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Of course, what one deems an emergency is open to interpretation. Some may believe antibiotics are often required to fix a bacterial infection, when in a vast majority of cases, the right combination of herbs can nix this type of infection just as effectively, without any collateral damage.
With near 70% of people on at least one prescription in North America, it's evident that the world has been set up in a way to encourage sickness. Not only that, it's clear that people have been taught to believe that modern medicine is their best route to heal.
Nothing could be further from the truth. A few have figured this out, but are often still trapped in the system due to an inability to eradicate the source of the issue, in which the medication is used to cover up.
Bottom line, if you want to eliminate chronic symptoms, you need to understand that your infections and malnourishment are the centrepieces to disease. Once you tackle those effectively, medications can be weaned off and eliminated, for good.
In my programs, I often tell people that it is not my job to take you off medications, but it is my job to make it so you don't need them. A subtle but profound truth.
So if getting off medications, and restoring your health through nutrition and other holistic approaches is on you "to do" list, get into my THRIVE Academy.
Healing the Body
THRIVE Academy
Heal digestive, autoimmune, and other chronic disease through nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle, in the THRIVE Academy.
On prescriptions? Here's what you need to know..
First of all, we need to realize that prescriptions aren't real medicine because they don't help solve the SOURCE of the symptoms. They're akin to wearing a mask to avoid unpleasant reactions to smoke created by a fire, while allowing the fire to continue to burn.
Secondly, there is ALWAYS a risk with medications. No exceptions. Their synthetic and toxic nature will always render damage inside the body, and with continued use you can expect your digestion, liver, thyroid, and other areas of the body to experience accelerated deterioration.
Is there a time where prescriptions can make sense? Yes. In times of acute emergencies or situations where there is risk of serious trauma or death, conventional medical practices that involve medications are often the best application. However, following that application, more natural methods should be employed as soon as possible to avoid becoming hooked or trapped into the sick care system.??
What does that mean? In layman terms, you decided to attack the smoke, rather than the fire. Can you put a fire out by waving away the smoke? Of course not, you have to put out the fire itself, then the smoke will cease to exist.
So candida overgrowth keeps coming back, because you have failed to clear up the problem that is fuelling it. The source issue that is causing acidosis and faulty nutrient uptake, was never cleared. And you will continue to struggle with it, until that clearing happens.
The same idea goes for skin issues. I’ll often hear through my program consults that eczema, psoriasis, or any other skin disease label comes up during certain parts of the year, and goes away during others. So people get the impression it is random, or that it really isn’t a big problem.
Here’s a fresh way to look at it accurately…the source of the skin issue never went away. It simply was triggered or suppressed by external factors like nutrition, stress, or weather. You thought it only existed when it showed up on your skin because you could SEE it, not realizing that it never left and simply burns under the surface waiting to be fired up by the next thing that triggers it.
The answer to resolve both of these issues is to not just remove the triggers (IF you are tired of dealing with “flare ups”), but to incorporate a HEALING diet and supplemental plan that clears the underlying issue so the problem is resolved more permanently, and you can enjoy a life full of health and vitality.
It’s all in the THRIVE Academy. A free program consult is available, if you decide the pain of the health problem is GREATER than the pain to change your habits to resolve it.
Email [email protected] for more info.
Happy Canada Day to all my Canadian friends!
If you find yourself poolside, consider this…
Healing the Body
Chlorine In Swimming Pools Transforms Sunscreen Into Cancer Causing Toxic Chemical Right On Your Skin | Healing the Body
Turns out that a mixture of chlorine and toxic sunscreens can mutate into cancer causing chemicals. Is it time for safer sun protection?
Here’s the quick answer…it’s NOT. Cholesterol is simply the reaction by the body to the trauma or harm, to fix it.
Think of it as the fire truck attending to the fire. The fire truck isn’t the problem, but it reflects there is one.
Understand cholesterol and what it signals if it’s high, here:
We used to grow a lot of canola on the farm. I remember many European countries wouldn’t buy it because it was GMO.
Yet, it’s in many products in North America. Almost like they’re trying to make us sick, then get us into their cut, poison, and burn “health care” system for a lifetime of gross profits.
More dirty secrets on canola oil:
I can definitively tell you the FASTEST way to POOR health is one that involves frequent visits with white coats and hospitals, that don’t treat the problem and incur trauma at every turn. Anyone who has been through the system for any length of time knows their overall health gets WORSE, not better, in our ineptly named health care system.
If you are desperately trying to avoid medications or get rid of them, and want to start healing rather than wasting your precious time getting poked and pandered to, then the FASTEST way to get on that path is through the THRIVE Academy and my coaching programs, where nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle are dialled into near PERFECTION.
Happy Father’s Day!
My favourite day of the year, and my favourite “job” in life. I will never retire from it.
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago