Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump
Reserved for the 45th President of the United States
Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago
Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement
MyGov homepage: mygov.in
MyGov COVID19 page : corona.mygov.in
MyGov Hindi Newsdesk: https://t.me/MyGovHindi
Last updated 1 year ago
EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.
Last updated 3 weeks, 3 days ago
Our banking system is “broken”, our nation’s economy is suffering, our monetary system “sucks”, and we are in NEED of the return to the Gold Standard…come on BRICS!. We are more than READY for a value-based currency. I know from my personal contacts that thousands of hours and countless years have planned for YOUR “NEW” future. There are countless numbers of people relying on you…and your project plans…to help re-build the infrastructure of this country, and what previous Administrations have attempted to destroy. The “unaware” and “unknowing” sheep on the streets and in your neighborhoods will be grateful {and probably jealous} when they ULTIMATELY learn of your vision and your commitment to making this a better WORLD!
All that effort takes time, takes dedication, takes commitment, planning & design, and technology. Imagine working through the computer systems, the 209 nations, the multitude of cultures, the negotiations, the personalities, the INSIGHT…to get the tasks done!! Understand the complexities of what had to be done, the PRECISION, the strategies to pull everything off with precision timing…not to mention the roles of countless dedication “Patriots” working to bring an END to the NUMEROUS “Tangents of corruption, sex-trafficking, drug trade, human trafficking”.
People are operating under NDAs, as well as certain activities requiring “compartmentalization”, knowing that MISSION ACCOMPLISHMENT is highly dependent on secrecy, precise execution and TRUSTING IN THE PLAN!! BELIEVE…in yourself, your military, your leaders, your Commander in Chief {CIC}…Believe in GOD!!
There are some 23-25 currencies that have been identified in the FIRST basket, for your RV, as part of this global “Wealth Re-Distribution”, the GCR. Is there any wonder WHY the need for Secrecy? Why you are NOT given rates? Why NDAs? You want Safety and Security for yourself and your new-found wealth, CORRECT? {NO need to tip off the “Enemy/Cabal”.} Imagine that someone has designed a system, SIMPLER than you might conceive…or one EASY to learn. So, be Patient, be Prepared, be Reactive, and be GRATEFUL to someone “guiding” YOU to this enviable NEW LIFE! See you all on the “OTHER SIDE”.
Remember: INDEPENDENCE DAY…July 4, 2023!! Fly your Flags HIGH & PROUDLY, PATRIOTS!!
6/25/2023....Luke Update:::
Lately, I have received more than one email expressing concern over certain posts by others on “our EVENT”, the timing, the apparent delays (?), changing narratives…and are we going to “live long enough to see it?” Is anything happening? What are rates, why not tell us, who IS directing this “movie”?
While I don’t have all the answers to assuage your fears, concerns, anxieties, I’ll do my BEST to give you some insight. First, although I’m definitely NOT flush…financially…I’ve had to struggle like many of the readers over the last few years…to the point that I had to work some jobs {when I was able} to make ends meet. However, based on what (I believe) I know as “reality”, I am totally comfortable with where we are in this “theatre”.
As I’ve said many times, the “tangents of Corruption” run WIDE & DEEP. Let’s see if we can “connect a few dots” to paint a clearer landscape. Who does one listen to…which “guru”, who is an “authority”? Sometimes it’s best NOT to listen to anyone…trust in yourself and your investigative research, your instincts…what you KNOW to be real!
Who? Let’s list a few: Derek Johnson, Jaco, CaptKyle, MajFreddy, Chris Miller, Holly…I’m sure to leave a few out. The military “intel” way is to take information in…compare, verify, follow facts, laws, documentation, and what makes sense.
“Gurus”…if you listen to them, consider their motives. If you’ve followed this WWIII event, history, and our many discussions…the fact that since 2017, Trump’s entire Presidency has been a “military Sting Operation”…unlike any prior President.
The “dots”: the 250-yr history of the socialist/Communist agenda; the Pope, Vatican & Jesuits; the Crown; Freemasonry; Rothschild’s & Illuminati = Khazarian Jews/Mafia/bankers; Act of 1871; Fed Reserve Act; Civil War is a LIE; American Revolution history is a LIE; WWI is a LIE; WWII is a LIE; League of Nations & UN = EVIL; your ‘STRAWMAN’ = Deceit; your EDUCATION = LIE; CFR & Bilderbergs = EVIL; bankers’ wars = EVIL; Wash D. C. & Congress = CORRUPT + EVIL; “Branden” {FJB} = not ‘real’; Elections = ALL are cheated; NWO = EVIL; Fiat USD = $0.02 - .04; 9/11, JFK, RFK, Pentagon = LIES, DECEIT, FRAUD; population reduction = “reality” for ALL but “Elites”; COVID-19 = “Fake”; Vaxx = a means to kill you!!
WE # The People: your Freedoms, Rights, Liberties, Sovereignty…The Constitutional Republic…ALL belong to YOU, your family, children, generations to come!! How do we/you get there?
I follow certain personal contacts & their information/intel… use discernment: What makes sense? Things are “events-driven”….NOT necessarily governed by a timeline. We are in a silent, cyber, covert, deceptive WAR, one of infiltration & deception….driven by opposing Forces. YOU are looking for the “WHOLE ENCHILADA”…Permanent change and a “New” LIFE!! Actions change EVENTS = timelines and strategies change. As a retired military officer & former Reserve Wing Plans officer, I understand the necessity of contingency planning. That’s EXACTLY what Q, the Alliance, the White Hats, Trump, Putin, Xi Jingping, Modi, and bin Salman have been doing. We are under (partial) martial law, NG is activated, as well as participation of the military of numerous nations fighting on behalf of the welfare of ALL mankind. I’ve seen the videos of miles of trains and vehicles being deployed. I’ve heard the military planes overhead my apartment at 3 AM, even in downtown Bellevue, as well as the helicopters. YES…I BELIEVE!!
"Please remember that the QFS is only a ledgering (tracking) system. It is not a bank account. Your money will be in normal bank accounts and the QFS will be the system that monitors (tracks) the money as it moves between entities and banks."
Tia is correct here.
Banking as you know it will be different during and after the exchange.
For too long many have talked about things they honestly don’t know causing much anxiety and confusion in this community.
You financial safety and security have already been looked after.
There are good people working tirelessly on your behalf not just here.
Then you have a subset of people making things up for profit through website hits or clickbait. This in turns create one’s doubt and anxiety within our community.
Take everything at face value until you see it for yourself. I know many factually will be disappointed in what is and what is not as well as upset because of the advice they listened too about their investment from community gurus posing as experts.
Learn to get past your exchange appointment that is already ironed out. Many are told it will be like this and that, well quite honestly I have seen no one even close to right yet. I should know after helping build the largest group in all of this.
The real work is businesses, humanitarian efforts and wealth management. Keeping records and not co-mingling it all.
Structuring/hiring working your plan this is where you are going to hung up.
So many professional here working for free to help keep thousands straight in it all.
Be blessed you are informed of a pending change in a few currencies.
Be happy your day will come.
Never has there been any can kicking or a glitch or a bad banker messing it all up.
No this is a very delicate changing of a global monetary means and it all has to work together globally. After decades of entrenchment many want to cling onto a sinking boat trying to bail it out with a teaspoon.
The financial industry of old is the titanic. Soon too it will be lost to history.
Try getting over 200 countries to work together and change a financial colossus is no easy undertaking. Hell my own family can’t get together for one thanksgiving without arguing. Now add political, religious and ethnic ideologies in the mix. You can understand why it is taking so long. Some players think they should be the only one’s making the policy yet are the very ones who destroyed the existing system. Once all the chest thumping was completed work began which brings us to where we are today. Closer than ever before to real change for everyone on this planet. Equality for those willing to put in the work as there is no free lunches. Just not how a system can work and sustain itself. There will always be a need for people helping their fellowman.
Focus on wealth building and humanitarianism.
The stress of exchanging is fruitless that is already planned and ready. Just be prepared to adjust in that meeting as things will not be what you have been lead to.
I will not get into those things and go back to trying to argue with whose guru is right or wrong. Just have real expectations not all will be as you were told.
6/8/2023....Luke Update::: In an attempt to elimination the CONFUSION generated from the various Narratives in play, on Monday night's Podcast, we attempted to bring to the viewers more of the facts and details of our current environment. This was an attempt to "paint the Landscape" (vs. connect a few dots, as we have done on so many shows previous). Taking a comprehensive approach to demonstrate many of the abuses that YOU and generations before you have endured, especially since the First Declaration and the 1760-1780s Era, hopefully you may see that we, through the efforts of the GOOD Guys (TOO numerous to mention), AND your Faith and Support, are on the Precipice of establishing our Rights, Liberties, Sovereignty, and Freedoms for the FIRST time in HISTORY!
MUCH was presented in a short period of time allotted for the Podcast. Take the time to read through the above document {PDF File}, pull out your "own paintbrush" to work with this canvas. May you see how Demon Forces have contrived to LIE, CHEAT, & STEAL from YOU, and generations before you. At last, I am CONFIDENT that with "Divine Guidance" and the united efforts of the MANY making up the Global Alliance, we will...AT LAST...achieve our independence for the FIRST time, and realize those Rights, Liberties, Sovereignty, and Freedoms for America, Humanity, the World, and ALL of mankind.
Continue to support the military, our CIC, the Alliance, and have FAITH & TRUST that we will SQQN be there. ENJOY the above, and SHARE the Podcast, as well as the {PDF}..."The Real 2nd Declaration of Independence" with others.
6/5/2023….Luke Update::::Join us tonight. CONFUSED w/ the Narratives? ENLIGHTENMENT @ 7pm CDT, 5 pm PDT.
♨️Don’t miss tonight‼️
We are switching to a summer ☀️ schedule! This Monday 1st Monday night of each month (6/5, 7/3, and 8/7) we will have special guest Patriot in the Park - Luke with us!
✴️We will have live shows on Monday & Thursday nights! ✴️
⏰ 8/7pm EDT ⏰
Are We Close To WW3 On This Eve of D-Day Anniversary?
Join the Angel Warrior Network along with Patriot in the Park to decipher a few of the historical views on DDay. Luke will paint the landscape of what we may be looking at for the future in the terms
**This is a SPECIAL DAY, a day when we OUGHT TO MAKE TIME to REMEMBER ALL those who served under this Flag and especially those who sacrificed their lives for this land! This is a day to HONOR all these heroes — men AND women — who paid the ultimate price, made the ultimate sacrifice so that WE would be FREE and enjoy all the freedoms that the Constitution provided for us… even if some lunatics are attempting to strip us of many of these freedoms and to impose utter dictatorship in this ONCE TRUE LAND of the FREE and HOME of the BRAVE!
How sad to think, especially today, that all these brave men and women fell on the battlefield sometimes for the wrong reasons [political agendas, ambition, self-serving interests, etc], yet they did it because they truly BELIEVED in THE CAUSE for which they fought … even if some of those who made it back were utterly mistreated and even spat on! Do you know how many of our veterans are homeless, even today? How many of them are lacking the honor and the respect and the CARE that we, individually AND as a nation ought to give them when we encounter them?
Anyway, TODAY, let’s MAKE TIME to honor them and their families by saluting them in our heart, BY PROUDLY DISPLAYING OUR ??FLAG ?? and perhaps, by bringing something special and thoughtful to a family who may have recently lost a loved one, a brave SOLDIER!
So, before we go about our day and hustle to get some last minute shopping done to get the barbecue going and enjoy a fine day with friends… HOW ABOUT WE JUST PAUSE .... think back at all the wars this country has fought beginning with the War of Independence, and the too many American Indian Wars... moving on to the Mexican-American War, the Civil War, and so many OTHER wars — too many to recall here — all the way to WWI, WWII, the Korean War, the Vietnam War [and the disgraceful, shameful attitudes manifested by way too many Americans towards those soldiers who made it back with no consideration whatsoever for the trauma these young heroic combatants had suffered from what they had witnessed and lived through], the Gulf War, the War in Afghanistan and Iraq, Yemen and OTHER military interventions in various parts of the world… ❗️AND WE JUST SALUTE THEM*❗️even if only in our heart, as we watch this short but meaningful video honoring the various CORPS of the proud US Military!*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyKfr8G04Qc And how about a short prayer IN MEMORIAM for our departed soldiers and those still fighting!*? **Heavenly Father... We come before You today, with these, our heartfelt prayers for those who selflessly gave their life for their fellowmen, in the footsteps of our Savior, Your very SON, YAHSHUA and for those survivors still struggling with various traumas!
? May the Memory of the Fallen always be on our heart and may they be remembered and honored with our words of thanksgiving and our rightful attitudes and the respect due to them.
? May their families always be provided for; graciously acknowledged for THEIR sacrifice as well and ? may we find it in ourselves to strive to live in PEACE with all men, domestically and across borders…
? May your Holy Spirit guide each day those sent on various missions and PROTECT them, SHIELD them from their enemies, bring them home safely and give strength to their families each and every day as they wait for the safe return of their prodigal son, daughter, husband, wife, brother, sister and / or best buddy.
? We pray these In the precious, the so very Precious Name of our Messiah, YAHSHUA… AMEN!**?*? Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends [FELLOWMEN].” (John 15:13)
US Military Songs: United States Armed Forces Medley
The US Armed Forces Medley is a combination of the anthems of the various branches of the United States Military, consisting of the Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Air Force and the Marines.
Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump
Reserved for the 45th President of the United States
Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago
Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement
MyGov homepage: mygov.in
MyGov COVID19 page : corona.mygov.in
MyGov Hindi Newsdesk: https://t.me/MyGovHindi
Last updated 1 year ago
EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.
Last updated 3 weeks, 3 days ago