Bronze Age Active Club

Legion XIV, Action today victory tomorrow!

WV Based Active Club

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1 year, 5 months ago

Rolling Stone

This Activewear Brand Wants to Be Lululemon for Fascists

Will2Rise is an active wear brand that caters to white supremacist and fascist Active Clubs, which are growing both in the U.S. and abroad.

1 year, 5 months ago

On Wednesday, September 20th 2023, Cleetus Montana (Sebastian Campbell) of the White Lives Matter Montana chapter was imprisoned. For a simple bar fight that would normally earn a few months of probation, he was sentenced to 10 years in prison with 5 suspended.

On January 19th, Cleetus went drinking with his then-employer at the Silver Dollar Saloon in Butte, Montana. An altercation erupted over a pay dispute, and during a physical scuffle Cleetus struck his boss in an event blithely described by the local paper as “Bonked with beer bottle”.

WLM condemns any unjust violence on or from its participants, and Cleetus was severely reprimanded for his personal behavior. Thankfully the altercation left no permanent damage to either combatant nor had anything to do with WLM or pro-White politics. It was so minor an incident by Butte standards that his boss, the “bonked” man, requested no prosecution. Being fired was punishment enough in his estimation.

The opportunity to punish a local political dissident, however, was too tempting for the County Prosecutor Ann Shea. She charged Cleetus with Assault with a Weapon and threatened him with decades in prison. Bar fights in predominantly-Irish Butte are commonplace and, if punished at all, usually earn a few months of probation. This in fact was what the parole board recommended after 8 months of sluggish judicial delay.

Cleetus relied on the mercy and discernment of a court that had none to spare for a dissident. Despite his crime having nothing to do with his politics, the many letters supporting his better character, his dependent pregnant wife, and the advice of the court’s own parole board, Judge Whelan chose to execute political vengeance instead and condemned this man to a decade of judicial suppression.

It is clear that considerations beyond the impartial facts of the case were taken into consideration. A man’s tireless political efforts on behalf of his race were used to condemn his personal mistakes. Cleetus is one of many who have been crushed down by the anti-White tyranny we live in today, and it is more important than ever to learn from the examples of his case.

You, White men and women, are advocates of your race. You must exemplify the highest principles of our people in all aspects of your life, not just during your political activity. Do not poison your mind and body with drugs and drink, especially when they lead you to personal ruin. If dragged to court, spare no expense in your defense – for your enemies will not spare any mercy for you. Learn from your mistakes and grow you’re your experiences. And when your compatriots fall into misery, do your best to support them through their turmoil.

Cleetus provided an invaluable energy and determination to the Montana chapter. He chose his race over personal comforts or an easy ride. He endured the enmity of entire NGO’s, Antifa agitators from afar, terrible telegraphing troons, and the misguided mutterings of many. He joined the struggle at a time when the only guaranteed reward is suffering, and did so with aplomb and enthusiasm.

Cleetus is not a perfect man. He has been described as abrasive, impulsive, and has much to mature on. That much is true. But he is a man who has sacrificed much to secure something greater for his people. He is a man who stood up, not once but time and again, to answer the call. Imperfect as he is, he is a man who blazes beyond the cold souls who never dared step into the arena.

When will you lead the way, White man?

Cleetus can be reached at the following address with your well-wishes and support, and kind messages here will be conveyed to him as well. Books, letters, and commissary funds are most appreciated:

Sebastian Colin Campbell
C/O Butte Detention Center
155 W. Quartz St.
Butte, MT 59701

1 year, 5 months ago

New Vice Article on active clubs

Neo-Nazi Fight Clubs Are Growing Rapidly, New Research Shows

A new report shared with VICE News outlines the massive growth so-called Active Clubs, neo-Nazi fitness and fight clubs, have experienced in both the United States and internationally.

1 year, 5 months ago
Bronze Age Active Club
1 year, 5 months ago
Bronze Age Active Club
1 year, 5 months ago
On Sep. 16th, 2023 Rocky Mountain …

On Sep. 16th, 2023 Rocky Mountain Resistance protested against the Anti Defamation League’s corrupt influence on White American values. This month’s #BANtheADL campaign on X was taken to the ADL office to remind those that censor voices who speak against their anti white agenda, WE WILL take the fight to your doorstep.

1 year, 6 months ago
*Therefore encourage one another and build …

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as you are already doing.

- 1 Thessalonians 5:11-12

1 year, 6 months ago
An attack on the white American …

An attack on the white American laborer is an attack on our whole community.

I met a lady who worked at this establishment, and one wouldn’t begin to believe the amount of anti laborer and anti youth activities take place.

This establishment is of Satan. Liars, deceivers, degenerates.

Not to mention the managements overwhelming support of child abuse.

This is far more than just a little thorn in the side.

This is direct action against the American Laborer and the American Youth.

For those who care let them know that we will always support our people no matter what!

A fight with one of us is a fight with all of us!

Leave reviews and make them horrible, we’re tearing down this business.

A protest may be organized for the near future against the management.

Thank you,
-WNN Staff

1 year, 6 months ago
Bronze Age Active Club
1 year, 7 months ago
*The iron in the fire wonders …

*The iron in the fire wonders why it is needlessly beaten. After forging, the tempered steel looks back and understands.

Igni Ferroque*

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