Notizie e analisi sull'attualità e la geopolitica.
Last updated 8 months, 1 week ago - Le ultime notizie passano prima da qui ?
? @ultimora_network
? @ultimoragroup
? [email protected]
? @igilu ??? @lopao
ℹ️ In qualità di Affiliato Amazon, riceviamo un guadagno dagli acquisti idonei
Last updated 1 year, 12 months ago
Non possono celare la verità🔥
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Last updated 1 year, 6 months ago
I funzionari si vantano del fatto che il punto d’appoggio di Washington e della NATO abbia aperto opportunità energetiche tanto desiderate.
? XF back under Biden administration intimidation, defamation, and oppression;
XF is being accused of leading a paramilitary group in Brazil.
In a new US State Department Report - GEC Special Report, Exporting Pro-Kremlin Disinformation: The Case of Nova Resistência in Brazil ...
... Yours truly, your gracious host, Xoaquin FIores, without naming me, is attributed for bringing into the world a new type of phenomenon, 'Syncretic Disinformation Networks', which they named after the Center for Syncretic Studies, my think-tank.
The whole defamatory report tries to create a RICO-style hierarchy of subordination between Nova Resistência in Brazil as being under New Resistance, in order to further their unfounded and poorly researched 'Kremlin Disinformation' claim(s), and that my old newspaper, FRN, and the think-tank CSS, are hubs or controllers over the Brazilian group.
All substantive claims the report makes are made without independent reference. All substantive claims the report makes are made with references to their own previously published reports which themselves iterate an opinion without falsifiable evidence. Instead, gestures, hearsay and slander. All substantive claims made about FRN and CSS contain major factual error.
They have never been able to prove something which was never there - a relationship between FRN/CSS/NR and any Russian entity (sanctioned or not) involving finances, control, messaging guidelines, organizational integration, or anything else.
Once again, they do not name me in the report, because I'm an American citizen with a squeaky-clean record, and want to say that my brain-children are Russian hubs, fronts, etc., when its all just from a humble Mexican-American from the corner of National and Robertson in Los Angeles.
This way they can continue to use these reports to endanger my legal status, assets, future employment, reputation, through back-channel means such as black-lists, without having to account for it in their report.
Everyone knows that the Center for Syncretic Studies, NR-E, and Fort Russ News were founded and created by FIores. There was never any Russian (or any other) foreign actor(s) involved.
Notizie e analisi sull'attualità e la geopolitica.
Last updated 8 months, 1 week ago - Le ultime notizie passano prima da qui ?
? @ultimora_network
? @ultimoragroup
? [email protected]
? @igilu ??? @lopao
ℹ️ In qualità di Affiliato Amazon, riceviamo un guadagno dagli acquisti idonei
Last updated 1 year, 12 months ago
Non possono celare la verità🔥
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Last updated 1 year, 6 months ago