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Subtle Energy and Torsion
Jerry Gin, Ph.D.
Qigong masters - 3,500 yr history
Baron von Reichenbach- detailed studies on odic energy
Acupuncture – meridians that carry life force
Vicktor Schauberger
Dr. William Tiller
Dr. Wilhelm Reich – Orgone energy
Nikolai Kozyrev – Torsion energy-twisting energy
Robert Pavlita-devices powered by subtle energy
A Dynamic and Substantive Cosmological Ether
James DeMeo, Ph.D.
The ether-drift experiments of Dayton Miller (c.1906-1929) using a highly sensitive Michelson light beam interferometer, demonstrated systematic positive effects. Subsequent work by Michelson-Pease-Pearson (1929), Galaev (2001-2002) and others have experimentally confirmed Miller's result, which suggests: 1) the cosmological ether is substantive with a slight mass, and may be blocked or reflected by dense material surroundings, 2) Earth-entrainment occurs, and the best detections are made at high-altitude locations. 3) Miller's computed axis of Earth's net motion of ether-drift is in close agreement with findings from diverse disciplines, including from biology and physics, regarding ether-like phenomena with similar sidereal-day and seasonal sidereal fluctuations. Neither an intangible static, or even a tangible entrainable but stagnant ether appear reconcilable with such results. A dynamic ether acting as cosmic "prime mover" is the alternative solution, but requires the ether to have both slight mass and specific motions in space. A solution is found in the bioenergetic research of Wilhelm Reich (1934-1957) who demonstrated an energy continuum with distinct biological and meteorological properties, existing in high vacuum, interactive with matter, reflected by metals, and with self-attracting (ie., gravitational) spiral-form streaming motions. Giorgio Piccardi (c.1950-1970) and his followers also demonstrated a metal-reflectable solar-modulated energy affecting the physical chemistry of water, chemical reactions and radioactive decay rates, correlated to Earth's spiral-form motion through cosmic space. More recent research on the annual variation in "dark matter wind" also shows very similar velocity shifts associated with Earth's spiral-form motion around the moving Sun, suggesting "dark matter" is a misunderstood substitute for a dynamic and substantive cosmological ether.
In Defense of Wilhelm Reich: An Open Response to Nature and the Scientific / Medical Community
A recent technology-comment article in Nature magazine (Glausiusz 2012) exemplifies a growing problem in the sciences, in the reliance upon unfactual material sourced only to popular literature or to the “skeptic” press and generally written by prejudiced journalists, for evaluations of controversial scientific findings. There is no greater example of this than how the biography and work of the late Wilhelm Reich continues to be maliciously distorted and attacked. Reich’s writings and research on emotions, human sexuality, bioelectricity and biogenesis originally triggered a massive attack with sexual slander, in the German and Norwegian press in the 1930s lead-up to Hitlerism. These slanders were repeated and amplified in the American press after 1947, after his findings on bioenergetics and claims of a specific life energy, the orgone energy, were publicly announced. A terribly biased US Food and Drug Administration investigation and alarming judicial reaction was triggered by the media assault, resulting in Reich’s death in prison, and the most outrageous episode of government-ordered book burning in American history. Reich’s life and research findings thereafter became a target for repeated slander and defamation.
Scalar-Energy Morphogenetic Field Mechanics, BioCybernetic Medicine and the Nonlocality of the Unified Field via NDE (Near Death Experience), as a Revolutionary Model for Bio-Energetic Regeneration and Self-Healing
Alterations in Random Event Measures Associated
with a Healing Practice
Objective: To determine whether alterations in random events, as measured by a Random event generator (REG), occur in association with a bioenergy healing practice.
Conclusions: In the presence of a healer, an REG produced greater than chance excursions
more often than a control REG in a library setting. The healing and nonhealing phases demonstrated inconsistent results. REG deviations were not influenced by the amount of attention directed toward the machine.
The hyperdimensional ISST theory (or Infinite Spiral Staircase Theory) rests on two basic premises. The first one posits a hyperdimension (HD) layer in all matter and biomatter systems, from particles to galaxies – from a 5th dimension at the core of particles, to a HD bulk at the scale of our universe bubble. The second predicates that – since the HD is triune, with not only hyperspace and hypertime, but also hyperconsciousness – the sub-Planckian and superluminous energy that organizes it (called syg-energy) is therefore in essence linked to consciousness. As human beings, our global HD layer is one of hyperconsciousness – the Self (soul, atman). ISST therefore postulates that all psi phenomena (notorious for contravening EM laws), as well as high states of consciousness, instantiate the dynamics of the HD’s syg-energy. Namely, they are driven by attraction, resonance and harmony, and defy both C and locality.
Ability of the Human Subtle-Energy Model to Explain Unusual Mind-Body Phenomena
It is clear that unusual consciousness phenomena—such as near-death out-of-body experiences (NDE/OBEs), reincarnation remembrances of children, and strange psychophysiological phenomena such as the placebo effect and stigmata—cannot be explained with existing scientific theories and concepts. They provide strong evidence for the existence of mechanisms not included within our current mainstream-scientific worldview and theories. I hypothesize that the “mechanism” through which these strange phenomena occur is the human subtle-energy system with its multiple, interpenetrating subtle dimensional bodies.
Do we create space-time? A new perspective on the fabric of reality
For the first time, it is possible to see the quantum world from multiple points of view at once. This hints at something very strange – that reality only takes shape when we interact with each other.
New Scientist
Do we create space-time? A new perspective on the fabric of reality
For the first time, it is possible to see the quantum world from multiple points of view at once. This hints at something very strange – that reality only takes shape when we interact with each other
“Toda la materia proviene de una sustancia primaria, el éter luminífero”. — Nikola Tesla #energíasutil #éter #éterluminífero
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