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Last updated 2 weeks, 4 days ago
?? K-Dramas ?? C-Dramas ?? Thai-Dramas ?? J-Dramas
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?| asianews.com.br
Last updated 10 months, 2 weeks ago
Fansub sem fins lucrativos dedicada a dramas asiáticos! 💜
BOT: @Dramacon_bot
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Last updated 2 weeks, 4 days ago
Have any comments or more proof?
Msg @SlayerGods
@NovaLUL ? Scammer ?
There are 20+ proofs & explanation of novas scam. People who still believe him or his fans are pathetic dickriders. I predicted 6x people who exited that they will exit and no one believed it.
So now listen. This dumb seller will exit very soon an $XXXXX amount and y’all will loose more than many already did. ?
If you don’t wanna get scammed more, block him now! And never ever chat with him. Leave his botted stock and do not fall for his scam strategy. ?
He was posted in PCC , in DWC & CC, he everytime just cleared himself out with $ he paid to informers or owners. ?
Do never fall for him. This was my last prediction for people who exit. Now it’s your responsibility to who you trust with your earned money ?
nova scammed my friend for 60$ before
Lemme tell u abt what nova did he sold a renegade for like 500 to some kid and my friend asked me to proxy his account and it was novas account he sold and the account was on gamer dvr front page or whatever it’s called not sure it’s basically where all the fried accounts our if you screen shot the clips for pulling. My friend pulled the account asked me to proxy and my friend didn’t know it was novas account until he told us and that’s not my friends fault neither mine and then he dwc me for not giving the account to him which he sold an unsafe account btw idk where the account is now and I never sold it
ain’t no one believing you ?
that dude ruined my rep cus his accs was unsafe
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- https://tekmods.com
- https://wzdroid.com
Last updated 2 weeks, 4 days ago
?? K-Dramas ?? C-Dramas ?? Thai-Dramas ?? J-Dramas
?| Episódios novos todos os dias!
?| + 1000 projetos legendados
✨| Conteúdo exclusivo, lançamentos e novidades!
?| instagram.com/dramaclubtaon/
?| dramaclub.com.br
?| asianews.com.br
Last updated 10 months, 2 weeks ago
Fansub sem fins lucrativos dedicada a dramas asiáticos! 💜
BOT: @Dramacon_bot
Lista de dramas da fansub;
Nos siga nas redes sociais para uma melhor interação!
Last updated 2 weeks, 4 days ago