
In a time of increasing darkness, we must respond with an increasing of the light ?✨??

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2 months ago
…We know that it is about …

…We know that it is about so much more than ourselves. And yet this is where it all begins.

When we are authentic enough to see ourselves, fully, with the lessons we have achieved and the tasks that still need to be accomplished.

And when we are humble enough to feel that everyone is on their own path. And they can’t understand ours, just as we can’t fully understand theirs.

It’s not our business to tell someone to take a certain path.

It’s our job to do by ourselves what we think is right and honorable, and to be of service to others who are interested in the same, by inspiring them to choose the path their heart leads them to.

By showing them what is possible when you never give up.

Much love beautiful souls ????
©?????? ???????
☆✩ ℒℴ?ℯℒ?ℊ??ℱ???? ✩☆

Part 3/3

2 months ago
We cannot change or heal someone …

We cannot change or heal someone who does not yet want to, nor can we force anyone to recognize our truth.

If we see others still walking an old path that seems to lead in the wrong direction ... then that is simply the wrong path for us, maybe not for them.

We have all walked thousands of paths. We have had countless experiences and certainly made a lot of “mistakes”, but without them we would not be who we are.
Without all of this, we would not have been able to incarnate at this time to fulfill our part in this mission.

©?????? ???????
☆✩ ℒℴ?ℯℒ?ℊ??ℱ???? ✩☆

Part 2/3

4 months, 3 weeks ago


First comes believing, then comes seeing. And if we believe in ourselves and what we know and can do, then anything is possible at any time.

We carry visions in our hearts and we have the power to radiate them into this world. And we do know that it will come into reality just like this, or so much better than we can (yet) imagine.

Thank you beautiful souls, for keeping the faith and for making this world a better place by simply existing as the beautiful souls that you are. ♥️

All my love ????
©?????? ???????

☆✩ ℒℴ?ℯℒ?ℊ??ℱ???? ✩☆

5 months ago


It might feel like an attack to them, to see someone step out of their own limitations and restrictions that they didn't think they are possible to leave behind.
Because right now they don't feel strong enough to do so.

To see someone doing what seems impossible to them has the potential to completely turn their life upside down.
If they’d truly engage with your vibration of pure authenticity, they’d have to leave their comfort zone completely. They needed to stop doing things because they just feel comfortable with but they have nothing to do with what we came here to do. They would have to stop exploiting others just because they've gotten used to it and they think they can. They probably would need to leave behind their relationships, their jobs, their whole existence, because the call within them to go back to themselves is triggered by your light.

We know this can be scary. We know how dark this path can get. We come from there. We have left lights on the path to show the direction. But each one must walk this path alone and above all for himself.

This is when they either change or choose to close their eyes entirely, to be able to continue how they’ve been living, for a little longer.

But when the time comes, he or she will be ready.
Until then, use discernment and compassion, empathy and love if you encounter them. This doesn't mean you have to accept everything you are confronted with. But it does mean that you know where it's coming from. And that it's not so much about you as it may seem.

It’s about them and their personal journey of becoming who they once wanted to be. Because the fake is ending. It's just become comfortable for many along the way … and maybe painful to let go of it.

The New is born when we move on and don't stay in a place just because we've known it for so long. Our path continues. Our lessons changed. There’s more to discover. And there are more lanterns to light on the path, for those who will also walk it one day. ??

And who knows, maybe one day your light will lead those who once even tried to get you to dim your own flame. And they’ll be grateful that you were strong when they couldn’t.?

This is how you inspire others, by staying true to yourself and to what feels right to you.
This is the tiny spark you can light inside of them. ?

It takes a single candle to ignite hundreds of other flames. ?
And when you consider that they can do the same thing again, how much light can we spread out there? ⭐️

There's nothing to stop this. ♥️????

Much love beautiful souls ♥️???
?????? ???????

#yourlightfromwithin #TogetherWeRise #keepshining #KeepMovingForward #5d
#newearth #triggers #blessings #Growth
#remember #ItIsPossible #youcandoit
#familyoflight #divineguidance #lovelightfaith

6 months, 3 weeks ago
YOU are the child of a …

YOU are the child of a divine universe and you carry a spark of that divinity within you.

Much love beautiful souls ????☆✩ ℒℴ?ℯℒ?ℊ??ℱ???? ✩☆

6 months, 3 weeks ago

?Christ Consciousness can include your ability to connect to your Higher Self, how you demonstrate the qualities of divinity and your ability to share your spiritual wisdom and knowledge to help others with their spiritual growth.

?A person who has activated the upper chakras, namely the Heart , Third Eye, and the Crown chakras has achieved “Christ Consciousness,” because that process shifts a person's frequency into the powerful heart-based qualities, which allows them to consciously demonstrate love, empathy, compassion, and the ability to connect and understand people from a deeper emotional and spiritual level.

?This person can also have the ability to telepathically communicate with the higher dimensional levels of consciousness within the cosmos, communicate with Guides
and the Angelic Realm.

Source Consciousness.
Copyright ©
Creator Writer Author ✍️
Mike Harrigan.
All Rights Reserved

I Am.
You Are.
We Are.
Universal Consciousness..
????️ ?
? ❤️???❤️ ?
❤️ ? ???? ❤️

6 months, 3 weeks ago

The Second Coming is the Awakening of the Christ Consciousness within.?
Multi-dimensional in the Christ Consciousness. Those with spiritual eyes to see, will truly see me and I will see you.......let's strive for Unity , for our Earth needs Healing.
Many are waking up.
Arising from their slumber.
Become Peace , be Joyful , be of service.
However, first Love Yourself, take care of your Mind , Body , Spirit . Work to overcome any fears, conditioning and limited beliefs that are enslaving you through addiction and lack of self worth.

Message from AA Uriel:
The Sacred Heart is the Christ Consciousness but it is the throat that is the Christ Frequency.

The Throat is the Christ Frequency of 555 Hz.
In other words Dear Ones, one will always face opposition by all forces if ones heart is not verbalized.
One can have a great sacred heart but keep that heart silent and one shall be met with opposition at every corner and avenue in life.
Open ones mouth and speak the words of ones heart and the Christ Consciousness is manifested through the Christ Frequency by the words of ones mouth.

Until those words of ones heart is spoken, that which lays within ones heart can not and will not be simulated into this Worlds Matrix. Stay silent, one shall see and experience the opposing force to ones heart, misery.

Speak the words of ones heart and witness true evolutionary change and the victory of ones light.
If you want change Dear Ones, it is you that needs to be that change.

The ones that will change this world are those that verbalize the words of ones heart.
Your unique heart and individuality is what will manifest change, bringing about evolution upon this planet.
Be greater than what one suffers, let the tones of ones heart vibrate upon the tones of ones voice. Dear Ones, Be a voice for good in this World.
Purge ones heart through ones voice. ~AA Uriel


? The term “Christ” means a person whose conscious of their behavior and actions, and can Give/ Receive Love and Compassion without wanting anything back in return.“

?Christ Consciousness” means, a person who embraces and demonstrates divinity. Divinity refers to the highest characteristics, personal qualities of the absolute divine.
Therefore, a “Divine Person” means an individual that can demonstrate and project the attributes of unconditional love and compassion consciously through their thoughts, actions and behavior.

?Christ refers to the understanding and awareness of the divinity and your primary purpose as a spiritual being. When you have found your spiritual connection with the universe and with the Creator, this will manifest outwardly as unconditional love, joy and compassion.

?When an individual consciously demonstrates these divine attributes this is known as “Christ Consciousness.” When we speak of the second coming of Christ, it means we will be returning back to the vibration of God Source, the frequency associated with the Absolute Divine; Christ Consciousness.

?When a person is willing to learn and apply the principles of divinity in their life, they have spiritually evolved. Divinity helps you outwardly perceive the love and compassion in others, you recognize that each person is a spiritual being and understand that each person are at different levels of spiritual growth.

?When you integrate divinity as an integral part of yourself and begin to externalize this Christ energy, the very nature of your reality changes. Christ energy only requires you to be open to a new way of living and your willingness to learn, integrate and practice divinity on Earth.

?The important thing to keep in mind on your ascension journey, is that you only need your conscious intent and a genuine desire towards wanting to experience a world that operates on unity, love and compassion, which will help you achieve Christ energy.

6 months, 3 weeks ago
Much love beautiful souls ***?******?******??***☆✩ ℒℴ?ℯℒ?ℊ??ℱ???? …

Much love beautiful souls ????☆✩ ℒℴ?ℯℒ?ℊ??ℱ???? ✩☆

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