?Sunflower Exchange Signal Channel???

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Game: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot/

Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.

📱 App: @Blum
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Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

9 months ago

Sunflower System Trading Signals

Philippines ????????
Malaysia ????????
Singapore ????????
Currency: AIGC
Buy Time: 23:13
On Sale: 23:22

Vietnam ????????
Indonesia ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 22:13
On Sale: 22:22

Bangladesh ????????
Kyrgyzstan ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 21:13
On Sale: 21:22

Sri Lanka ????????
India ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 20:43
On Sale: 20:52

Pakistan ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 20:13
On sale: 20:22

Afghanistan ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 19:43
On sale: 19:52

United Arab Emirates ????????
Georgia ????????
Armenia ????????
Azerbaijan ????????
Oman ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 19:13
On sale: 19:22

Iran ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 18:43
On Sale: 18:52

Yemen ????????
Greece ????????
Turkey ????????
Cyprus ????????
Saudi Arabia ????????
Ethiopia ????????
Iraq ????????
Syria ????????
Egypt ????????
Tanzania ????????
Kenya ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 18:13
On sale: 18:22

Germany ????????
Spain ????????
Italy ????????
Rwanda ????????
South Africa ????????
Albania ????????
Botswana ????????
Zimbabwe ????????
Norway ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 17:13
On sale: 17:22

Morocco ????????
Democratic Republic of Congo ????????
Republic of Congo ????????
Nigeria ????????
Algeria ????????
Tunisia ????????
Ireland ????????
United Kingdom ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 16:13
On Sale: 16:22

Ghana ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 15:13
On sale: 15:22

Brazil ????????
Argentina ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 12:13
On Sale: 12:22

New York, USA ????????
Venezuela ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 11:13
On Sale: 11:22

Colombia ????????
Peru ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 10:13
On Sale: 10:22

Mexico ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 09:13
On Sale: 09:22

9 months, 1 week ago

Sunflower System Trading Signals

Philippines ????????
Malaysia ????????
Singapore ????????
Currency: AIGC
Buy Time: 23:13
On Sale: 23:22

Vietnam ????????
Indonesia ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 22:13
On Sale: 22:22

Bangladesh ????????
Kyrgyzstan ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 21:13
On Sale: 21:22

Sri Lanka ????????
India ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 20:43
On Sale: 20:52

Pakistan ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 20:13
On sale: 20:22

Afghanistan ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 19:43
On sale: 19:52

United Arab Emirates ????????
Georgia ????????
Armenia ????????
Azerbaijan ????????
Oman ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 19:13
On sale: 19:22

Iran ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 18:43
On Sale: 18:52

Yemen ????????
Greece ????????
Turkey ????????
Cyprus ????????
Saudi Arabia ????????
Ethiopia ????????
Iraq ????????
Syria ????????
Egypt ????????
Tanzania ????????
Kenya ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 18:13
On sale: 18:22

Germany ????????
Spain ????????
Italy ????????
Rwanda ????????
South Africa ????????
Albania ????????
Botswana ????????
Zimbabwe ????????
Norway ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 17:13
On sale: 17:22

Morocco ????????
Democratic Republic of Congo ????????
Republic of Congo ????????
Nigeria ????????
Algeria ????????
Tunisia ????????
Ireland ????????
United Kingdom ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 16:13
On Sale: 16:22

Ghana ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 15:13
On sale: 15:22

Brazil ????????
Argentina ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 12:13
On Sale: 12:22

New York, USA ????????
Venezuela ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 11:13
On Sale: 11:22

Colombia ????????
Peru ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 10:13
On Sale: 10:22

Mexico ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 09:13
On Sale: 09:22

9 months, 1 week ago

Sunflower System Trading Signal

Philippines ????????
Currency: HRC
Purchase time: 19:15
Release time: 19:27

Currency: HRC
Purchase time: 18:15
Release time: 18:27

Bangladesh ????????
Currency: HRC
Purchase time: 17:15
Release time: 17:27

Sri Lanka ????????
India ????????
Currency: HRC
Purchase time: 16:45
Release time: 16:57

Pakistan ????????
Currency: HRC
Purchase time: 16:15
Release time: 16:27

Afghanistan ????????
Currency: HRC
Purchase time: 15:45
Sale time: 15:57

United Arab Emirates????????
Oman ????????
Currency: HRC
Purchase time: 15:15
Release time: 15:27

Iran ????????
Currency: HRC
Purchase time: 14:45
Release time: 14:57

Yemen ????????
Turkey ????????
Saudi Arabia????????
Egypt ????????
Currency: HRC
Purchase time: 14:15
Release time: 14:27

Rwanda ????????
South Africa ????????
Zimbabwe ????????
Currency: HRC
Purchase time: 13:15
Release time: 13:27

Democratic Republic of the Congo????????
Republic of the Congo????????
Algeria ????????
United Kingdom????????
Currency: HRC
Purchase time: 12:15
Release time: 12:27

Currency: HRC
Purchase time: 11:15
Release time: 11:27

Brazil ????????
Currency: HRC
Purchase time: 08:15
Release time: 08:27

New York, USA ????????
Currency: HRC
Purchase time: 07:15
Release time: 07:27

Colombia ????????
Currency: HRC
Purchase time: 06:15
Release time: 06:27

Currency: HRC
Purchase time: 05:15
Release time: 05:27

9 months, 1 week ago

Sunflower System Trading Signals

Philippines ????????
Malaysia ????????
Singapore ????????
Currency: NMN
Buy Time: 00:33
On Sale: 00:47

Vietnam ????????
Indonesia ????????
Currency: NMN
Purchase time: 23:33
On Sale: 23:47

Bangladesh ????????
Kyrgyzstan ????????
Currency: NMN
Purchase time: 22:33
On Sale: 22:47

Sri Lanka ????????
India ????????
Currency: NMN
Purchase time: 22:03
On Sale: 22:17

Pakistan ????????
Currency: NMN
Purchase time: 21:33
On Sale: 21:47

Afghanistan ????????
Currency: NMN
Purchase time: 21:03
On sale: 21:17

United Arab Emirates ????????
Georgia ????????
Armenia ????????
Azerbaijan ????????
Oman ????????
Currency: NMN
Purchase time: 20:33
On Sale: 20:47

Iran ????????
Currency: NMN
Purchase time: 20:03
On Sale: 20:17

Yemen ????????
Greece ????????
Turkey ????????
Cyprus ????????
Saudi Arabia ????????
Ethiopia ????????
Iraq ????????
Syria ????????
Egypt ????????
Tanzania ????????
Kenya ????????
Currency: NMN
Purchase time: 19:33
On Sale: 19:47

Germany ????????
Spain ????????
Italy ????????
Rwanda ????????
South Africa ????????
Albania ????????
Botswana ????????
Ireland ????????
Zimbabwe ????????
Norway ????????
Currency: NMN
Purchase time: 18:33
On Sale: 18:47

Morocco ????????
Democratic Republic of Congo ????????
Republic of Congo ????????
Nigeria ????????
Algeria ????????
Tunisia ????????
Currency: NMN
Purchase time: 17:33
On Sale: 17:47

Ghana ????????
Currency: NMN
Purchase time: 16:33
On Sale: 16:47

Brazil ????????
Argentina ????????
Currency: NMN
Purchase time: 13:33
On Sale: 13:47

New York, USA ????????
Venezuela ????????
Currency: NMN
Purchase time: 12:33
On Sale: 12:47

Colombia ????????
Peru ????????
Currency: NMN
Purchase Time: 11:33
On Sale: 11:47

Mexico ????????
Currency: NMN
Purchase time: 10:33
On Sale: 10:47

9 months, 1 week ago

_Friends... In life, the world faces many difficult situations... In some situations, one has to take big risks, and only those who take risks can achieve their goals... This is the law of nature ...

_Many people registered on the Sunflower platform...and then just sat and waited.... But there are also people who have invested in this platform and benefited... today their investment amount has at least doubled... and they have also withdrawn their principal... withdrawn their profits

Then risk $100...because you can get a $5 newbie bonus...the money will double in about fifteen days...and then you withdraw your funds...

Unless you take risks, anything is possible...

Note: - The decision to invest or not should be entirely yours...?__

9 months, 1 week ago

Sunflower System Trading Signals

Philippines ????????
Malaysia ????????
Singapore ????????
Currency: NAC
Buy Time: 18:44
On Sale: 18:54

Vietnam ????????
Indonesia ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 17:44
On Sale: 17:54

Bangladesh ????????
Kyrgyzstan ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 16:44
On Sale: 16:54

Sri Lanka ????????
India ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 16:14
On Sale: 16:24

Pakistan ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 15:44
On Sale: 15:54

Afghanistan ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 15:14
On Sale: 15:24

United Arab Emirates ????????
Georgia ????????
Armenia ????????
Azerbaijan ????????
Oman ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 14:44
On Sale: 14:54

Iran ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 14:14
On Sale: 14:24

Yemen ????????
Greece ????????
Turkey ????????
Cyprus ????????
Saudi Arabia ????????
Ethiopia ????????
Iraq ????????
Syria ????????
Egypt ????????
Tanzania ????????
Kenya ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 13:44
On Sale: 13:54

Germany ????????
Spain ????????
Italy ????????
Rwanda ????????
South Africa ????????
Albania ????????
Botswana ????????
Ireland ????????
Zimbabwe ????????
Norway ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase Time: 12:44
On Sale: 12:54

Morocco ????????
Democratic Republic of Congo ????????
Republic of Congo ????????
Nigeria ????????
Algeria ????????
Tunisia ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 11:44
On Sale: 11:54

Ghana ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 10:44
On Sale: 10:54

Brazil ????????
Argentina ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 07:44
On Sale: 07:54

New York, USA ????????
Venezuela ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 06:44
On Sale: 06:54

Colombia ????????
Peru ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase Time: 05:44
On Sale: 05:54

Mexico ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 04:44
On Sale: 04:54

9 months, 1 week ago

Sunflower System Trading Signals

Philippines ????????
Malaysia ????????
Singapore ????????
Currency: AIGC
Buy Time: 03:38
On Sale: 03:50

Vietnam ????????
Indonesia ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 02:38
On Sale: 02:50

Bangladesh ????????
Kyrgyzstan ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 01:38
On Sale: 01:50

Sri Lanka ????????
India ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 01:08
On Sale: 01:20

Pakistan ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 00:38
On Sale: 00:50

Afghanistan ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 00:08
On Sale: 00:20

United Arab Emirates ????????
Georgia ????????
Armenia ????????
Azerbaijan ????????
Oman ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 23:38
On Sale: 23:50

Iran ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 23:08
On Sale: 23:20

Yemen ????????
Greece ????????
Turkey ????????
Cyprus ????????
Saudi Arabia ????????
Ethiopia ????????
Iraq ????????
Syria ????????
Egypt ????????
Tanzania ????????
Kenya ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 22:38
On sale: 22:50

Germany ????????
Spain ????????
Italy ????????
Rwanda ????????
South Africa ????????
Albania ????????
Botswana ????????
Ireland ????????
Zimbabwe ????????
Norway ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 21:38
On sale: 21:50

Morocco ????????
Democratic Republic of Congo ????????
Republic of Congo ????????
Nigeria ????????
Algeria ????????
Tunisia ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 20:38
On sale: 20:50

Ghana ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 19:38
On sale: 19:50

Brazil ????????
Argentina ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 16:38
On Sale: 16:50

New York, USA ????????
Venezuela ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 15:38
On Sale: 15:50

Colombia ????????
Peru ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 14:38
On Sale: 14:50

Mexico ????????
Currency: AIGC
Purchase time: 13:38
On Sale: 13:50

9 months, 1 week ago

Sunflower System Trading Signal

Philippines ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 00:31
Release time: 00:41

Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 23:31
Release time: 23:41

Bangladesh ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 22:31
Release time: 22:41

Sri Lanka ????????
India ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 22:01
Release time: 22:11

Pakistan ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 21:31
Release time: 21:41

Afghanistan ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 21:01
Sale time: 21:11

United Arab Emirates????????
Oman ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 20:31
Release time: 20:41

Iran ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 20:01
Release time: 20:11

Yemen ????????
Turkey ????????
Saudi Arabia????????
Egypt ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 19:31
Release time: 19:41

Rwanda ????????
South Africa ????????
Zimbabwe ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 18:31
Sale time: 18:41

Democratic Republic of the Congo????????
Republic of the Congo????????
Algeria ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 17:31
Release time: 17:41

Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 16:31
Release time: 16:41

Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 13:31
Release time: 13:41

New York, USA ????????
Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 12:31
Release time: 12:41

Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 11:31
Release time: 11:41

Currency: NAC
Purchase time: 10:31
Release time: 10:41

9 months, 1 week ago

The first trading signal has been issued. Please set your alarm to ensure that you do not miss any trading opportunities.

9 months, 1 week ago

Sunflower System Trading Signal

Philippines ????????
Currency: LAE
Purchase time: 19:21
Release time: 19:32

Currency: LAE
Purchase time: 18:21
Release time: 18:32

Bangladesh ????????
Currency: LAE
Purchase time: 17:21
Release time: 17:32

Sri Lanka ????????
India ????????
Currency: LAE
Purchase time: 16:51
Release time: 17:02

Pakistan ????????
Currency: LAE
Purchase time: 16:21
Release time: 16:32

Afghanistan ????????
Currency: LAE
Purchase time: 15:51
Release time: 16:02

United Arab Emirates????????
Oman ????????
Currency: LAE
Purchase time: 15:21
Release time: 15:32

Iran ????????
Currency: LAE
Purchase time: 14:51
Release time: 15:02

Yemen ????????
Turkey ????????
Saudi Arabia????????
Egypt ????????
Currency: LAE
Purchase time: 14:21
Release time: 14:32

Rwanda ????????
South Africa ????????
Zimbabwe ????????
Currency: LAE
Purchase time: 13:21
Release time: 13:32

Democratic Republic of the Congo????????
Republic of the Congo????????
Nigeria ????????
Algeria ????????
Currency: LAE
Purchase time: 12:21
Release time: 12:32

Currency: LAE
Purchase time: 11:21
Release time: 11:32

Currency: LAE
Purchase time: 08:21
Release time: 08:32

New York, USA ????????
Currency: LAE
Purchase time: 07:21
Release time: 07:32

Currency: LAE
Purchase time: 06:21
Release time: 06:32

Currency: LAE
Purchase time: 05:21
Release time: 05:32

We recommend to visit

Community chat: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_chat_2

Twitter: x.com/hamster_kombat

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HamsterKombat_Official

Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot
Game: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot/

Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.

📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat

Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago