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Issues connected with IVF
Dr Metropolitan Nikolaos
1) Homosexual parenting
Invasive fertilization techniques give the opportunity to homosexual couples to have children. The Church should by all means express Her opposition to this option, because it is not only a physical abnormality, but also an ethical perversion, bearing destructive psychological consequences upon the child and society.
2) Asexual conception
This modality deprives the moment of man’s psychosomatic beginning of the atmosphere of the spouse’s intense love and their complete psychosomatic union. The law of God designates that each human being be born out of profound marital love and not just out of the artificial union of genetic cells (gametes).
3) Surplus embryos
The so-called ‘surplus embryos’ are preserved in a frozen state (cryopreservation) so as to be used in the future by the natural parents; or to be donated to other ‘parents’; or to experiment with; or to be used for organogenesis so as to cover transplant needs; or, finally, to be destroyed. The Church cannot give Her blessing for any of the above. Christian Orthodox anthropology and theology cannot justify the existence of embryos that are independent from the pregnancy procedure. Each embryo constitutes the image of God and should be given the chance to become like Him.
4) Single parenthood
IVF also gives the opportunity to unwed mothers to have children. The Church ought to reject this alternative, because, on the one hand, it implies that children be born out of unwed parents, and, on the other hand, it is unfair for the child to grow up without a father. The practices of fertilization with the spermatozoa of a deceased husband and of frozen embryo transfer after the husband’s death fall within the same category
5) Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (eugenics)
When the tests are positive namely, when a genetic disorder has been diagnosed –the affected embryo will not be transferred. If no unaffected embryos are produced, then the chance of a pregnancy is prevented. Moreover, preimplantation testing could eventually lead to selection of special traits (e.g. gender, colour of hair or eyes), or even to destruction of embryos bearing undesired traits; consequently, it may generate a eugenic perception of life.
7) Reproductive cloning
Cloning is a technique that abolishes the natural procedure
of conception
8) Financial interests, psychological consequences
**The new techniques of assisted reproduction often defile the parents’ pure desire to have children with uncontrollable financial interests of physicians, clinics and companies.
Moreover, changing the act of donation into a practice of trading, which is very easy and basically uncontrollable, tends to downgrade the sacred character of reproduction to an act of financial transaction and, thus, turn love into a business agreement.
“In vitro fertilization technology is a gross interference in the mystery of child-bearing”
- Archpriest Oleg Stenyayev**
NBC News
Trump says he wants to make IVF treatments paid for by government or insurance companies if elected
In an interview with NBC News, the former president defended himself over abortion rights and said either the government or insurance companies would pay for IVF if he's elected.
"What you are I once was, what I am you will surely become"
“The secret to happiness is freedom, the secret to freedom is courage."— Thucydides
Lucius Annaeus Seneca on the purpose of suffering:
Why does God afflict the best of men with ill-health, or sorrow, or other troubles?
Because in the army the most hazardous services are assigned to the bravest soldiers: a general sends his choicest troops to attack the enemy in a midnight ambuscade, to reconnoitre his line of march, or to drive the hostile garrisons from their strong places.
None of these men says as he begins his march, "The general has dealt hardly with me", but "He has judged well of me".
In like manner, all those who are called to suffer what would make cowards weep may say, "God has deemed us worthy instruments of his purpose to discover how much human nature can endure".
Do you imagine that the Spartans hate their children when they test their mettle by lashing them in public?
Their own fathers call upon them to endure bravely the blows of the whip, and ask them, though mangled and half-dead, to keep offering their wounded bodies to further wounds.
Why, then, is it strange if God tries noble spirits with severity?
No proof of virtue is ever mild. If we are lashed and torn by Fortune, let us bear it; it is not cruelty but a struggle, and the oftener we engage in it, the stronger we shall be.
– Lucius Annaeus Seneca (Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium: De Providentia)
"We must not mind insulting men, if by respecting them we offend God." - St. John Chrysostom
Humanity is being deceived by Satan and his minions over and over, the reason why this devil worshipper pretends to be worried about the "population collapse due to low birth rates"
is mainly because he is in charge of pushing the transhumanist agenda which is nothing else but the merge between "clay/humans and iron/technology/A.I."
One of his tasks (solution) is to make use of the A.I./CRISPR/Cas9
to engineer babies in the laboratory within artificial wombs.
As it is written:
"If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”
Those deceived in the spirit will not be able to discern the truth and will blindly accept the satanic agenda.
"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."
— Genesis 2:7
"And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause to be killed as many as would not worship the image of the beast. "
— Revelation 13:15
@Brother_Nathanael ☦️
“Acquire a spirit of peace and a thousand souls around you will be saved.”
— Saint Seraphim of Sarov ☦️
“The kingdom of GOD is within you”
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your GOD is with you wherever you go."
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