Before Our Time

?Would our ancestors be proud that we had not forgotten them?

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2 years ago
**The man who has been married …

The man who has been married 23 times and become a father about 200 timesThis is a Chinese man named Li Qingyong. He lived more than 200 years. He was born in 1677 and died in 1933. He was a master of martial arts.The first 100 years of his life collected medicinal herbs, the last 156 - bought them from others and traded them.

Lee was a vegetarian, did not drink alcohol, did not smoke, and ate only at set times. He went to bed early and got up early.
All of this may seem like a hoax if one is unaware of Chinese Taoist traditions and the many legends of immortal Taoists who live in the mountains.

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2 years ago


While you're watching this video, more than 100 people will die in the world.
A terrible accident, a brutal murder, a man-made disaster ?

Subscribe to the «CRAZY VIDEOS» channel. Reality is scarier than fiction.

2 years ago
**The largest living organism on Earth**"Pando" …

The largest living organism on Earth"Pando" is a colony of aspen-shaped poplar (USA, Utah). Scientists have determined that 47 thousand stems come from a single once living poplar. All 47 thousand stems have a single root system, and can be called a single organism, which weighs 6 thousand tons. Pando is 80 thousand years old, which makes it one of the main candidates for the title of the longest-living organism on the planet.

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2 years ago

My official channel was hacked and I don't have access to it anymore. This will be my main channel now. Spread the word.
?? GITMO-TV is back!

Patriots, pay attention??
We are pleased to introduce the GITMO-TV ?? to you. You'll find shocking revelations, highly private data, leaked documents and publications, as well as some indulgent material that many of you won't be able to handle. I strongly advise joining because they will be publishing every day. Keep in mind: "United we stand!"

?? JOIN:?




My official channel was hacked and I don't have access to it anymore. This will be my main channel now. …
2 years ago
**North America. Early 20th century.

**North America. Early 20th century.

Sequoia National Park.**Huge trees were cut down mercilessly in this area. Natural genocide was stopped by Walter Fry.

In 1888 Walter Fry first encountered giant sequoias as a logger and was shocked. After spending more than five days with a logging crew to cut and fell a single tree, he counted the annual layers on the trunk of the fallen giant.

He had to count for several days and the answer was astonishing: 3266 rings, that is, 3266 years of life. Two years later, thanks to Fry's efforts, the area was placed under U.S. government protection, and in 1914 the Army finally withdrew from the leadership of the Park and Fry was appointed its official civilian manager. No more living sequoias have fallen since then.

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2 years ago

The oldest trees on earthNew York photographer Beth Moon has traveled around the world for 14 years to capture the oldest trees in every corner of our planet.

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2 years ago
**Why don't we use magnetic field …

Why don't we use magnetic field technology?Modern Mechanix magazine published the news about the invention of a unique weapon in 1932. The magnetic cannon does not use gunpowder. Powerful currents flowing through coils around the barrel magnetically affect the steel casing, pulling it
through the barrel at tremendous velocity.

Each coil has its own generator and projectile running through the barrel. It automatically feeds the coil. A rotary switch could be used to adapt this idea to machine guns.

Using such technology would lead to the collapse of the fuel market. After all, there would be no need for gunpowder, gasoline, or gas.

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2 years ago

American truck on low-pressure pneumatic rollers, 1953.

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2 years ago

Dear Friends, many of you have asked us to send you links to all of our channels.Well, here are the links for you. I ask you to subscribe to all channels. Our dream - 100k subscribers on every channel, let's do it together !! ✈️

* Crypto:* Crypto_Ocean ? 7.6k

* *History: Before Our Time ? 13.5k

* News (Media) : News | Without Lies ?*23k

* Disasters : Crazy moments ?*38k

* Disasters : Natural Selection ?*23k

* Nature video: Discovery | Nature | Animal ?*11.8k

* Crypto Humor:* Crypto Memes ? 2.1k

Thank you for being with us*❤️***

2 years ago
Before Our Time
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Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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