soros and Rockefeller money.

Mixing the truth with falsehood is a very important tactic for the ruling elites. They wish to conflate pro Palestinian/Anti Zionist sentiments with degenerate leftist Marxist LGBTQ nonsense.

Most average redneck/hick/working class white people in the Anglosphere think that Muslims are allies of radical left wing fools.
Muslim organizations in the West must steer clear of any funding from the left (or the right) and be independent.

Muslims cannot be seen siding with or getting help from the satanic puppets at BLM, or other such movements.
As mentioned previously, we have to show the common masses of kuffar that their political parties are ran by zionists/globalists who are our common enemy.

5 months, 3 weeks ago

A relative of mine took issue with "conflating religious obligations with culture".

I responded: it's easy to address this if you just tackle the root problem.

And the root problem is your approach to learning.

People have two ways of understanding Islam:

1) Accepting everything in their environment without reflection.

2) Maintaining a position of uncertainty about things until you have reason to believe they're true.

These are two very different approaches.

The first approach requires little thought and throws you a list of problems by design.

Think about this:

If you're simply taking religious ideas in your environment for granted, then know that you could've easily adopted a different set of beliefs were you raised in a different environment, a different country, or a different tradition.

Therefore, your environment alone cannot be a yardstick for truth.

People who find themselves in this position would do themselves a great service by simply starting from scratch - from first principles!

Focus first on areas of scholarly agreement, and build on that. This ensures that you're creating a solid foundation.

I'm actually planning to deliver a course with this very thing in mind. Stay tuned! ?❤️

7 months, 3 weeks ago

Forgotten victimsToday marks the 79th anniversary of the bombing of the German town of Pforzheim on 23 February 1945.
In just 22 minutes of bombing, between 7:50 and 8:12 p.m local time, the UK’s Royal Air Force (RAF)
dropped 1575 tons of high explosive and incendiary bombs on Pforzheim.
This set off a firestorm that is widely seen as one of the most devastating in military history.
According to official statistics, 17,600 people died, and tens of thousands of others were injured. The total population of the town at time was 80,000.

Pforzheim was a completely civilian town and had no military purpose. The market square and old town area were destroyed and completely depopulated. In the entire city, over 80 percent of the architecture that existed in 1945 was defaced, making Pforzheim, proportionally speaking, the worst instance of destruction at the end of WWII in Europe.

We know today of the damage caused by the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We know less about the Tokyo fire bombings that took place before the atomic bombs and caused even more damage.
We know about the Allied destruction of Dresden and Hamburg, but we haven’t heard about Pforzheim.

As we have shown previously, the entire world has suffered at the hands of the globalists, bankers, and their futile wars. We as Muslims especially know the consequences of colonialism and imperial wars of aggression. To understand why these wars happen, why countless innocent civilians get killed, we must understand history and the guiding hands behind it.

[n.b. More information on the reality of World War II will be shared at a later date. In our dawah, if we can show non Muslim people that our enemies are satanic and against the best interests of all humanity, then it will help us gain allies. Even if the people don’t convert to Islam, at least they will have a better opinion of us and will not fall for anti Islamic propaganda.]

7 months, 4 weeks ago

Do you know how to explain evolution and the creation of Prophet Adam, peace be upon him?

Join us in a special, in-person class with Sh. Tahseen Khan explaining the divine origin of Prophet Adam, peace be upon him, using defenses from the Islamic theological tradition. He is an expert in this field, and recently published a book on this subject, The Provenance of Man.

Enroll in this 1-night class on Saturday, March 2nd, before seats run out! The class will happen at the NUI Multipurpose Room. We are glad to have three co-sponsors for this event: Noor Ul Iman School, Al-Ghazali Club, and ISCJ. Register at

7 months, 4 weeks ago

We need a Muslim-headed 'MEMRI' equivalent which exposes whack and crazy proponents of Zionism, bringing their cancerous, maniac hebrew rhetoric into the English mainstream audience. What Zionists spew in Hebrew is invariably more repulsive than what they typically spew in English. Perhaps those Muslims who know Hebrew can initiate such a project.

8 months ago

في مذهب الشيخ الرئيس ابن سينا:
ذكر في رسالته في لسان العرب
الصحابة رضي الله عنهم
فذكر أن عشرة منهم مبشرون بالجنة
وقال فيه:
وأبو بكر الصديق سيد الصحابة
وعلي بن أبي طالب سيد أهل البيت.
وأبو بكر وعمر وزيرا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، وخليفتاه، واللذان نصرا الإسلام في حياته وبعد مماته.
وعلي بن أبي طالب أخوه وختنه ومن نفسه ووصيه.
وكان بينه وبينهما غير ما يتقوله المبتدعون عليهم.
فكانوا إخوة في الله حرصا على مصلحة عبد الله في دين الله.
والعاقل من ... (العبارة غير مستقيمة في المطبوع، وكذا في المخطوط)
بل جرت بينهم مناقشات في أمور لم تبلغ بفصم العصم وبقطع الأسباب، ويدعو إلى المنابذة والمخالعة.

هذا كلام الشيخ في الصحابة
وله غير هذا الكلام
أنقله لكم إن شاء الله
وكلامه واضح غني عن التعليق

8 months ago

مذهب الشيخ الرئيس ابن سينا الفقهي:

الشيخ ابن سينا في أرجوزته في المنطق ذكر للمقبولات مثالا لقول الحنفية
في صحة الصوم بنية قبل الزوال
وفي انتقاض الوضوء بالدم الخارج من الجسد

وعبر عن قبول الحنفية بـ (قبلنا) أعني أدخل نفسه فيهم!
و حين نسب القول إلى أبي حنفية ذكره بعنوان (إمامنا)
كما قبلنا نحن عن إمامنا ... جواز أن ننوي في صيامنا
بعد الصباح، والدماء تنقض ... من أي عضو خرجت منا الوضو

فقال ابن أبي الحديد (شارح نهج البلاغة) في شرح الأرجوزة:
وكان الرئيس حنفي المذهب.

وكذلك قال ابن باديشاه في شرح الأرجوزة:
نسب هذا القبول إلى نفسه لأنه كان حنفي المذهب.

الحاصل: هنا قرينتان لكونه حنفي المذهب:
الأولى: أنه عبر عن قبول الحنفية بصيغة المتكلم (فأدخل نفسه في الحنفية)
الثانية: أنه ذكر الإمام أبا حنيفة بعنوان (إمامنا).

8 months ago

? @movetomuscat:
"And [remember] when Satan made their [evil] deeds appealing to them, and said, “No one can overcome you today. I am surely by your side.” But when the two forces faced off, he cowered and said, “I have absolutely nothing to do with you. I certainly see what you do not see. I truly fear Allah, for Allah is severe in punishment.”(8:48)

Imam Razi comments on this verse with the following:

"The other understanding [of this verse] is that he (Iblis) appeared in human form. It is related that when the polytheists wanted to march to Badr, they were afraid of Banu Bakr bin Kinanah, because they had killed one of them, and they did not feel safe from them[passing through their lands]. So Shaytan appeared to them in the form of Suraqa bin Malik bin Ja'sham, who was from Banu Bakr bin Kinanah and was one of their nobles in the army... carrying a banner he said: No one can overcome you today. I am surely by your side and your protector from the Banu Kinanah! When Shaytan saw the angels descending, he began to flee...His hand was in the hand of Al-Harath bin Hisham, and when he tried to flee, Al-Harath said to him: why you abandoning us now? [Shaytan] said: I see what you do not see. (Tafsir al Kabeer)

Shaytan has and will appear in human form. For all we know he can be that billionaire who owns a social media platform and likes to put chips inside humans. What's his name ?...

? @AvdullahYousef:
One of the most frustrating faults of many Muslim intellectuals is their inability to conceive of collaborations of genuine, malicious evil on a global scale for nothing other than pleasing Shaytan. Many think it "cringe" or ridiculous to speak of the devil in this manner, or some might think it's giving him too much credit, but ever since the fiasco of very well-read Muslim Imams and professors on here URGING YOU TO GET VACCINATED AND LOCKDOWN in 2020, this fault especially was laid bare.

There's this funny disconnect where some think the devil only cares about causing you to commit personal sins that only hurt you, and that anything "out there" in the grand scheme of things is too much for him. Though the devil is quite satisfied to see you ogle barely dressed women on Instagram or talk ill of someone not present, for anyone to pretend that his machinations are limited to these very personal things is foolish beyond end. Do you think Iblees has nothing to do with conspiracies aimed at murdering hundreds of thousands just for the hell of it? That he doesn't take joy in seeing millions of Muslims fall for hoaxes and government traps that lead to their cultural immolation? It's just ridiculous.

Cults you don't know about exist, they're just not officially named. There are rabbit holes of hoaxes and lies that no fiqh book has prepared you for. Unless you're actually prepared to apply your religious knowledge to the secular machinations of the world, the chances you'll help move the needle one inch for us are almost nothing....

? @soulscribe_a:
It's as if we still suffer from remnants of materialism even as muslims and find cringe, as you say, to speak of true dark forces at play behind all the death and suffering we have been seeing.

Iblis is our "sworn enemy" and it's stupid to underestimate him like that.

? @MBitcoiner:
Well said. When reading about things like the history of banking and usury, the Rothschild family, and the meeting at Jekyll Island, the (actual) causes of the world wars, etc, I can't help but think of how the Shaytan is meticulously working in the background during these historical events to maximize and even automate the steering of leading humanity astray.
? @theogeopolitics:
For primer material re. the above:
Read Tragedy and Hope 101 by Joe Plummer. And the Creature from Jekyll Island by G Edward Griffin. Both are available online in PDF form for free. Other materials and reading lists are on our Telegram channel.

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And [remember] when Satan made their [evil] deeds appealing to them, and said, “No one can overcome you today. I am surely by your side.” But when the two forces faced off, he cowered and said, “I have absolutely nothing to do with you. I certainly see what…

8 months, 1 week ago An excellent thread by Shaykh Hasan Spiker on the definition of science. He refutes the modern distinction between “religious” and “secular” knowledge. He discusses epistemology, the role of ulama…

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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

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Last updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago