Al Maktabah Al Malikiyyah

This is a Telegram Channel for the YouTube channel “Al Maktabah Al Malikiyyah”. Here we will spread Athari Aqeedah and Maliki Fiqh benefits
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1 month, 2 weeks ago
1 month, 2 weeks ago

Upon the rise of the haddadi group in the English dawah scene, I have seen it necessary to respond to this group. This group is known for defaming and belittling scholars whilst claiming to follow the salaf, but the reality is far from that.

Alhamdulillah I have translated the pdf of Shaykh Sultan al-Umayri titled “The Fitna of the Haddadi Movement. This work contains over 40 criticisms of the new Haddadi movement and its leaders like al-Khulayfi and Muhammad bin Shams al-din.

This is only one of in sha allah many pdfs of Shaykh Sultan al-Umayri’s criticism of the Haddadis and the likes of al-Khulayfi that I plan to translate. I ask Allah accepts this from me and the shaykh.

2 months, 1 week ago

Fiqh al-Nawazil is one of the most significant disciplines of Fiqh, both in terms of its importance and its practical benefit. It represents a dynamic and adaptive branch of knowledge that addresses contemporary issues and provides solutions for newly arising matters in life.

This is a living discipline that engages with the realities of life, deriving rulings for emerging issues and novel situations in both religious and worldly domains. As such, it embodies a practical fiqh meant to be implemented in the daily lives of individuals.

Imam al-Shatibi (d. 790 AH) stated:

"الوقائع في الوجود لا تنحصر، فلا يصح دخولها تحت الأدلة المنحصرة، ولذلك احتيج إلى فتح باب الاجتهاد من القياس وغيره... فلا بد من اجتهادٍ في كل زمان، لأن الوقائع لا تختص بزمان دون زمان."

“Occurrences in existence are limitless, and thus they cannot be confined to a limited set of textual evidences. Therefore, the door to ijtihad must remain open, whether through qiyas or other methods. There must be a renewal of ijtihad in every era, as incidents are not confined to a single time period.”Ibn Rushd al-Jadd (d. 520 AH) remarked:
"لا نازلة إلا والحكم فيها قائم من القرآن، إما بنصٍ، أو بدليلٍ، علمه من
علمه وجهله من جهله."

“There is no unprecedented issue (nawazil) except that its ruling exists in the Qur’an, either explicitly or through evidence. Those who know it are aware of it, and those who are ignorant of it remain unaware.”The scholars of the Maliki Madhab have authored numerous works on Fiqh al-Nawazil, reflecting a longstanding tradition of scholarship in this blessed discipline. The contributions of Maliki Fuqaha have not only enriched the field but have also grown in depth, precision, and diversity over time, resulting in dozens of comprehensive works.

Prominent works in this field include:
Al-Manah al-Samiya fi al-Nawazil al-Fiqhiyya
Nawazil Ibn Hilal by Abu Ishaq Ibrahim al-Sanhaji al-Sijilmasi
Nawazil Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Masnawi
Al-I’lam bi Nawazil al-Ahkam by Qadi Abu al-Asbagh Isa ibn Sahl al-Qurtubi

4 months, 1 week ago
Alhamdulillah I have completed the translation …

Alhamdulillah I have completed the translation of the playlist ”Usul al-Fiqh for Beginners” by Shaykh Ahmad Najjar al-Leeby. This is a playlist made for the absolute beginner in Usul al-Fiqh to build a small ground in the science before going on to study actual books in the science. It is suitable for people of all madhabs and it is a very comprehensive yet brief introduction. The link is here:

We have also completed the translation of the playlist “An Introduction to the Maliki Madhab” by Shaykh Sa’eed al-Kamali. This playlist is made to be a quick and easy introduction to the Maliki Madhab to those who don’t know of it, wish to know about it, are very beginner Malikis or are adherents of another madhab looking to educate themselves about the Madhab of Imam Dar al-Hijra. Shaykh Kamali keeps it brief yet intriguing with his way of telling the tale of Imam Malik and explaining the Usul of his Madhab, it’s history and more. The playlist is here:

I ask Allah to accept this from me and for people to find benefit in it. Inshallah we have many many plans to help YOU study and learn Maliki Fiqh in English (Note: the channel is affiliated to this server).

6 months, 1 week ago

The 14 sciences of Fiqh
No one can be a faqih without studying the following sciences:
1- Fiqh of a madhab
2- Comparative Fiqh
3- Adilatul-Ahkaam (The evidences of rulings).
4- Tarikh Tashri3 (History of the establishment of the Shariah)
5- Tabaqat Al-Fuqaha (The historical ranks of the fiqh scholars)
6- Al-Faraaid (Inheritance law)
7- An-Nawazil (Contemporary issues)
8- Al-Qadaa (Court system)
9- Usool Al-Fiqh
10- Takhrij al-Furoo ala Al-Usool (deriving sectional issues from the fundamentals)
11- Al-Qawaid al-Fiqhiya (The maxims of Fiqh)
12- Al-Ashbah wa nadhair wal Furuq (situations that are similar and have same rulings, and situation that are similar but have different rulings.)
13- Adab al-Khilaaf wal-B7th wal-Munadharah (The etiquettes of differences of opinions, research and debate)
14- Maqasid al-Shariah (The objectives of Islamic law)

7 months, 1 week ago
7 months, 1 week ago

The Belief of the Salaf as the Raziyayn related.

Aqidatul Raziyayn in English, an early and very short encompassing text in Aqidah.

7 months, 1 week ago

What is the Maliki interpretation of the Ahadith regarding abandoning the Salah being Kufr? There are many things to understand here Usul Al-Fiqh wise. The first thing we must understand is that the Asl is that we take the Dhahir interpretation of the Nusus. However, something can be taken away from its Dhahir because of a Qarinah and the metaphorical interpretation will be taken. The Ahadith that state that abandoning the salah is kufr have a Qarinah according to us that takes the interpretation of the Hadith away from the Dhahir interpretation. This Qarinah is that Iman is qawl, 'amal and tasdiq. A person does not have true iman whilst committing these major sins. There's a difference between Muslim and Mu'min, for example, a Muslim could be a munafiq a Mu'min could not. He's a muslim, but the act inherently contradicts iman, so the complete quality of iman is taken from him during the act, even though he has the asl of iman that makes one a Mu'min. This is a qarinah to the hadith of tark al-Salah being majaz.

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