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3 months, 2 weeks ago
Lol. Because he IS and always …

Lol. Because he IS and always has been a leftist. Nothing more than a typical anti-racist "truther." Whom are the dumbest, most clueless and useless bunch of them all. A scene that's wholly saturated with spineless rootless mutts like himself.

3 months, 3 weeks ago
The Moore shares his tactics with …

The Moore shares his tactics with his semitic brothers. Implying that destruction of the jewish culture and religion is akin to authentic antisemetism. When in fact all it does is make his subversion of White nations all the easier. Lenin (a part jew) wanted…

3 months, 3 weeks ago

The Moore shares his tactics with his semitic brothers. Implying that destruction of the jewish culture and religion is akin to authentic antisemetism. When in fact all it does is make his subversion of White nations all the easier. Lenin (a part jew) wanted his brothers to ditch their strange hats and hairstyles, etc, just as he had. So, they may blend into the crowd without identifying markers. Ergo, why Hitler took steps against them, branding them as what they were. If the destruction of the jewish religion somehow destroys jews then why can't we destroy ghetto culture and cure the plague of blacks? Or say destroy Islam to pacify Moroccans? Purposeful deceiving rhetoric by a man who has a vested interest in harming productive discourse around preservation of the White race and tools to identify our enemies. Ironically, too, this interpretation of Lenin is just materialist and lysenkoist type nonsense on moorbeanez's part. Yet he's a huge anticommunist, guys. As if removing jewish culture somehow changes their genes. Does he even pretend to believe they are an ethnic group? Internationalism is good for them and bad for us. So simple. This is what Goebbels talked about when he said the jew recoils most at being called what he is. His best tool is deception. Be vigilant for this shit brothers and call it out. This is malicious intent, not mere stupidity.

3 months, 4 weeks ago
Brownie Moorbeanez knows all the history, …

Brownie Moorbeanez knows all the history, the facts. He's been a troofer for over 15 years bruv...

3 months, 4 weeks ago
Marbeanez Perspective
4 months ago
Marbeanez Perspective
4 months, 1 week ago
Marbeanez Perspective
4 months, 1 week ago
[Libtard]( owned!

Libtard owned!

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