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Fastest, Safest & Stable Mods on Earth 🌎 is Your Final Destination For Mod Games & Apps ✅
Android app directory the best application for smartphones. Selecting the apps and games you can download apps to the app absolutely for free and direct links!
Ads: @artcolos
Last updated 10 months, 3 weeks ago
hanya apk clean device biasa
Support Flush Ram jika modul sudah terpasang tinggal Click mode nya
The Taste, Art, and Philosophy of a Cup of Coffee
RiProG FastCharge 1.1
This module triggers the maximum charging speed on supported devices.
By: RiProG
Tester Beta : Goten
Thanks : Kazuyoo
Magisk KernelSU Apatch
Successor of ProgCharge
Bugfix in 1.0
SurfaceFlinger Improvement 8.0
Optimize SurfaceFlinger for faster rendering, stable FPS, and improved display performance, delivering enhanced responsiveness, efficiency, and stability.
By: RiProG
Magisk KernelSU Apatch
- Migrated code from C to Rust
- Added multi-architecture support (ARM and ARM64)
- Resolved compatibility issues with latest Android version
- Split program into postfsdata and service
- Added boot wait to ensure normal startup
- Fixed bootloop issues
- Various optimizations and improvements
Do u think what im thinking ??
Apatch not supported, zygisk not running with trickystore ???
LiteApks.Com ✅
Fastest, Safest & Stable Mods on Earth 🌎 is Your Final Destination For Mod Games & Apps ✅
Android app directory the best application for smartphones. Selecting the apps and games you can download apps to the app absolutely for free and direct links!
Ads: @artcolos
Last updated 10 months, 3 weeks ago